title | permalink | section | layout | banner_info | image | sirv_options | image_width | image_center_x | image_center_y | big_image | big_width | big_height |
Authors |
/authors/ |
library |
page |
<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:(Above)_sBed-byed_(Gopaka),_holding_a_book;_Wellcome_V0018272_(cropped).jpg">Wellcome Library</a>, <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0">CC BY 4.0</a> |
saturation=-8&brightness=3&blur=1 |
480 |
30% |
29% |
1265 |
2025 |
{%- assign all_content = site.content | where_exp: "c", "c.status != 'rejected'" %} {%- assign author_letters = site.authors | group_by_exp: "a", "a.slug | slice: 0" | sort: "name" -%} {%- assign readers = all_content | where_exp: "c", "c.reader" | group_by: "reader" -%} {%- comment -%}Note that there's a subtle bug below: this cannot find works that were translated by multiple authors. Since this is rare, I haven't prioritized fixing it...{%- endcomment -%} {%- assign translators = all_content | where_exp: "c", "c.translator" | group_by: "translator" -%}
{% for letter in author_letters %}[{{ letter.name | upcase }}](#{{ letter.name }}) {% endfor %}
{%- for letter in author_letters -%}
{%- assign authorsublist = letter.items | sort: "slug" -%}
{%- for author in authorsublist -%}
{%- assign catcounts = "" | split: "" -%}
{%- capture filter -%}c.authors contains '{{ author.slug }}'{%- endcapture -%}
{%- assign by_cat = all_content | where_exp: "c", filter | group_by: "category" -%}
{%- for cat in by_cat -%}
{%- case cat.name -%}
{%- when "canon" -%}
{% capture s %}{{ cat.size }} canonical work{% if cat.size > 1 %}s{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign catcounts = catcounts | push: s %}
{% when "av" %}
{% capture s %}{{ cat.size }} recording{% if cat.size > 1 %}s{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign catcounts = catcounts | push: s %}
{% when "reference" %}
{% capture s %}{{ cat.size }} reference work{% if cat.size > 1 %}s{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign catcounts = catcounts | push: s %}
{% else %}
{% if cat.size == 1 %}{% assign s = cat.name | size | minus: 1 %}{% assign cname = cat.name | slice: 0, s %}{% else %}{% assign cname = cat.name %}{% endif %}
{% capture s %}{{ cat.size }} {{ cname }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign catcounts = catcounts | push: s %}
{% endcase %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign contents = readers | find: "name", author.slug %}
{% if contents.size > 0 %}
{% capture s %}{{ contents.size }} reading{% if contents.size > 1 %}s{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign catcounts = catcounts | push: s %}
{% endif %}
{% assign contents = translators | find: "name", author.slug %}
{% if contents.size > 0 %}
{% capture s %}{{ contents.size }} translation{% if contents.size > 1 %}s{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign catcounts = catcounts | push: s %}
{%- endif -%}
{% assign slugsize = author.slug | size %}
{% assign slugified = author.title | replace: ".", "0" | slugify: "latin" %}
{%- assign pivot = author.title_alphabetic_order_pivot | default: 0 -%}
{% if pivot == 0 %}{% for xx in (1..slugsize) %}
{% assign pi = slugsize | minus: xx | plus: 1 %}
{% assign t = author.slug | slice: 0, pi %}
{% assign p = slugified | split: t %}
{% if p.size > 1 %}
{% assign pivot = p | first | size %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{%- assign p2e = author.title | size | minus: pivot -%}
<li id="{{ author.slug }}"><a href="{{ author.url }}">{{ author.title | slice: pivot, p2e }}{% if pivot > 0 %}, {{ author.title | slice: 0, pivot }}{% endif %}</a><div class="catcounts">({{ catcounts | array_to_sentence_string }})</div></li>
{%- endfor -%}