/** TODO
- Future versions
- find(lenses, predicate, nTimesOrAll, tree) : [Tree], returns an array of N trees which satisfy the predicate
- findCommonAncestor(lenses, treeA, treeB, rootTree) : tree (whose root is common ancestor node )
- replaceWhen (lenses, predicate, treeReplacing, treeReplaced) : tree
- makeZipper (lenses, tree) :
- checkTreeContracts (tree) : Boolean ; checks the tree contracts :
- All trees encountered when travrsing are different entities (referential equality prohibited).
- empty tree prohibited i.e. getLabel(tree) cannot throw, getChildren(tree) cannot throw; tree can never be null
- in traversal
- getChildren(setTree(label, children)) = children
- getLabel(setTree(label, children)) = label
- understand what makes convert fails (difference between what is label between data structures?) */