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Language Specification

This is a specification for the Protocol Buffers IDL (Interface Definition Language). Protocol Buffers are also known by the shorthand "Protobuf".

Protobuf is a platform-agnostic and implementation-language-agnostic way of describing data structures and RPC interfaces. Tools can then generate code in a variety of implementation languages for interacting with these structures and for consuming and exposing RPC services.

Google's documentation can be found here (with separate grammars for proto2 and proto3 syntax). But these grammars are incomplete. In the face of these documentation shortcomings, the actual implementation in the protoc compiler prevails as the de facto spec. Without complete and accurate documentation, it is very hard for the community to contribute quality tools around the language.

This document aims to remedy the situation and provide that complete and correct specification. This content was developed over the course of implementing a pure Go compiler for Protobuf. It is used in Buf and has been tested against a very large corpus of Protobuf sources to verify its correctness and parity with protoc. The test corpus includes use of the more exotic features of the language (which are the main things notably absent or incorrect in Google's official documentation).


The syntax is specified using Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF):

Production  = production_name "=" Expression "." .
Expression  = Alternative { "|" Alternative } .
Alternative = Term { Term } .
Term        = Reference | literal [ "" literal ] |
              Exclusion | Group | Option | Repetition .
Reference   = production_name [ "-" Subtraction ] .
Subtraction = Atom | "(" Atom { "|" Atom } ")" .
Atom        = production_name | literal .
Exclusion   = "!" literal | "!" "(" literal { "|" literal } ")" .
Group       = "(" Expression ")" .
Option      = "[" Expression "]" .
Repetition  = "{" Expression "}" .

Productions are expressions constructed from terms and the following operators, in increasing precedence:

  • |: Alternation
  • -: Subtraction
  • !: Exclusion
  • (): Grouping
  • []: Option (0 or 1 times)
  • {}: Repetition (0 to n times)

Production names that are in lower_snake_case are used to identify lexical tokens. Production names for non-terminals are in PascalCase.


Literal source characters are enclosed in double quotes "" or back quotes ``. In double-quotes, the contents can encode otherwise non-printable characters. The backslash character (\) is used to mark these encoded sequences:

  • "\n": The newline character (code point 10).
  • "\r": The carriage return character (code point 13).
  • "\t": The horizontal tab character (code point 9).
  • "\v": The vertical tab character (code point 11).
  • "\f": The form feed character (code point 12).
  • "\xHH": Where each H is a hexadecimal character (0 to 9, A to F). The hexadecimal-encoded 8-bit value indicates a byte value between 0 and 255.
  • "\\": A literal backslash character.

These escaped characters represent bytes, not Unicode code points (thus the 8-bit limit). To represent literal Unicode code points above 127, a sequence of bytes representing the UTF-8 encoding of the code point will be used.

A string of multiple characters indicates all characters in a sequence. In other words, the following two productions are equivalent:

foo = "bar" .
foo = "b" "a" "r" .

Literals may only be used in productions for lexical tokens. Productions for non-terminals may only refer to other productions (for lexical tokens or for other non-terminals) and may not use literals.


Both operands in a subtraction expression can only represent single lexical tokens. Where a production is named, the production must always accept exactly one token. This kind of expression is used to narrow a production that accepts many alternatives so that it accepts fewer alternatives. For example, the following ShortWords production accepts all three-letter strings consisting of lower-case letters other than "abc" and "xyz".

ShortWords = three_letter_words - ( "abc" | "xyz" )

three_letter_words = letter letter letter
letter =             "a""z"


The exclusion operator is only for use against literal characters and means that all characters except for the given ones are accepted. For example !"a" means that any character except lower-case a is accepted; !("a"|"b"|"c") means that any character except lower-case a, b, or c is accepted.

The form a … b represents the set of characters from a through b as alternatives.

Source Code Representation

Source code is Unicode text encoded in UTF-8. In general, only comments and string literals can contain code points outside the range of 7-bit ASCII.

For compatibility with other tools, a file with Protobuf source may contain a UTF-8-encoded byte order mark (U+FEFF, encoded as "\xEF\xBB\xBF"), but only if it is the first Unicode code point in the source text.

A single file containing Protobuf IDL source code will be referred to below as a "source file". By convention, the name of a source file typically ends in .proto.

Lexical Elements

Parsing a source file first undergoes lexical analysis. This is the process of converting the source file, which is a sequence of UTF-8 characters, into a sequence of lexical elements, also called tokens. (This process is also known as "tokenization".)

Having a tokenization phase allows us to more simply describe the way inputs are transformed into syntactical elements and how things like whitespace and comments are handled without cluttering the main grammar.

Tokenization is "greedy", meaning a token matches the longest possible sequence in the input. That way input like "0.0.0", "1to3", and "packageio" can never be interpreted as token sequences ["0.0", ".0"]; ["1", "to", "3"]; or ["package", "io"] respectively; they will always be interpreted as single tokens.

If a sequence of input is encountered that does not match any of the rules for acceptable tokens, then the source is invalid and has a syntax error.

Whitespace and Comments

Whitespace is often necessary to separate adjacent tokens in the language. But, aside from that purpose during tokenization, it is ignored. Extra whitespace is allowed anywhere between tokens. Block comments can also serve to separate tokens, are also allowed anywhere between tokens, and are also ignored by the grammar.

Protobuf source allows for two styles of comments:

  1. Line comments: These begin with // and continue to the end of the line.
  2. Block comments: These begin with /* and continue until the first */ sequence is encountered. A single block comment can span multiple lines.

So the productions below are used to identify whitespace and comments, but they will be discarded.

whitespace = " " | "\n" | "\r" | "\t" | "\f" | "\v" .
comment    = line_comment | block_comment .

line_comment       = "//" { !("\n" | "\x00") } .
block_comment      = "/*"  block_comment_rest .
block_comment_rest = "*" block_comment_tail |
                     !("*" | "\x00") block_comment_rest .
block_comment_tail = "/" |
                     "*" block_comment_tail |
                     !("*" | "/" | "\x00") block_comment_rest .

