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I also have a lot of: DEBUG(0) [/home/runner/work/conky/conky/src/]: parsed arg into '"0" == "1"' lines on debug output, a lot |
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I found a solution. Run 2 conky, 1 without black transparent background image with --draw_blended=false, commented this way, worked properly |
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I am a linux native user since 1996, and I have been a conky user for more than 13 years.
I wrote an article teaching how to create a nice desktop using Ubuntu 9.10.
Actually I am building a new conky conf for me, and I was planning to use the latest AppImage version.
For some unknown and weird reason, is not showing the images. So I'd like to ask, there is any difference between conky App Image and conky-all 1.18.1 from repository regarding images in conf file?
follow below my conf file:
conky.config = {
background = true,
update_interval = 30,
total_run_times = 0,
net_avg_samples = 2,
override_utf8_locale = true,
double_buffer = true,
no_buffers = false,
text_buffer_size = 8192,
max_user_text = 32768,
temperature_unit = 'celsius',
short_units = true,
own_window = true,
own_window_type = 'panel',
own_window_hints = 'below,undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
own_window_class = 'conky',
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_argb_visual = true,
own_window_argb_value = 165,
imlib_cache_size = 100000000,
imlib_cache_flush_interval = 3600,
border_width = 0,
border_inner_margin = 0,
border_outer_margin = 0,
show_graph_scale = false,
show_graph_range = false,
minimum_width = 401,
minimum_height = 2100,
--xinerama_head = 3,
alignment = 'top_right',
out_to_x = true,
out_to_console = false,
out_to_ncurses = false,
gap_x = 0,
gap_y = 0,
draw_shades = true,
default_shade_color = '777777',
draw_outline = false,
draw_borders = false,
draw_graph_borders = true,
use_xft = true,
xftalpha = 0.9,
uppercase = false,
if_up_strictness = 'address',
use_spacer = 'right',
stippled_borders = 0,
default_color = 'FFFFFF',
default_outline_color = '777777',
color1 = 'FFFFFF', -- white
color2 = 'FFFF50', -- yellow
color3 = 'FFA800', -- orage
color4 = 'FF393B', -- red
color5 = '75839D', -- lightblue
color6 = '2C3548', -- teal
color7 = '7E1500', -- darkred
color8 = 'lightyellow', -- lightyellow
color9 = '335A29', -- green
conky.text = [[
${image /home/juliano/.conky/bg.png -p 0,0 -s 400x2160}
${font Mono:Bold:size=8}${goto 135}${color4}${execpi 10 data weather_tmp_x}°C${color}${font}
${font Mono:Bold:size=8}${goto 135}${color1}${execpi 10 data weather_tmp_n}°C${color}${font}
${font Mono:Bold:size=8}${goto 135}${color5}${execpi 10 data weather_tmp_m}°C${color}${font}
${font Mono:Bold:size=12}
${color2}${goto 10}${execpi 10 data next_1_day_fw}${goto 115}${execpi 10 data next_2_day_fw}${color}${font}
${font Mono:Bold:size=14}${alignc}${color}${execpi 10 python3 ~/.conky/}${color}${font}
${voffset -15}${font Mono:Bold:size=8}${color5}System${hr}${color}
USER@HOST:${goto 100}${color3}${execpi 10 whoami}${color}${color4}@${color}${color5}${execpi 10 hostname -s}${color}
UPTIME:${goto 100}${color2}${uptime}${color}
DISTRO:${goto 100}${color2}${execpi 10 data distroversion}${color}
KERNEL:${goto 100}${color2}${execpi 10 data kernelversion}${color}
ENVIRONMENT:${goto 100}${color2}${execpi 10 data graphic_envin}${color}
MANAGER:${goto 100}${color2}${execpi 10 data envinrmanager}${color}
THEME:${goto 100}${color2}${execpi 10 data envinrontheme}${color}
RESOLUTION:${goto 100}${color2}${execpi 10 data x11resolution}${color}
${voffset -145}${font Mono:Bold:size=15}${color1}${alignr}${time %a %d %b %Y}${color}${font}
${voffset -15}${font Mono:Bold:size=38}${color1}${alignr}${time %H:%M}${font}${font Mono:Bold:size=8} ${time %S}${color}${font}
${font Mono:Bold:size=10}${goto 230}London:${alignr}${tztime Europe/London %H:%M:%S}${font}
${font Mono:Bold:size=10}${goto 230}Dallas:${alignr}${tztime America/Dallas %H:%M:%S}${font}
${font Mono:Bold:size=10}${goto 230}São Paulo:${alignr}${tztime America/Sao_Paulo %H:%M:%S}${font}
${voffset -40}${font Mono:Bold:size=8}
${voffset 8}${color5}CPU${hr}${color}
