union — set union of input values
union(any) -> |[any]|
The union aggregate function computes a set union of its input values. If the values are of uniform type, then the output is a set of that type. If the values are of mixed typs, the the output is a set of union of the types encountered.
Create a set of values from a simple sequence:
echo '1 2 3 3' | super -z -c 'union(this)' -
Create sets continuously from values in a simple sequence:
echo '1 2 3 3' | super -z -c 'yield union(this)' -
Mixed types create a union type for the set elements:
echo '1 2 3 "foo"' | super -z -c 'set:=union(this) |> yield this,typeof(set)' -
Create sets of values bucketed by key:
echo '{a:1,k:1} {a:2,k:1} {a:3,k:2} {a:4,k:2}' |
super -z -c 'union(a) by k |> sort' -