If the /* sequence is found to start a block comment, but the above rule is not matched, it indicates a malformed block comment: EOF was reached before the concluding */ sequence was found. Such a malformed comment is a syntax error.

If a comment text contains a null character (code point zero) then it is malformed and a syntax error should be reported.

// a line comment

// a longer, multi-line
// line comment is just
// multiple line comments
// all in a row

/* a block comment in one line */

/* a multi-line
   block comment */

 * A multi-line block comment
 * using JavaDoc convention

Character Classes

The following categories for input characters are used through the lexical analysis productions in the following sections:

letter        = "A""Z" | "a""z" | "_" .
decimal_digit = "0""9" .
octal_digit   = "0""7" .
hex_digit     = "0""9" | "A""F" | "a""f" .

byte_order_mark = "\xEF\xBB\xBF" .

The byte_order_mark byte sequence is the UTF-8 encoding of the byte-order mark character (U+FEFF).


The result of lexical analysis is a stream of tokens of the following kinds:

  • identifier
  • 39 token types corresponding to keywords
  • int_literal
  • float_literal
  • string_literal
  • 16 token types corresponding to symbols, punctuation, and operators.

The rules for identifying these tokens can be found below.

Identifiers and Keywords

An identifier is used for named elements in the protobuf language, like names of messages, fields, and services.

identifier = letter { letter | decimal_digit } .

There are 40 keywords in the protobuf grammar. When an identifier is found, if it matches a keyword, its token type is changed to match the keyword, per the rules below. All of the keyword token types below are also considered identifiers by the grammar. For example, a production in the grammar that references identifier will also accept syntax or map.

syntax  = "syntax" .      oneof      = "oneof" .        int32    = "int32" .
edition = "edition" .     map        = "map" .          int64    = "int64" .
import  = "import" .      extensions = "extensions" .   uint32   = "uint32" .
weak    = "weak" .        reserved   = "reserved" .     uint64   = "uint64" .
public  = "public" .      rpc        = "rpc" .          sint32   = "sint32" .
package = "package" .     stream     = "stream" .       sint64   = "sint64" .
option  = "option" .      returns    = "returns" .      fixed32  = "fixed32" .
inf     = "inf" .         to         = "to" .           fixed64  = "fixed64" .
nan     = "nan" .         max        = "max" .          sfixed32 = "sfixed32" .
message = "message" .     repeated   = "repeated" .     sfixed64 = "sfixed64" .
enum    = "enum" .        optional   = "optional" .     bool     = "bool" .
service = "service" .     required   = "required" .     float    = "float" .
extend  = "extend" .      string     = "string" .       double   = "double" .
group   = "group" .       bytes      = "bytes" .

Numeric Literals

Handling of numeric literals is a bit special in order to avoid a situation where "0.0.0" or "100to3" is tokenized as ["0.0", ".0"] or ["100", "to", "3"] respectively. Instead of these input sequences representing a possible sequence of 2 or more tokens, they are considered invalid numeric literals.

So input is first scanned for the numeric_literal token type:

numeric_literal = [ "." ] decimal_digit { digit_point_or_exp } .

digit_point_or_exp = "." | decimal_digit | ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] | letter .

When a numeric_literal token is found, it is then checked to see if it matches the int_literal or float_literal rules (see below). If it does then the scanned token is included in the result token stream with int_literal or float_literal as its token type. But if it does not match, it is a malformed numeric literal which is considered a syntax error.

Below is the rule for int_literal, which supports octal and hexadecimal representations in addition to standard decimal:

int_literal = decimal_literal | octal_literal | hex_literal .

decimal_literal = "0" | ( "1""9" ) [ decimal_digits ] .
octal_literal   = "0" octal_digits .
hex_literal     = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) hex_digits .
decimal_digits  = decimal_digit { decimal_digit } .
octal_digits    = octal_digit { octal_digit } .
hex_digits      = hex_digit { hex_digit } .

Note that octal and hexadecimal integer literals must be less than 264 (0x10000000000000000 in hex; 02000000000000000000000 in octal). If they are beyond this limit, they are invalid numeric literals. If a decimal literal is beyond this limit (>= 18,446,744,073,709,551,616), it is treated as if it were a float_literal.

Below is the rule for float_literal, which supports scientific notation for extremely large and small values:

float_literal = decimal_digits "." [ decimal_digits ] [ decimal_exponent ] |
                decimal_digits decimal_exponent |
                "." decimal_digits [ decimal_exponent ] .

decimal_exponent  = ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimal_digits .

Floating point values are represented using 64-bit (double precision) IEEE754 format. If a given value cannot be exactly represented in this format (due to precision constraints), it is replaced with the nearest value that can be represented by this format. When the value is too small to be represented, that nearest value will be zero. When the value is too large to be represented, it is replaced with inf or -inf (depending on the sign of the original value).


The tokenization implementation in Google's reference implementation, protoc, does not perform two stages to identify numeric literals as described here. But this strategy is easier to describe in EBNF and correctly accepts all valid numeric literals, rejects all invalid ones, and makes it easy for a parser implementation to report good error messages.


