Default Branch: Pointing Elasticsearch v7.13.2 (current used version)
Maintainer: @eng-search
Elasticsearch is the distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine at the heart of the Elastic Stack. You can use Elasticsearch to store, search, and manage data for:
A search backend
Application monitoring
Endpoint security
... and more!
To learn more about Elasticsearch’s features and capabilities, see our product page.
The simplest way to set up Elasticsearch is to create a managed deployment with Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud.
If you prefer to install and manage Elasticsearch yourself, you can download the latest version from elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch.
For more installation options, see the Elasticsearch installation documentation.
To upgrade from an earlier version of Elasticsearch, see the Elasticsearch upgrade documentation.
Elasticsearch uses Gradle for its build system.
To build a distribution for your local OS and print its output location upon completion, run:
./gradlew localDistro
To build a distribution for another platform, run the related command:
./gradlew :distribution:archives:linux-tar:assemble ./gradlew :distribution:archives:darwin-tar:assemble ./gradlew :distribution:archives:windows-zip:assemble
To build distributions for all supported platforms, run:
./gradlew assemble
Distributions are output to distributions/archives
To run the test suite, see TESTING.
For the complete Elasticsearch documentation visit elastic.co.
For information about our documentation processes, see the docs README.
For contribution guidelines, see CONTRIBUTING.
To report a bug or request a feature, create a GitHub Issue. Please ensure someone else hasn’t created an issue for the same topic.
Need help using Elasticsearch? Reach out on the Elastic Forum or Slack. A fellow community member or Elastic engineer will be happy to help you out.