- ic/vc-kts (read/write) Calibrated airspeed initial condition in knots
- ic/ve-kts (read/write) Knots equivalent airspeed initial condition
- ic/vg-kts (read/write) Ground speed initial condition in knots
- ic/vt-kts (read/write) True airspeed initial condition in knots
- ic/mach (read/write) Mach initial condition
- ic/roc-fpm (read/write) Rate of climb initial condition in feet/minute
- ic/gamma-deg (read/write) Flightpath angle initial condition in degrees
- ic/alpha-deg (read/write) Angle of attack initial condition in degrees
- ic/beta-deg (read/write) Angle of sideslip initial condition in degrees
- ic/theta-deg (read/write) Pitch angle initial condition in degrees
- ic/phi-deg (read/write) Roll angle initial condition in degrees
- ic/psi-true-deg (read/write) Heading angle initial condition in degrees
- ic/lat-gc-deg (read/write) Latitude initial condition in degrees
- ic/long-gc-deg (read/write) Longitude initial condition in degrees
- ic/h-sl-ft (read/write) Height above sea level initial condition in feet
- ic/h-agl-ft (read/write) Height above ground level initial condition in feet
- ic/sea-level-radius-ft (read/write) Radius of planet at sea level in feet
- ic/terrain-elevation-ft (read/write) Terrain elevation above sea level in feet
- ic/vg-fps (read/write) Ground speed initial condition in feet/second
- ic/vt-fps (read/write) True airspeed initial condition in feet/second
- ic/vw-bx-fps (read/write) Wind velocity initial condition in Body X frame in feet/second
- ic/vw-by-fps (read/write) Wind velocity initial condition in Body Y frame in feet/second
- ic/vw-bz-fps (read/write) Wind velocity initial condition in Body Z frame in feet/second
- ic/vw-north-fps (read/write) Wind northward velocity initial condition in feet/second
- ic/vw-east-fps (read/write) Wind eastward velocity initial condition in feet/second
- ic/vw-down-fps (read/write) Wind downward velocity initial condition in feet/second
- ic/vw-mag-fps (read/write) Wind velocity magnitude initial condition in feet/sec.
- ic/vw-dir-deg (read/write) Wind direction initial condition, in degrees from north
- ic/roc-fps (read/write) Rate of climb initial condition, in feet/second
- ic/u-fps (read/write) Body frame x-axis velocity initial condition in feet/second
- ic/v-fps (read/write) Body frame y-axis velocity initial condition in feet/second
- ic/w-fps (read/write) Body frame z-axis velocity initial condition in feet/second
- ic/vn-fps (read/write) Local frame x-axis (north) velocity initial condition in feet/second
- ic/ve-fps (read/write) Local frame y-axis (east) velocity initial condition in feet/second
- ic/vd-fps (read/write) Local frame z-axis (down) velocity initial condition in feet/second
- ic/gamma-rad (read/write) Flight path angle initial condition in radians
- ic/alpha-rad (read/write) Angle of attack initial condition in radians
- ic/theta-rad (read/write) Pitch angle initial condition in radians
- ic/beta-rad (read/write) Angle of sideslip initial condition in radians
- ic/phi-rad (read/write) Roll angle initial condition in radians
- ic/psi-true-rad (read/write) Heading angle initial condition in radians
- ic/lat-gc-rad (read/write) Geocentric latitude initial condition in radians
- ic/long-gc-rad (read/write) Longitude initial condition in radians
- ic/p-rad_sec (read/write) Roll rate initial condition in radians/second
- ic/q-rad_sec (read/write) Pitch rate initial condition in radians/second
- ic/r-rad_sec (read/write) Yaw rate initial condition in radians/second
- accelerations/pdot-rad_sec2 rad/s^2
- accelerations/qdot-rad_sec2 rad/s^2
- accelerations/rdot-rad_sec2 rad/s^2
- accelerations/udot-ft_sec2 rad/s^2
- accelerations/vdot-ft_sec2 rad/s^2
- accelerations/wdot-ft_sec2 rad/s^2
- accelerations/gravity-ft_sec2 rad/s^2
- accelerations/a-pilot-x-ft_sec2 rad/s^2
- accelerations/a-pilot-y-ft_sec2 rad/s^2
