This repository contains material related to the thesis Armazenamento e Processamento de Dados de Comercio Internacional Usando TimescaleDB, including the SQL script to create the data base, the code for the implemented operations and the configuration of docker image that encapsulate the base.
Note: Arrays passed as input to functions, can have any dimensionality.
trading-db$ make install-reqs
: Install compilation requisites.
trading-db/Docker$ make build
: Build the shared library and brudel/trading-db image.
trading-db/Docker$ make test
: Create and start test container.
trading-db$ make start-test
: Start test container.
trading-db$ make conn
: Open psql client at test container.
trading-db$ make
: Execute query specified at Makefile at test container.
Column | Type | Constraints |
code | char(2) | PRIMARY KEY |
name | text |
Column | Type | Constraints |
code | char(3) | PRIMARY KEY |
name | text | |
continent | char(2) | REFERENCES continent |
Column | Type | Constraints |
country | char(3) | PRIMARY KEY, REFERENCES country |
year | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
measure | text | PRIMARY KEY |
value | double precision |
Column | Type | Constraints |
name | text | PRIMARY KEY |
Column | Type | Constraints |
c_group | text | PRIMARY KEY, REFERENCES country_group |
country | char(3) | PRIMARY KEY, REFERENCES country |
entry_year | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
exit_year | integer |
Column | Type | Constraints |
hs_code | text | PRIMARY KEY |
description | text |
Column | Type | Constraints |
product | text | PRIMARY KEY, REFERENCES product |
importer | char(3) | PRIMARY KEY, REFERENCES country |
exporter | char(3) | PRIMARY KEY, REFERENCES country |
year | int | PRIMARY KEY |
exp_val | double precision | |
imp_val | double precision |
Set of function to economic complexity index (ECI) and product complexity index (PCI) calculation.
Column | Type | Constraints |
groups | text[] | Array of countries or aggregations. |
start_year | integer | Year to calculate the index, or first year of the index calculation interval. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
end_year | integer | 0 | If defined, last year of the index calculation interval. |
hs_digit_pairs | integer | 3 | Number of HS digit pairs to be considered. Must be 1, 2 or 3. |
: The argument groups
contains a set of codes of the country to be considered at indexes calculation.
: The argument groups
contains a set of codes of the continents to be considered at indexes calculation, with the transactional values of the countries belonging to each continent aggregated.
: The argument groups
contains a set of group of country_group
names to be considered at index calculation. The calculation takes in account the entry and exit of countries to the group during the time interval and a same country may be in more than one group.
: Functions with this prefix exceptionally have group
argument with cgroup[]
type. Here, group is a representation of an arbitrary named group, with the respective countries list. One country can't belong to more than one group and each group members are static for the calculation interval. cgroup
is defined as:
cgroup = (name text, members text[])
: Produces a tuple set with format (name text, eci double precision)
, name
is an country or continent code or an group name.
: Produces a tuple set with format (product text, pci double precision)
: Produces a tuple with format ((name text, eci double precision)[], (product text, pci double precision))
, with contains two vectors, with are the ECI and PCI respective result vectors. The functions take virtually the same time no matter the suffix, therefore functions with eci_pci
suffix are indicated to optimize situations where both measures are wanted.
All countries ECI in 1998:
SELECT * FROM countries_eci(array(SELECT code FROM country), 1998);
Continent aggregated PCI, temporally aggregated between 2000 and 2006:
SELECT * FROM continents_pci(array(SELECT code FROM continent), 2000, 2006);
ECI and PCI aggregated by country code first letter and two digit pairs HS product code in 2015:
(left(code, 1), array_agg(code))::cgroup
left(code, 1)
hs_digit_pairs => 2
Calculate the distance between two transaction temporal series with different product and interval aggregations. The function returns a double precision
Column | Type | Constraints |
country_1 | text or text[] | Country 1. |
country_2 | text or text[] | Country 2. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
start_year | integer | 0 | Define a inferior limit for the interval (limit included). |
end_year | integer | 0 | Define a superior limit for the interval (limit included). |
hs_code | varchar(6) | '' | Product or by HS aggregation. |
Euclidean distance between two country series:
SELECT euclidean_distance('chn', 'eua');
Euclidean distance between a country and two other countries, from the beginning of time up to 1980:
SELECT euclidean_distance('chn', ARRAY['bra', 'chl'], end_year => 1980);
Euclidean distance between two country series, from 1980 up to 1999, for products inside coffee, tea, mate e spices category:
SELECT euclidean_distance('chn', 'eua', 1980, 1999, '09');