Set the language using the dropdown in the settings input macro. All display text is stored in a JSON object in a library property. The object structure is language -> key, value, e.g.
"en_au", {
"door.added", "New door created",
"nl", {
"door.added", "Nieuwe deur aangemaakt",
To alter the messages object, update the JSON setting data in the messages.json macro and run it. Text is fetched using the UDF doors.getText("key name"). Should return text like Translation text not found where a key is not present, and Translation lookup failed for ... where there is no localised message "translationMissing".
Icons used in frames and overlays are SVG images stored in a library property. To change the store of SVG images, update the contents of setSVGIcons and run it. SVG is stored as a JSON object with a name for the icon and the SVG as the value, e.g.
... 'unlock',
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 48 48" xmlns="" id="swingCW">...
</svg>', ...
For players to be able to click on doors and interact with them they also have the ability to move them with errant mouse actions.
The onTokenMove event blocks doors being moved that have been pinned.
onCampaignLoad does the following;
- creates UDFs with a prefix. Utilise UDFs with "doors." prefix, e.g. doors.getText()
- starts the door handling overlay,
- creates image tables from door tokens on the map with some confusing wizardry thanks to Wolph42.
checkDoors contains the HTML for the overlay Door Handler. Door Handler exists simply to utilise the onChangeSelection event to call checkDoors. The checkDoors process is;
- Abort if door functionality is turned off
- If there is only one token selected and it is a Simple door, set the toggleDoor flag.
- Close the Smart door control overlay.
- If token(s) selected are Smart doors, start the Smart door process chain doors.doSmart(vSmart)
- If toggleDoor flag is set (i.e. a Simple door), close or open the door based on it's current state.