String Literals

Character and binary string data is represented using string literals. These support C-style escape sequences.

string_literal = single_quoted_string_literal | double_quoted_string_literal .

single_quoted_string_literal = "'" { !("\n" | "\x00" | "'" | `\`) | rune_escape_seq } "'" .
double_quoted_string_literal = `"` { !("\n" | "\x00" | `"` | `\`) | rune_escape_seq } `"` .

rune_escape_seq    = simple_escape_seq | hex_escape_seq | octal_escape_seq | unicode_escape_seq .
simple_escape_seq  = `\` ( "a" | "b" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t" | "v" | `\` | "'" | `"` | "?" ) .
hex_escape_seq     = `\` ( "x" | "X" ) hex_digit [ hex_digit ] .
octal_escape_seq   = `\` octal_digit [ octal_digit [ octal_digit ] ] .
unicode_escape_seq = `\` "u" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit |
                     `\` "U" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit
                             hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit .
"A string with \"nested quotes\" in it"
'Another with \'nested quotes\' inside'
"Some whitespace:\n\r\t\v"
'Hex escaped bytes: \x01\x2\X03\X4'
'A string with a literal back-slash \\ in it'
"A string that has a NULL character in hex: \x00"
"Another with a NULL in octal: \00"
"A unicode right arrow can use unicode escape \u2192 or not →"
'Long unicode escape can represent emojis \U0001F389 but isn\'t necessary 🎉'

While the long form of unicode escapes (starting with \U) ostensibly allows encoding extremely large values, the highest allowed value is U+10FFFF.

If a string literal contains a newline or null character then it is malformed, and a syntax error should be reported. (But an encoded newline or null, using escape sequences, is allowed: \n, \x0a, or \00).

String literals are used for constant values of string fields, which should be valid UTF-8. They are also used for constant values of bytes fields. So they must be able to represent arbitrary binary data, in addition to UTF-8 strings. To that end, octal and hex escapes always represent a single byte, not a unicode code point. To represent valid unicode characters outside the 7-bit ASCII range, use unicode escape sequences, not octal or hex escapes.

The unicode escapes do not necessarily end up as 2 or 4 bytes in the resulting string (despite the length of the escape sequence) since they will be encoded using UTF-8.

The following table describes the meaning of the various simple escapes:

Value Description
\a Alert/bell. ASCII 0x07.
\b Backspace. ASCII 0x08.
\f Formfeed/page break. ASCII 0x0C.
\n Newline. ASCII 0x0A
\r Carriage return. ASCII 0x0D.
\t Horizontal tab. ASCII 0x09.
\v Vertical tab. ASCII 0x0B.
\\ A literal back-slash \. ASCII 0x5C.
\' A literal single-quote '. ASCII 0x27. Leading back-slash only required when string literal enclosed in single-quotes.
\" A literal double-quote ". ASCII 0x22. Leading back-slash only required when string literal enclosed in double-quotes.
\? A literal question mark ?. ASCII 0x3F. Leading back-slash not required.

Punctuation and Operators

The symbols below represent all other valid input characters used in the protobuf language.

semicolon = ";" .        equals  = "=" .        r_brace   = "}" .
comma     = "," .        minus   = "-" .        l_bracket = "[" .
dot       = "." .        l_paren = "(" .        r_bracket = "]" .
slash     = "/" .        r_paren = ")" .        l_angle   = "<" .
colon     = ":" .        l_brace = "{" .        r_angle   = ">" .


The sections below describe all the elements of the protobuf IDL and include EBNF productions that describe their syntax.

The elements are presented in "top down" order: the first element described encompasses an entire source file and is the objective for parsing a valid source file. For any given production, any other productions to which it refers that have not yet been defined are presented thereafter, possibly in a subsequent section. Remember that lower-snake-case identifiers in EBNF refer to lexical elements, which are defined above in the previous section.

The grammar presented here is a unified grammar: it is capable of parsing files that use the proto2, proto3, or Editions syntax. This means you do not need multiple passes, such as a pre-parse to determine the syntax level of the file and then a full-parse using a syntax-specific grammar. The differences between the three do not require a separate grammar and can be implemented as a post-process step to validate the resulting parsed syntax tree. The relevant differences between the various syntaxes are called out in the sections below.

Source File Organization

A valid source file contains zero or more declarations and may begin with an optional UTF byte order mark.

File = [ byte_order_mark ] [ SyntaxDecl ] { FileElement } .

FileElement = ImportDecl |
              PackageDecl |
              OptionDecl |
              MessageDecl |
              EnumDecl |
              ExtensionDecl |
              ServiceDecl |
              EmptyDecl .

Declaration Types

There are two different kinds of declarations in a source file:

  1. Simple declarations: A simple declaration generally describes a single language element and then ends with a semicolon ;.
  2. Block declarations: A block declaration is used for composite elements: those that may contain other elements. Instead of ending with a semicolon, they end with a block enclosed in braces ({ and }). The contained elements are defined inside these braces.

Empty declarations are allowed as top-level declarations in a file as well as in most kinds of block declarations. They have no content: they consist solely of a terminating semicolon. They are ignored.

EmptyDecl = semicolon .

Syntax Declaration

Files should define a syntax level. If present, this must be the first declaration in the file. When the "syntax" keyword is used, string literal indicates the syntax level and must have a value of "proto2" or "proto3". If the "edition" keyword is used, the file is said to use Editions syntax, and the string literal indicates a particular indication. By convention, editions are named after the year in which their development began. The first edition is "2023".

Other values for the string literal are not allowed (though the set of allowed values may be expanded in the future). If a file contains no syntax or edition declaration then the proto2 syntax is assumed.

SyntaxDecl = syntax equals SyntaxLevel semicolon |
             edition equals Edition semicolon .

SyntaxLevel = StringLiteral .
Edition     = StringLiteral .
syntax = "proto2":
syntax = "proto3";
edition = "2023";

String literals support C-style concatenation. So the sequence "prot" "o2" is equivalent to "proto2".

StringLiteral = string_literal { string_literal } .

Allowed Editions

The actual string values allowed in the edition statement are defined by the google.protobuf.Edition enum, which is defined in google/protobuf/descriptor.proto.