- accelerations/a-pilot-z-ft_sec2 rad/s^2
- accelerations/n-pilot-x-norm
- accelerations/n-pilot-y-norm
- accelerations/n-pilot-z-norm
- accelerations/Nz
- accelerations/Ny
- attitude/pitch-rad rad Pitch
- attitude/roll-rad rad Roll
- attitude/heading-true-rad rad True heading
fcs/aileron-cmd-norm - Aileron command(normalized)
fcs/elevator-cmd-norm - Elevator command(normalized)
fcs/rudder-cmd-norm - Rudder command(normalized)
fcs/flap-cmd-norm - Flap command(normalized)
fcs/speedbrake-cmd-norm - Speedbrake command(normalized)
fcs/spoiler-cmd-norm - Spoiler command(normalized)
fcs/pitch-trim-cmd-norm - Pitch trim command(normalized)
fcs/roll-trim-cmd-norm - Roll trim command(normalized)
fcs/yaw-trim-cmd-norm - Yaw trim command(normalized)
fcs/left-aileron-pos-rad rad Left aileron position
fcs/left-aileron-pos-deg deg Left aileron position
fcs/left-aileron-pos-norm - Left aileron position(normalized)
fcs/mag-left-aileron-pos-rad rad Mag. left aileron position
fcs/right-aileron-pos-rad rad Right aileron position
fcs/right-aileron-pos-deg deg Right aileron position
fcs/right-aileron-pos-norm - Right aileron position(normalized)
fcs/mag-right-aileron-pos-rad rad Mag. right aileron position
fcs/elevator-pos-rad rad Elevator position
fcs/elevator-pos-deg deg Elevator position
fcs/elevator-pos-norm - Elevator position(normalized)
fcs/mag-elevator-pos-rad rad Mag. elevator position
fcs/rudder-pos-rad rad Rudder position
fcs/rudder-pos-deg deg Rudder position
fcs/rudder-pos-norm - Rudder position(normalized)
fcs/mag-rudder-pos-rad rad Mag. rudder position
fcs/flap-pos-rad rad Flap position
fcs/flap-pos-deg deg Flap position
fcs/flap-pos-norm - Flap position(normalized)
fcs/speedbrake-pos-rad rad Speedbrake position
fcs/speedbrake-pos-deg deg Speedbrake position
fcs/speedbrake-pos-norm - Speedbrake position(normalized)
fcs/mag-speedbrake-pos-rad rad Mag. speedbrake position
fcs/spoiler-pos-rad rad Spoiler position
fcs/spoiler-pos-deg deg Spoiler position
fcs/spoiler-pos-norm - Spoiler position(normalized)
fcs/mag-spoiler-pos-rad rad Mag. spoiler position
gear/gear-pos-norm - Gear position(normalized)
gear/gear-cmd-norm - Gear command(normalized)
fcs/left-brake-cmd-norm - Left brake command(normalized)
fcs/right-brake-cmd-norm - Right brake command(normalized)
fcs/center-brake-cmd-norm - Center brake command(normalized)
fcs/steer-cmd-norm - Steer command(normalized)
gear/tailhook-pos-norm - Tailhook position(normalized)
fcs/wing-fold-pos-norm - Wing fold position(normalized)
fcs/throttle-cmd-norm - Throttle command(normalized)
fcs/throttle-pos-norm - Throttle position(normalized)
fcs/mixture-cmd-norm - Mixture command(normalized)
fcs/mixture-pos-norm - Mixture position(normalized)
fcs/advance-cmd-norm - Advance command(normalized)
fcs/advance-pos-norm - Advance position(normalized)
fcs/feather-cmd-norm - Feather command(normalized)
fcs/feather-pos-norm - Feather position(normalized)
- position/h-sl-ft ft Altitude above sea level
- position/h-sl-meters m Altitude above sea level
- position/lat-gc-rad rad
- position/long-gc-rad rad
- position/lat-gc-deg deg
- position/long-gc-deg deg
- position/lat-geod-rad rad
- position/lat-geod-deg deg
- position/geod-alt-ft ft
- position/h-agl-ft ft Altitude above ground level
- position/geod-alt-km km
- position/h-agl-km km
- position/radius-to-vehicle-ft ft
- position/terrain-elevation-asl-ft ft
- position/eci-x-ft ft
- position/eci-y-ft ft
- position/eci-z-ft ft
- position/ecef-x-ft ft
- position/ecef-y-ft ft
- position/ecef-z-ft ft
- position/epa-rad rad
- position/distance-from-start-lon-mt mt
- position/distance-from-start-lat-mt mt
- position/distance-from-start-mag-mt mt
- position/vrp-gc-latitude_deg deg
- position/vrp-longitude_deg deg
- position/vrp-radius-ft ft
- /engine[0] - First engine. Replace [0] with your engine number.
- /tank[0] - First fuel tank. Replace [0] with your fuel tank number.
