Automatically push and pop navigator routes/scenes/screens if the navigator props was changed.
This project simplifies the usage of the Navigator concept in react-native, especially if you use a "flux-like" state driven props-architecture, for example if you use redux / react-redux.
It reverses the abstraction of the original Navigator and NavigatorIOS as well as the commonly used ExNavigator.
Works fine together if you want serialize and persist your navigation state, for example with redux-persist.
npm install --save react-native-autopilot
For getting an idea on how to use this library, please check out the demo project.
- Pure Navigator, (Navigator.js)
- Pure NavigatorIOS, (NavigatorIOS.ios.js)
- Pure ExNavigator, (ExNavigator.js, ExRoute.js)
- react-native-router-redux
- react-native-router-flux
Ideas, discussions and contributions are welcome: Just open a new issue
This project is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.