The first edition is represented by the EDITION_2023 value. All earlier values (those with lower numeric values) should be ignored for the purpose of considering what string values are allowed. Similarly, the sentinel EDITION_MAX value and all values whose names end in _TEST_ONLY should also be ignored.

Of the values that remain (not ignored per the above), the portion of the value name after the EDITION_ prefix is what is allowed. For example, with the value EDITION_2023, 2023 is what can be used, i.e. edition = "2023";.

Note, however, that just because an edition is declared in the enum does not necessarily mean that the edition is actually supported or even completely defined. For example, v27.0 of the Protobuf distribution includes a value named EDITION_2024, but such a version was not implemented yet. It is present in the file because it must be added to the enum before any implementation work can actually being. Once the edition is adequately implemented for users to try it out, it can be made available for users of protoc via an --experimental_editions flag. (Users were able to experiment with edition 2023 in this same way in releases of Protobuf prior to v27.0, starting with v24.0.)

So the compiler must limit the set of allowed values to only valid entries in the enum and only to editions that the compiler actually supports and implements.

Package Declaration

A file can only include a single package declaration, though it can appear anywhere in the file (except before the syntax).

PackageDecl = package PackageName semicolon .

PackageName = QualifiedIdentifier .
package buf;
package google.api;

Packages use dot-separated namespace components. A compound name like represents a nesting of namespaces, with foo being the outermost namespace, then bar, and finally baz. So all the elements in two files, with packages and for example, reside in the foo and namespaces.

A full package name, with any whitespace removed, must be less than 512 characters long. It also must contain no more than 100 dots (i.e. 101 components or fewer).


In order for one file to re-use message and enum types defined in another file, the one file must import the other.

ImportDecl = import [ weak | public ] ImportedFileName semicolon .

ImportedFileName = StringLiteral .
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
import public "other/file.proto";
import weak "deprecated.proto";

A "public" import means that everything in that file is treated as if it were defined in the importing file, for the benefit of transitive importers. For example, if file "a.proto" imports "b.proto" and "b.proto" has "c.proto" as a public import, then the elements in "a.proto" may refer to elements defined in "c.proto", even though "a.proto" does not directly import "c.proto".

A "weak" import means that the import is not required as a runtime dependency. Fields that depend on types defined in these imports can also be marked with a field option named weak.


Use of weak imports and weak field options is strongly discouraged and is supported by few target runtimes.


The string literal must be a relative path (e.g. it may not start with a slash /). Paths always use forward slash as the path separator, even when compiled on operating systems that use back-slashes (\), such as Windows.

The set of files that a file imports are also known as the file's dependencies.


When one element in a file refers to another element (defined in the same file or possible in another file), the referenced element must be visible to that file. Imports are how elements in one file are made visible to another.

The elements that are visible to a given file include the following:

  1. Everything defined inside that given file
  2. Everything defined inside the files that the given file imports
  3. Everything defined inside files that are publicly imported by the files that the given file imports. Public imports are transitive, so if a.proto imports b.proto which publicly imports c.proto which in turn publicly imports d.proto, then everything in c.proto and d.proto is visible to a.proto.

Well-Known Imports

The "well-known" imports are a set of files that define the well-known types. The term "well-known" means they are available to all Protobuf sources. Instead of requiring a user to supply these files, the compiler should be able to provide their contents. All of the well-known types are in files whose path begins with "google/protobuf". Furthermore, the package for each file starts with google.protobuf, with the exception of the files that define custom features, which use the short package pb.

As of v1.32 of buf and v27.0 of protoc, the well-known imports include the following files:

  • google/protobuf/any.proto
  • google/protobuf/api.proto
  • google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.proto
  • google/protobuf/cpp_features.proto
  • google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
  • google/protobuf/duration.proto
  • google/protobuf/empty.proto
  • google/protobuf/field_mask.proto
  • google/protobuf/java_features.proto
  • google/protobuf/source_context.proto
  • google/protobuf/struct.proto
  • google/protobuf/type.proto
  • google/protobuf/wrappers.proto

The authoritative source for all of these files is the official Protobuf repo at

Named Elements

There are numerous types of declarations in the Protobuf IDL that are "named elements": packages, messages, fields, oneofs, enums, enum values, extensions, services, and methods.

Packages are not declared in the same way as other elements. Other elements are explicitly declared in a source file, and it is an error if two explicitly declared elements have the same name. A package declaration on the other hand is more like a reference to a package. Referring to a package implicitly declares that package and all of its ancestors. So it is fine if multiple files indicate the same package name: this does not indicate a package name conflict but rather indicates that multiple files contribute elements to that same package.

A line like package;, for example, is a reference that implicitly declares three different packages:

  3. foo

Named elements form a hierarchy, or a tree. An element that may contain child elements is a "composite element".

─ Package
   ├─ Messages
   │   ├─ Fields
   │   ├─ Oneofs
   │   │   └─ Fields
   │   ├─ Messages
   │   │   └─ (...more...)
   │   ├─ Enums
   │   │   └─ Enum Values
   │   └─ Extensions
   ├─ Enums
   │   └─ Enum Values
   ├─ Extensions
   └─ Services
       └─ Methods

As seen above, the structure of a message is recursive: messages can contain other messages; these nested messages can themselves contain messages; and so on. Note that a source file is not a named element in the hierarchy and thus absent from the diagram above. Files are just a way of grouping and organizing elements.

Fully-Qualified Names

All named elements can be uniquely identified by their fully-qualified name. When the element is declared, it is given a simple name, consisting of a single identifier. Its fully-qualified name includes a prefix that indicates the context and location of the declaration.