MOBO:${goto 100}${color2}${execpi 10 data mobo_manufact} ${execpi 10 data mobo_modelver}${goto 200}${execpi 10 data fan1_rpm_spee} RPM${alignr}Case Fan: ${execpi 10 data case_fan_rpms} RPM${color}
GPU:${goto 100}${color2}${execpi 10 data gpu_manufactu}${color2}${alignr}${execpi 10 data gpu_temperatu}°C${color}
CPU:${goto 100}${color2}${execpi 10 data cpu_manufectu}${goto 190}${color}Load: ${color2}${cpu cpu0}%${color}${goto 260}Speed:${goto 300}${color2}${freq_g 0}GHz${color}${alignr}${color2}${execpi 10 data cpu_temperatu}°C${color}
${cpugraph cpu0 25,400 52ff00 6edd21 -t}
${voffset -15}${color5}Memory${hr}${color}
RAM:${goto 100}${color2}${memmax}${goto 170}${color4}${mem}${color}${goto 250}${color9}${memfree}${color}${goto 330}${color2}${memperc}%${color}
Model:${goto 100}${color2}${execpi 10 data memory_slotty}${goto 170}${execpi 10 data memory_cloksp}Mhz${color}${goto 250}${execpi 10 data mobo_ddr_used} / ${execpi 10 data mobo_ddr_slot} slots
${voffset -11}${alignr}${membar 10,50}
${voffset -32}${alignr}${memgraph 10,50 859900 DC322F scale -t}
${voffset 5}${color5}Storage${hr}${color}
NVMe 0: ${color2}${execpi 10 data nvme0_tempera}°C${goto 150}R: ${diskio_read /dev/nvme0n1}${goto 280}W: ${diskio_write /dev/nvme0n1}${color}
${diskiograph /dev/nvme0n1 10,250 859900 DC322F scale -t}${goto 280}I: ${diskio /dev/nvme0n1}
/ ${goto 100}${color2}${fs_size /}${color}${goto 170}${color4}${fs_used /}${goto 250}${color9}${fs_free /}${color}${alignr}${fs_bar 10,50 /}${color}
/home ${goto 100}${color2}${fs_size /home}${color}${goto 170}${color4}${fs_used /home}${goto 250}${color9}${fs_free /home}${color}${alignr}${fs_bar 10,50 /home}${color}
NVMe 1: ${color2}${execpi 10 data nvme1_tempera}°C${goto 150}R: ${diskio_read /dev/nvme1n1}${goto 280}W: ${diskio_write /dev/nvme1n1}${color}
${diskiograph /dev/nvme1n1 10,250 859900 DC322F scale -t}${goto 280}I: ${diskio /dev/nvme1n1}
/GAMES ${goto 100}${color2}${fs_size /GAMES}${color}${goto 170}${color4}${fs_used /GAMES}${goto 250}${color9}${fs_free /GAMES}${color}${alignr}${fs_bar 10,50 /GAMES}${color}
${voffset -5}${color5}Network${hr}${color}
${if_existing /sys/class/net/enp6s0/operstate up}
${if_existing /proc/net/route enp6s0}
${image ~/.conky/g.png -p 350,840 -s 45x45}${goto 40}${color2}${addr enp6s0}${goto 165}${execpi 10 data public_ip_add}${goto 285}On${color}
${image ~/.conky/r.png -p 350,840 -s 45x45}${goto 40}${color4}${addr enp6s0}${goto 165}Offline${goto 285}Off${color}
${image ~/.conky/r.png -p 350,840 -s 45x45}${goto 40}${color4}${goto 40}${addr enp6s0}${goto 165}Offline${goto 285}Off${color}
UL: ${upspeedgraph enp6s0 10,58 859900 DC322F scale -t}${goto 90} ${upspeed enp6s0} ${goto 165}DL:${goto 185} ${downspeedgraph enp6s0 10,58 859900 DC322F scale -t}${goto 255}${downspeed enp6s0}
${if_existing /sys/class/net/wlp5s0/operstate up}
${if_existing /proc/net/route wlp5s0}
${image ~/.conky/g.png -p 350,883 -s 45x45}${color2}${goto 40}${addr wlp5s0}${goto 165}${execpi 10 data public_ip_add}${goto 285}${wireless_essid wlp5s0}${color}
${image ~/.conky/r.png -p 350,883 -s 45x45}${color4}${goto 40}${addr wlp5s0}${goto 165}Offline${goto 285}${wireless_essid wlp5s0}${color}
${image ~/.conky/r.png -p 350,883 -s 45x45}${color4}${goto 40}${addr wlp5s0}${goto 165}Offline${goto 285}${wireless_essid wlp5s0}${color}${color}
UL: ${upspeedgraph wlp5s0 10,58 859900 DC322F scale -t}${goto 90} ${upspeed wlp5s0} ${goto 165}DL:${goto 185} ${downspeedgraph wlp5s0 10,58 859900 DC322F scale -t}${goto 255} ${downspeed wlp5s0}${color2}${goto 315}${wireless_link_qual wlp5s0}${goto 330}%${color}
${voffset -5}${color5}Processes${hr}${color}${font Mono:Bold:size=7}$running_processes$ {alignc}BG = $processes$ {alignr}TH = $threads
${color7}${goto 5}${top pid 1}${goto 85}${top name 1}${goto 230}${top cpu 1}${goto 340}${top user 1}
${color4}${goto 5}${top pid 2}${goto 85}${top name 2}${goto 230}${top cpu 2}${goto 340}${top user 2}
${color orange}${goto 5}${top pid 3}${goto 85}${top name 3}${goto 230}${top cpu 3}${goto 340}${top user 3}
${color2}${goto 5}${top pid 4}${goto 85}${top name 4}${goto 230}${top cpu 4}${goto 340}${top user 4}
${color8}${goto 5}${top pid 5}${goto 85}${top name 5}${goto 230}${top cpu 5}${goto 340}${top user 5}
${color white}${goto 5}${top pid 6}${goto 85}${top name 6}${goto 230}${top cpu 6}${goto 340}${top user 6}
