ID | User Story | Effort | Priority | Validation Criteria | Owner |
005 | As a user, I want to tap a button to add a work order form so that I can report a problem | 8 | 5 | A report is created when the user submits the form | Brett |
021 | As a user, I want to be able to access settings for the application so I can perform actions not related to the map | 7 | 4 | There is a way to graphically access settings | Danny |
022 | As a user, I want the ability to sign out so I can change accounts | 2 | 4 | There is a way to logout of your current account | Juleey |
023 | As a user, I want to see my location on the map so that I know how close I am to problems | 10 | 5 | There is an indicator on the map for the users current location | Jordan |