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François Briatte edited this page Jun 6, 2017 · 52 revisions

The following teaching datasets are included in this repository:

Filename Data Year(s)
ess0810 European Social Survey Rounds 4-5 (2008-2010)
gss0014 General Social Survey 2000-2014
nhis9711 National Health Interview Survey 1997-2011
qog2016 Quality of Government 2016 ± 3 years
wvs2000 World Values Survey Wave 4 (2000)

Note -- the zipped versions of the datasets available in this repository are those used in class. They are teaching versions that contain only a selection of variables, based on a missing value threshold. Please refer to the original sources for the full versions and for additional waves collected in more recent years.

Additional data sources

The following list was inspired by Benjamin Edelman, “Using Internet Data for Economic Research,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 26:189–206, 2012; Robert J. Franzese, Jr., “Empirical Strategies for Various Manifestations of Multilevel Data,” Political Analysis 13:430–446, 2005; Paul Pennings et al., Doing Research in Political Science: An Introduction to Comparative Methods and Statistics, Sage, 2005; Berenica Vejvoda, “Selected Data Resources for Political Science Research,” UC San Diego Social Science Data Services; Emiliano Grossman and Nicolas Sauger; and more from colleagues, students and friends.

Data sources in bold are used in the course. Several country-level data sources are included in the Quality of Government (QOG) dataset. Please consult the course material on data management before planning to merge or convert datasets!

Data repositories

Intergovernmental organizations

Nongovermental organizations

There is a long list of profit and nonprofit sources producing measures of human rights, environmental performance, good government and so on. A few examples are shown below.

Open data initiatives

National providers

National sources include census and polling data next to surveys. Examples shown for France, US and UK national providers.

Comparative politics

Comparative public opinion

International relations

For development economics, try the excellent DEVECONDATA.

And there's much more to it than just academic research data: try CKAN, DataMarket and Quandl, my own collection, the Guardian Data Blog data index, the /r/datasets Reddit channel, the BigML Data Sources collection, …

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