${color}FG =
${color7}${goto 5}${top_mem pid 1}${goto 85}${top_mem name 1}${goto 247}${top mem_res 1}${goto 340}${top mem_vsize 1}
${color4}${goto 5}${top_mem pid 2}${goto 85}${top_mem name 2}${goto 247}${top mem_res 2}${goto 340}${top mem_vsize 2}
${color orange}${goto 5}${top_mem pid 3}${goto 85}${top_mem name 3}${goto 247}${top mem_res 3}${goto 340}${top mem_vsize 3}
${color2}${goto 5}${top_mem pid 4}${goto 85}${top_mem name 4}${goto 247}${top mem_res 4}${goto 340}${top mem_vsize 4}
${color8}${goto 5}${top_mem pid 5}${goto 85}${top_mem name 5}${goto 247}${top mem_res 5}${goto 340}${top mem_vsize 5}
${color white}${goto 5}${top_mem pid 6}${goto 85}${top_mem name 6}${goto 247}${top mem_res 6}${goto 340}${top mem_vsize 6}
${voffset -5}${color5}ToDo${hr}${color}
${goto 0} 1. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==1' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 2. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==2' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 3. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==3' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 4. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==4' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 5. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==5' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 6. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==6' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 7. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==7' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 8. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==8' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 9. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==9' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 10. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==10' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 11. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==11' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 12. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==12' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 13. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==13' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 14. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==14' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 15. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==15' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 16. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==16' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 17. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==17' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 18. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==18' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 19. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==19' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 20. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==20' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 21. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==21' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 22. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==22' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 23. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==23' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 24. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==24' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${goto 0} 25. ${execpi 10 cat ~/.todo |awk 'NR==25' |awk '{print} END {if (!NR) print " "}'}
${if_match "${execpi 10 grep -qv '^juliano$' ~/.unknown_users && echo 1 || echo 0}" == "1"}${image ~/.conky/x.png -p 60,550 -s 300x600}${endif}
${image ~/.conky/forecast.jpg -p 200,30 -s 180x120 -f 3600}
${image ~/.conky/u.png -p 165,25 -s 15x15 -f 3600}
${image ~/.conky/t.png -p 160,45 -s 20x20 -f 3600}
${image ~/.conky/d.png -p 165,70 -s 15x15 -f 3600}
${execpi 10 brweather --imagem1=CN -p 0,-20 -s 150x150 -f 3600}
${execpi 10 brweather --imagem1=C1 -p 0,85 -s 65x65 -f 3600}
${execpi 10 brweather --imagem1=C2 -p 105,85 -s 65x65 -f 3600}
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