Every node in this tree has a fully-qualified name that is easy to compute: take the fully-qualified name of the parent node and append to that a dot (".") and the node's simple name. There are two exceptions to this simple rule:

  1. Enum values are treated as if siblings of the enums that contain them, not child nodes. The reason behind this is mostly a legacy decision to support generated C++ code since enums in C++ behave the same way with regard their enclosing namespace.
  2. Similarly, fields defined inside a oneof are treated as if siblings of the oneof. This is so that any normal field of a message can be uniquely identified by its simple name, regardless of whether it is part of a oneof (a property required by the text and JSON serialization formats for Protobuf messages).

Due to the above two exceptions, the only elements that are composite elements per the structure implied by fully-qualified names are packages, messages, and services.

The following example source demonstrates this by showing the fully-qualified names of all named elements, as computed by the logic described above:

syntax = "proto3";                            // Fully-qualified name
package;                              //
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";    //
message Message {                             //
    oneof id {                                //
      string name = 1;                        //
      uint64 num = 2;                         //
    }                                         //
    message NestedMessage {                   //
      extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions { //
        string fizz = 49999;                  //
      }                                       //
      option (NestedMessage.fizz) = "buzz";   //
      enum Kind {                             //
        NULL = 0;                             //
        PRIMARY = 1;                          //
        SECONDARY = 2;                        //
      }                                       //
      Kind kind = 1;                          //
    }                                         //
    NestedMessage extra = 3;                  //
}                                             //
enum Unit {                                   //
  VOID = 0;                                   //
}                                             //
service FooService {                          //
  rpc Bar(Message) returns (Message);         //
}                                             //

As shown by the extension fizz in this example, the fully-qualified name of an extension depends only on the context where the extension is declared. It has no relation to the message being extended.

All named elements in the Protobuf IDL must have unique fully-qualified names. It is not allowed, for example, for a message to have a field and nested enum that have the same name.

Since fields in a oneof are actually siblings of the oneof, they are actually represented as if direct children of the enclosing message. This means that you cannot have two fields with the same name, even if they are enclosed in different oneofs.

Also seen above, names are case-sensitive, which is why it is allowed to have an enum named Kind (capitalized) and a field named kind (lower-case) at the same level, inside of NestedMessage.

Type References

Various elements in the source file allow for referencing another element, either defined in the same source file or defined in one of the source file's imports.

TypeName = [ dot ] QualifiedIdentifier .

QualifiedIdentifier = identifier { dot identifier } .

These references are usually type references, referring to user-defined message and enum types. In some cases (such as in options), these references can instead refer to extensions.

Constrained Type References

There are several places in the grammar where a type reference is constrained to enable a predictive parser implementation while preventing ambiguity. In these cases, the first token of the type reference is more limited than above: instead of matching any identifier (including any keywords), some keywords are excluded.

FieldDeclTypeName          = FieldDeclIdentifier [ dot QualifiedIdentifier ] |
                             FullyQualifiedIdentifier .
MessageFieldDeclTypeName   = MessageFieldDeclIdentifier [ dot QualifiedIdentifier ] |
                             FullyQualifiedIdentifier .
ExtensionFieldDeclTypeName = ExtensionFieldDeclIdentifier [ dot QualifiedIdentifier ] |
                             FullyQualifiedIdentifier .
OneofFieldDeclTypeName     = OneofFieldDeclIdentifier [ dot QualifiedIdentifier ] |
                             FullyQualifiedIdentifier .
MethodDeclTypeName         = MethodDeclIdentifier [ dot QualifiedIdentifier ] |
                             FullyQualifiedIdentifier .

FieldDeclIdentifier          = identifier - group .
MessageFieldDeclIdentifier   = FieldDeclIdentifier - (
                                 message | enum   | oneof    | reserved | extensions |
                                 extend  | option | optional | required | repeated
                               ) .
ExtensionFieldDeclIdentifier = FieldDeclIdentifier - (
                                 optional | required | repeated
                               ) .
OneofFieldDeclIdentifier     = FieldDeclIdentifier - (
                                 option | optional | required | repeated
                               ) .
MethodDeclIdentifier         = identifier - stream .

FullyQualifiedIdentifier = dot QualifiedIdentifier .

Fully-Qualified References

References are often simple identifiers. This works especially well when the target type is in the same package as the referring element. For example, a field on a top-level message can refer to any other top-level message in the same package without any qualifiers.

If a reference is prefixed with a dot (.), it means that the name that follows is already fully-qualified: it contains the full package name and the names of any enclosing messages for the target element. So the referenced element can easily be found from the name alone.

Relative References

When a reference is an unqualified identifier, it is just a single, simple name. A reference can also be partially qualified: it has multiple name components separated by dots (.), but it does not start with a dot. Both unqualified and partially qualified references are "relative" references -- since the element to which they refer is relative to the context in which the reference appears.

The process of resolving a relative reference identifies the fully-qualified name of the referenced element, or it determines that there is no such element and that the reference is not valid. This process relies on the concept of lexical scopes.


Every named element in a source file is defined in a lexical scope. These scopes form a hierarchy that mirrors the hierarchy of the elements. There are three kinds of scopes:

  1. Package scope: The scope of a package refers to all elements defined in that package.

    All elements in a file are defined in the scope of its package. Package scopes form a hierarchy. If a package's name has a single component, then the package scope's parent is that of the "default" package (which has no name). Otherwise, the package scope's parent is that of the package's "enclosing namespace". The package's enclosing namespace is the package's name with the rightmost component removed. For example, the parent namespace of package "" is "".

    If the file does not declare a package, all of its contents are in the "default" package.

    All declarations that are not inside a message or service reside directly in the package scope of the file's package.

  2. Message scope: The scope of a message refers to all elements defined inside that message's body, including nested messages which also correspond to their own nested scope.

    If the message is nested inside another message, then the scope's parent is the scope of the enclosing message. Otherwise, the scope's parent is the package scope of the package in which the message is defined.

