This project is developed based on the webots_ros offical repo with some necessary customizations for the BUPT robot team's chassis and visual algorithms simulation.
Robocon 2023 field with 1:1 size and collision property.
Robocon 2022 R1 robot of BUPT (steer wheel chassis with a 2 DoF gripper) in PROTO format. The URDF file for robot are also completed for further usage (rviz visualization, kinematics, etc.).
Localization based on GPS and Compass.
Install Webots R2023a
For better compatibility, this project is developed based on Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic. We assume that you have already installed ROS on your Linux computer.
Strongly recommend installing Webots using tarball package, refer to this doc.
Clone and build this repo
If you haven't installed catkin-tools, install it first:
sudo apt install python3-catkin-tools
# cd to your <ros_workspace>/src and then git clone catkin build bupt_webots source ../devel/setup.bash
launch the simulator
roslaunch bupt_webots robocon2023.launch
Then you will see field and robot are loaded correctly if god bless you 😂.
Control the motors in Webots
Using ROS services
For example:
rosservice call /r1/wheel1_drive_joint/set_velocity "value: 1.0"
You can create corresponding service clients in your cpp or python nodes which are usually related to kinematics resolving.
This project has completed ros_control config for Robocon2022 R1 robot. You can simply publish control commands to corresponding topics.
We use velocity control for drive motors and position control for steer motors, the related topics are:
wheel_drive_velocity_controller/command wheel_steer_position_controller/command
Python example:
import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Float64MultiArray rospy.init_node("drive_vel_pub_test") drive_wheel_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/r1/wheel_drive_velocity_controller/command", Float64MultiArray, queue_size=1) cmd_vel = Float64MultiArray([1,1,1,1]) drive_wheel_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel)
Get the localization infomation
We have already realised
node to publish localization infomation. You can simply use it by adding it to.launch
file. For example:<launch> ... <node pkg="bupt_webots" type="localization_webots" name="localization_webots" output="screen"> <param name="tf_prefix" value="r1"/> <param name="localization_type" value="gps"/> <param name="publish_rate" value="50"/> <param name="publish_tf" value="true"/> </node> ... </launch>
The localization info will be published to topic
.If set
, this node will also publish tf from/world
We strongly recommend you reading the following materials to learn about webots_ros: