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Folders and files

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parent directory


Setting up a New Machine


  1. Building the Partition Table
  2. Choosing a Platform
  3. Forking the Dotfiles
  4. Setting up the Environment
  5. Custom Keybindings

Building the Partition Table

  1. Partition Formats


Note: This partition table accomodates several OS's with a local storage partition (Drive) with Read / Write privileges in all. Drive is synced to Google Backup and Sync and iCloud Drive.


Source: unknown


Operating Systems: Manjaro Deepin, Linux Ubuntu, macOS Catalina

Forking Dotfiles

Note: the hidden dotfiles folder will be cloned to the home directory.

  • type git clone ~/.dotfiles to clone to the local home directory.
  • type source ~/.dotfiles/.setup/.bootstrap to begin the setup process.

Setting up the Environment


Note: add soon

Custom Keybindings

Global Defaults

  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+ \ to show all Finder tabs

  • press ⌘ Command+↑ Arrow for Mission Control

  • press ⌘ Command+↓ Arrow to show Desktop

  • press ⌘ Command+← Arrow to move left a space

  • press ⌘ Command+→ Arrow to move right a space

  • press ⌘ Command+⇥ Tab to jump to a space

  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+P to screenshot selected area

  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+R for screenshot recording options

  • press ⌘ Command+T to open Terminal

  • press ⌘ Command+3 to tag an item

  • press ⌘ Command+Space to spotlight search

  • press ⌘ Command+B to run backapp workflow

  • press ⌘ Command+N for new tab

  • press ⌘ Command+Enter to rename

  • press ⌘ Command+H to show full history

  • press ⌘ Command+C to copy

  • press ⌘ Command+V to paste

  • press ⌘ Command+S to save

  • press ⌘ Command+delete to move file(s) to trash

  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+delete to clear trash

  • press ⌘ Command+F to find | regex search

  • press ⌘ Command+⌥ Option+→ Arrow to show next tab

  • press ⌘ Command+⌥ Option+← Arrow to show previous tab

  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+H to go to Home directory in Finder

  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+C to go to Computer directory in Finder

  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+D to go to Desktop directory in Finder


  • press ⌘ Command+R to reload page

  • press ⌘ Command+L to give search bar focus

  • press ⌘ Command+W to close active tab

  • press ⌘ Command+N to open new tab

  • press ⌘ Command+Q to quit application


  • press ⇧ Shift+⌘ Command+⌥ Option+E to merge all layers


  • press ⌘ Command+/ to toggle shortcut panel
  • press ⌘ Command+F to search
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+Scmd to star items
  • press @+‘username’
  • press #+‘channel’
  • press ⌘ Command+U to upload a file


  • press F2 to select a boot option
  • press F10 to screenshot the boot manager


  • press ⇥ Tab for if file exits, bash will autocomplete name
  • press ⌃ Control+C to stop the execution of running program in bash
  • press ↑ Arrow or ↓ Arrow to cycle through command history
  • press ⌃ Control+R to reverse history search
  • press ⌃ Control+A to go to beginning of the line
  • press ⌃ Control+L to clear the screen


  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+1 to Select Menu Item.. Default
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+2 to Select Menu Item.. Joker
  • press ⌘ Command+⌥ Option+Space to Split Horizontally with Current Profile
  • press ⌘ Command+⌥ Option+N to Split Vertically with Current Profile
  • press ⌘ Command+N to Open New Tab
  • press ⌘ Command+P to Open Preferences
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+→ Arrow to Select Next Tab
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+← Arrow to Select Previous Tab
  • press ⌘ Command+⌥ Option+↑ Arrow to Select Split Pane Above
  • press ⌘ Command+⌥ Option+↓ Arrow to Select Split Pane Below
  • press ⌘ Command+⌥ Option+← Arrow to Select Split Pane Left
  • press ⌘ Command+⌥ Option+→ Arrow to Select Split Pane Right

TMUX (Terminal Multiplexing)

  • install tmux to separate cmd into < 4 windows
  • type tmux
  • type ⌃ Control+B to let program know to listen
  • type % to open a new window
  • type ⌃ Control+B to switch back to first window
  • type man tmux to find tmux manual
  • type ⌃ Control+B+$ to rename session window
  • type Q to quit menu
  • type ⌃ Control+B+← Arrow or → Arrow to switch window sessions
  • press ⌘ Command+, to open settings
  • press ⌘ Command+R to open recent workspace
  • press ⌘ Command+S to save
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+S to save workspace
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+S to save all
  • press ⌘ Command+N for new file
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+N for new window
  • press ⌘ Command+O to open
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+O to open workspace
  • press ⌘ Command+W to close active editor
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+W to close workspace
  • press ⌘ Command+Q to quit vs code
  • press ⌘ Command+P to open preview
  • press ⌘ Command+K to open keyboard shortcuts
  • press ⌘ Command+⌥ Option+→ Arrow to move right in editors
  • press ⌘ Command+⌥ Option+← Arrow to move left in editors
  • press ⌘ Command+T to open terminal
  • press ⌘ Command+F to find < keyword >
  • press ⌘ Command+Enter to run code (requires code runner)
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+Space to show command palette
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+F to format document (requires language formatter)
  • press ⌘ Command+/ to view problems window pane
  • press Fn+→ Arrow to jump to the end of the line
  • press Fn+← Arrow to jump to the beginning of line
  • press Fn+↑ Arrow to jump to the top of the file
  • press Fn+↓ Arrow to jump to the bottom of the file
  • press ⌥ Option+↑ Arrow to move a selected line(s) up
  • press ⌥ Option+↓ Arrow to move a selected line(s) down
  • press ⌘ Command+. to toggle comment block code
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+D to open debugging window
  • press the button with the red indicator to create a launch.json config file in your project folder
  • no modification of the launch.json required
  • press start debugging with current file (Integrated Terminal)
  • press F5 to debug application
  • press Fn+F5 to debug application
  • press ⌃ Control+F5 to run application
  • press ⌃ Control+Fn+F5 to run application
  • press ⇧ Shift+Fn+F5 to stop debugging
  • press F9 to toggle breakpoint
  • press F10 to step over
  • press F11 to step into
  • press ⇧ Shift+ F11 to step out
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+F to fold all
  • press ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+U to unfold all