  3. Service scope: The scope of a service refers to all elements defined inside that service's body. The scope's parent is the package scope of the package in which the service is defined.

Scopes are named after the element (package, message, or service) to which they correspond. The name of a scope's parent can be computed in the same way as described above for computing the parent of a package: discard the rightmost component. (The name of the "default" package's scope is the empty string, and it has no parent.)

Within a scope, all elements in an ancestor scope may be referenced using a partially qualified reference. Common ancestors between two elements may be elided in a reference. For example, an element inside the scope can omit the prefix to refer to an element because they both have the component in common. So the reference could be written as Baz.Bedazzle. Such a reference could also use more qualifiers than necessary and be written as bar.Baz.Bedazzle or

Reference Resolution

Resolving a relative reference starts with the scope in which the reference is declared. So if the reference is the extendee of a top-level "extends" block, its scope is that of the file's package. If the reference is a field type inside a message, its scope is that of the enclosing message.

There are two exceptions to the starting scope:

  1. When resolving custom option names for a message option, skip the initial scope and proceed to the scope's parent (the package scope for options in top-level messages, or the scope of the enclosing message for options in nested messages).
  2. When resolving extension names that appear inside a message literal in option values, skip all scopes corresponding to enclosing messages and use the file's scope.

The process then queries all visible elements for a match in this scope. If there is no match, we move on to the scope's parent and repeat the query. The process continues through each ancestor scope until a match is found. If the search gets to the root scope, that of the "default" package (with the empty name), and the element has still not been found, the reference is not valid.

Querying for a match in a given scope depends on whether the relative reference is unqualified or not:

If the reference is unqualified

Compute a candidate fully-qualified name as the name of the scope, then a dot, and then the reference. For example, a reference Baz inside of a package scope results in a candidate name of

Examine all visible elements for one whose fully-qualified name matches this. If there is no match found, the reference cannot be to an element in this scope. Continue to the next scope.

If the reference is for the type name for a field (including type references in the type declaration of a map field) but the matched element is neither a message nor an enum, act as if no match was found. Continue to the next scope.

If we make it this far, resolution is complete: the candidate name fully identifies the referenced element.

If the reference is partially qualified

Compute a candidate fully-qualified name as the name of the scope, then a dot, and then only the first component of the reference. For example, a reference Baz.Buzz inside of a package scope results in a candidate name of

Examine all visible elements for one whose fully-qualified name matches this. If there is no match found, the reference cannot be to an element in this scope. Continue to the next scope.

If the matched element is not a package, message, or service, act as if no match was found. (These are the only elements that also correspond to scopes, in which the rest of the reference may be found.) Continue to the next scope.

Since we've matched the first name component, we have identified the correct scope in which the referenced element must exist.

Now compute a new candidate fully-qualified name, as above, using the entire reference. Using the same example, a reference Baz.Buzz inside of a package scope results in a candidate name of

Examine all visible elements for one whose fully-qualified name matches this new candidate. If there is no match found, the reference does not refer to any visible element and is therefore not valid.

If we make it this far, resolution is complete: the candidate name fully identifies the referenced element.

When resolution succeeds, a subsequent check is necessary to make sure that the kind of the referenced element is valid in the referring context. For example, only extensions are allowed in option names; only messages are allowed in RPC method input and output types; only messages are allowed as the extendee name for extensions; only messages and enums are allowed in field types.


Many elements defined in a source file allow the user to specify options, which provide a way to customize behavior and also provide the ability to use custom annotations on elements (which can then be used by code generation plugins or runtime libraries).

OptionDecl = option OptionName equals OptionValue semicolon .
option deprecated = true;
option ( = { a:1 b:2 c:3 };
option ( = 0x5467;

These declarations may appear as top-level declarations in the file, in which case they describe options for the file itself. They may also appear inside any block declaration, in which case they describe options for the enclosing element.

Some elements that use a simple declaration can also have options, in which case a more compact syntax is used.

CompactOptions = l_bracket CompactOption { comma CompactOption } r_bracket .

CompactOption  = OptionName equals OptionValue .
[deprecated = true]
[default = "unset", json_name = "EnrollStatus", (validator.Required) = true]
[ ( = { a:1, b:2, c:"three" } ]

Option Names

Option names refer to fields on the various concrete options messages, described in more detail in the next section below. Parenthesized names refer to extension fields. An extension on one of the concrete option types is also called a "custom option".

OptionName = ( SimpleName | ExtensionName ) [ dot OptionName ] .

SimpleName    = identifier .
ExtensionName = l_paren TypeName r_paren .

No option can be declared that references the name uninterpreted_option. This only applies for a standard option (i.e. name is not in parentheses). There are other restrictions on option names in specific contexts, described throughout this document, and they also only apply to an un-parenthesized name.

An option name can have multiple components, separated by dots (.), which form a path to a field that is nested inside a message structure. More than one component is only valid if the first component named an option whose type is a message. See the next section for more details.

Resolving Option Names

Each component of an option name can refer to either a normal field, if it is an un-parenthesized identifier, or an extension field, if it is a parenthesized reference. The name components are processed in sequence, from left to right. They cumulatively define a path to a field inside one of the above concrete options types.

Resolving these names to fields in a message first requires knowing which concrete options type to use. And that depends on the context -- the kind of element on which the options are being defined:

Context Options message
file * google.protobuf.FileOptions
message † google.protobuf.MessageOptions
field ‡ google.protobuf.FieldOptions
oneof google.protobuf.OneofOptions
extension range google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions
enum google.protobuf.EnumOptions
enum value google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions
service google.protobuf.ServiceOptions
method google.protobuf.MethodOptions

* An option that is a top-level declaration, not in the context of any other element, is in the file context.

In the context of a group, option declarations inside the group's body are considered to be message options.