- propulsion/set-running - Init. running
- propulsion/starter_cmd - Starter command
- propulsion/active_engine - Get active engine
- propulsion/total-fuel-lbs lbs Total amount of fuel
- propulsion/refuel - Refuel
- propulsion/fuel_dump - Fuel dump
- forces/fbx-prop-lbs lbs
- forces/fby-prop-lbs lbs
- forces/fbz-prop-lbs lbs
- moments/l-prop-lbsft lbs-ft
- moments/m-prop-lbsft lbs-ft
- moments/n-prop-lbsft lbs-ft
- propulsion/engine[0]/thrust-lbs lbs Thrust for selected engine
- propulsion/tank[0]/contents-lbs lbs Fuel content in selected tank
- propulsion/tat-r ºR Total temperature, isentropic flow
- propulsion/tat-c ºC Total temperature, isentropic flow
- propulsion/pt-lbs_sqft sqft Total pressure
- propulsion/magneto_cmd - Magnetos command
- propulsion/engine[0]/power-hp HP Engine power
- propulsion/engine[0]/friction-hp HP Static friction
- propulsion/engine[0]/bsfc-lbs_hphr - ISFC
- propulsion/engine[0]/starter-norm - Starter gain
- propulsion/engine[0]/volumetric-efficiency - Volumetric efficiency
- propulsion/engine[0]/map-pa pa Manifold absolute pressure
- propulsion/engine[0]/map-inhg inHg Manifold absolute pressure
- propulsion/engine[0]/air-intake-impedance-factor - Z airbox
- propulsion/engine[0]/ram-air-factor - Ram air factor
- propulsion/engine[0]/cooling-factor - Cooling factor
- propulsion/engine[0]/boost-speed - Boost speed
- propulsion/engine[0]/cht-degF ºF Cylinder head temperature
- propulsion/engine[0]/oil-temperature-degF ºF Oil temperature
- propulsion/engine[0]/oil-pressure-psi psi Oil pressure
- propulsion/engine[0]/egt-degF ºF Exhaust gas temperature
- propulsion/engine[0]/engine-rpm RPM Get engine RPM
- propulsion/engine[0]/advance-ratio J Advance ratio
- propulsion/engine[0]/blade-angle - Blade angle
- propulsion/engine[0]/thrust-coefficient - Get thrust coefficient
- propulsion/engine[0]/propeller-rpm RPM Get propeller RPM
- propulsion/engine[0]/helical-tip-Mach - Get helical tip Mach
- propulsion/engine[0]/constant-speed-mode - Get constant speed
- propulsion/engine[0]/prop-induced-velocity_fps fps Get induced velocity
- propulsion/cutoff_cmd - Cutoff command
- propulsion/engine[0]/n1 - Nozzle 1
- propulsion/engine[0]/n2 - Nozzle 2
- velocities/h-dot-fps fps
- velocities/v-north-fps fps
- velocities/v-east-fps fps
- velocities/v-down-fps fps Vertical speed
- velocities/u-fps fps
- velocities/v-fps fps
- velocities/w-fps fps
- velocities/u-aero-fps fps
- velocities/v-aero-fps fps
- velocities/w-aero-fps fps
- velocities/p-rad_sec rad/s Roll speed
- velocities/q-rad_sec rad/s Pitch speed
- velocities/r-rad_sec rad/s Yaw speed
- velocities/p-aero-rad_sec rad/s
- velocities/q-aero-rad_sec rad/s
- velocities/r-aero-rad_sec rad/s
- velocities/pi-rad_sec rad/s
- velocities/qi-rad_sec rad/s
- velocities/ri-rad_sec rad/s
- velocities/eci-x-fps fps
- velocities/eci-y-fps fps
- velocities/eci-z-fps fps
- velocities/eci-velocity-mag-fps fps
- velocities/ned-velocity-mag-fps fps
- velocities/vc-fps fps Airspeed
- velocities/vc-kts kts Airspeed
- velocities/ve-fps fps
- velocities/ve-kts kts
- velocities/vtrue-fps fps
- velocities/vtrue-kts kts
- velocities/machU
- velocities/phidot-rad_sec rad/s
- velocities/thetadot-rad_sec rad/s
- velocities/psidot-rad_sec rad/s
- velocities/vt-fps fps
- velocities/mach
- velocities/vg-fps fps
- velocities/vg-fps fps
- atmosphere/T-R The current modeled temperature in degrees Rankine.
- atmosphere/rho-slugs_ft3
- atmosphere/P-psf
- atmosphere/a-fps
- atmosphere/T-sl-R
- atmosphere/rho-sl-slugs_ft3
- atmosphere/P-sl-psf
- atmosphere/a-sl-fps
- atmosphere/theta
- atmosphere/sigma
- atmosphere/delta
- atmosphere/a-ratio