In the context of a group, compact option declarations that precede the group's body are considered to be field options.

All of the above types are defined in the well-known import named "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto".

All of the above concrete options have a field named uninterpreted_option which is for internal use only. (Option declarations may not refer to this field.)


All of the concrete options have a field named features. This field's type is a message: google.protobuf.FeatureSet.

Syntactically, values for this field are specified just like any other option field. However, files that use proto2 or proto3 syntax may not use this option. It can only be used in sources that use Editions syntax.


To resolve an option name, we start with the relevant message type (from the table above) as the context message. For each name component, we do the following:

  • The current name component must be a field defined on the context message. If the name is parenthesized, it refers to a custom option, which must be an extension field on the context message. If the context message has no such field or extension, the option name is not valid.

  • If there are no more name components, the option name has been successfully resolved! The named field is the one to which the option name refers.

  • If there are more name components, the named field's type must be a message type and must not be repeated or a map type. So if it's not a message type or if it's a repeated or map field, the option name is not valid.

    The named field's message type becomes the new context message, and we can continue to the next name component.

At the end of this process, we have resolved the option name to a particular field.

Multiple option names may refer to other fields inside the same messages. This is known as a de-structured message, where the message's contents are defined across multiple option declarations, instead of with a single declaration that uses a message literal. When de-structuring, it is not allowed for one option to override a value in the same field set by another option. It is also not allowed for two options to set different fields in the same oneof (only one may be set).

Multiple option names may refer to the same field, however, if it is a repeated field. In this case, later values are not overriding earlier ones. Instead, all the values in the order they appear in source are concatenated into a single list of values for the repeated field.

The example below demonstrates both of these:

option (google.api.http).custom.kind = "FETCH";
option (google.api.http).custom.path = "/foo/bar/baz/{id}";
option (google.api.http).additional_bindings = {
    get: "/foo/bar/baz/{id}"
option (google.api.http).additional_bindings = {
    post: "/foo/bar/baz/"
    body: "*"

The following is equivalent to the above, and instead uses a single message literal instead of de-structuring:

option (google.api.http) = {
    custom: {
        kind: "FETCH"
        path: "/foo/bar/baz/{id}"
    additional_bindings: [
          get: "/foo/bar/baz/{id}"
          post: "/foo/bar/baz/"
          body: "*"

The following is a more comprehensive example showing how custom options can be defined and used, including the use of extensions in the option name, both as a custom option name as well as to set an extension field deeper in the option's structure:

syntax = "proto2";


import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";

message ExtendableOption {
  optional string name = 1;
  optional uint64 id = 2;
  message Inner {
    optional int32 x = 1;
    optional int32 y = 2;
    extensions 10 to 20;
  optional Inner inner = 3;

extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
  optional ExtendableOption ext = 12121;

extend ExtendableOption.Inner {
  repeated string tag = 10;

option ( = "Bob Loblaw";
option ( = 100;
option ( = 200;
option ( = "foo";
option ( = "bar";

Option Values

Option values are literals. In addition to scalar literal values (like integers, floating point numbers, strings, and booleans), option values can also be a message literal, which describes a more complex piece of data. Message literals must be enclosed in braces ({ and }).

OptionValue = ScalarValue | MessageLiteralWithBraces .

ScalarValue         = StringLiteral | IntLiteral | FloatLiteral |
                      SpecialFloatLiteral | identifier .
IntLiteral          = [ minus ] int_literal .
FloatLiteral        = [ minus ] float_literal .
SpecialFloatLiteral = minus inf | minus nan .

MessageLiteralWithBraces = l_brace MessageTextFormat r_brace .
"foo bar"
{ name:"Bob Loblaw" id:123 profession:"attorney" loc<lat:-41.293, long: 174.781675> }

Identifiers are used as option values in the following cases:

  • If the option's type is an enum type, use identifiers for the unqualified enum value names.
  • If the option's type is boolean, use true and false identifiers as values.
  • If the option's type is a floating point number, one may use inf and nan identifiers as values.

To set multiple values when an option field is repeated, use multiple option declarations with the name of that field. It is an error to use multiple option declarations in the same context and with the same name unless the named field is repeated.

It is an error to use multiple option declarations in the same context that all name different fields of a oneof. Since only one of the fields can be set at a time, declarations that attempt to set more than one are not allowed.

Protobuf Text Format

For option values that are message literals, the syntax is the same as the Protobuf "text format", enclosed inside of braces ({ and }):

MessageTextFormat = { MessageLiteralField [ comma | semicolon ] } .

MessageLiteralField = MessageLiteralFieldName colon Value |
                      MessageLiteralFieldName MessageValue .

MessageLiteralFieldName = FieldName |
                          l_bracket SpecialFieldName r_bracket .
SpecialFieldName        = ExtensionFieldName | TypeURL .
ExtensionFieldName      = QualifiedIdentifier .
TypeURL                 = QualifiedIdentifier slash QualifiedIdentifier .

Value                  = TextFormatScalarValue | MessageLiteral | ListLiteral .
TextFormatScalarValue  = StringLiteral | IntLiteral | FloatLiteral |
                         SignedIdentifier | identifier .
SignedIdentifier       = minus identifier .
MessageValue           = MessageLiteral | ListOfMessagesLiteral .
MessageLiteral         = MessageLiteralWithBraces |
                         l_angle MessageTextFormat r_angle .

ListLiteral = l_bracket [ ListElement { comma ListElement } ] r_bracket .
ListElement = ScalarValue | MessageLiteral .

ListOfMessagesLiteral = l_bracket [ MessageLiteral { comma MessageLiteral } ] r_bracket .
a:123 b:456
addr{num: 3 st: "Abbey Rd" city: "London" postal_code: "NW8 9AY" country: "UK"}
single:1 repeated:["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
[]: "extension value"

Field names may refer to normal fields. But if the name is enclosed in brackets ([ and ]) then it refers to an extension field. For extension fields, the reference is not allowed to include a leading dot (indicating it is already fully-qualified). Extension names in the text format are resolved in the same fashion as other relative references.

List literals are only valid inside the text format, which means they can be used in option values only inside a message literal. So, for repeated options that are not nested inside a message, the list literal syntax cannot be used. Instead, the source file must define multiple options, all naming the same repeated option, each one with an element of the list. The option's final value is the concatenation of all values for that field, in the order in which they appear in the source.

The grammar only allows the separating colon (:) between field name and value to be omitted when the value is a message literal or a list of message literals. This still allows an empty list to be used without a preceding colon. However, when interpreting options, if the actual field type for the value is not a message type, a missing colon is considered a syntax error, even if the value is an empty list literal.

The kind of value that appears in this format must be compatible with the type of the named field:

Field Type Allowed Value Types
int32, int64, sint32, sint64, sfixed32, sfixed64 IntLiteral *
uint32, uint64, fixed32, fixed64 IntLiteral
float, double FloatLiteral, IntLiteral, SignedIdentifier ‡, identifier
bool identifier §
string, bytes StringLiteral
An enum type identifier, IntLiteral
A message type MessageLiteral

* Integer field types can only use IntLiteral values if the represented number is in the range [-231,231) for 32-bit types or or [-263,263) for 64-bit types.

Unsigned integer field types can only use IntLiteral values if the represented number is in the range [0,232) for 32-bit types or [0,264) for 64-bit types.

Floating point field types can only use identifier values if the identifier is inf, infinity, or nan. But this is a case-insensitive check (so INF and NaN could also be used). Similarly, the identifier component of a SignedIdentifier value must be inf, infinity, or nan (case-insensitive). Note that all of these may be used inside the text format, in a message literal. But for non-message options (e.g. option values outside the text format), only inf and nan (lower-case) can be used.

§ Boolean field types can only use identifiers true, false, True, False, t, and f as values. Note that all of these may be used inside the text format, in a message literal. But for non-message options (e.g. option values outside the text format), only true and false can be used.

Enum fields may only use numeric values inside a message literal. If the enum type is open (defined in a file using proto3 syntax) then any value is allowed as long as it is in the range for 32-bit integers: [-231,231). If the enum type is closed (defined in a file using proto2 syntax) then the numeric value must match one of the enum's known named values.

Any Messages

If the type of the message literal is google.protobuf.Any, a custom format is allowed. This custom format looks like a message literal with a single key. That one key is the type URL, enclosed in brackets. The type URL includes the name of the concrete message type contained therein. The value for this key is another message literal: the text format of that concrete message type. A type URL (and thus a key with a slash / in it) is not allowed in the field name of a message literal other than this special case.

The following shows an example of an option with an Any value in it that uses this custom syntax:

syntax = "proto3";


import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";

extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
    google.protobuf.Any extra = 33333;

message MyOptionData {
    string name = 1;
    uint64 id = 3;

message MyMessage {
    // highlight-start
    option (extra) = {
        []: {
            name: "foobar"
            id: 42
    // highlight-end

The reference compiler, protoc, only supports this syntax when the domain in the URL is "" or "". The definition of the named message is resolved the same way as if a field type referred to the message. Therefore, the message type indicated in the type URL must be visible to the file.

:::note The compiler does not make an HTTP request for the given URL to resolve the details of the type. Instead, it relies on available sources that are included in the compilation operation.

Alternate compilers could support URLs with domains other than "" and "". However, such support is hampered by the fact that the grammar does not currently support additional path components in the type URL and does not even support the full range of allowed characters in a domain component or URL path component. :::


A "meta-option" is a field option that controls the behavior of other options. Let's explore what that means:

  • Options are themselves fields, of concrete options message. (See Resolving Option Names.)
  • Since they are fields, that means they too can be annotated with field options.
  • Such an option, one that is intended to be used on other options, is a meta-option.

Below are the meta-options:

  1. retention: This option controls whether runtimes should retain the value of this option and make it available at runtime, for reflection use cases. This meta-option can be ignored when parsing and validating Protobuf sources. It is only used during code generation, to decide what options to make available to a Protobuf runtime.

    extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
        repeated MyCustomData my_custom_data = 50001 [
            // highlight-start
            // The my_custom_data option is only available when
            // processing source. It is unavailable at runtime.
            retention = RETENTION_SOURCE
            // highlight-end
  2. targets: This option controls the target types -- the types of elements to which this field applies. This is described in more detail below.

  3. edition_defaults: This option is required for feature fields and is used to to resolve feature values. This is described in more detail below.

  4. feature_support: This option is also required for feature fields and defines the range of editions in which a feature field may be used. This is described in more detail below.

Target Types

The targets meta-option limits the kinds of elements where an option can be used. When the options are resolved, this meta-option should be consulted for all fields set. This includes all elements in an option name. It also includes all field names referenced inside of a message literal. If any of the referenced fields has a non-empty value for the targets meta-option, and none of the values match the context in which the reference is found, it is an invalid use of that field.

The table below lists all of the target types and the context in which they may be used:

Context Target Type

In the following file, for example, the highlighted option use is invalid: the field referenced can only be used in file and field contexts but is incorrectly used in an enum context.

syntax = "proto3";


import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";

enum Abc {
  // highlight-start
  option (enum_extra).foo = true;
  // highlight-end

  ABC = 0;

extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
  Extra file_extra = 33333;
extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
  Extra message_extra = 33333;
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
  Extra field_extra = 33333;
extend google.protobuf.EnumOptions {
  Extra enum_extra = 33333;

message Extra {
  string name = 1;
  uint64 id = 2;

  // This field can only be used on files and fields.
  bool foo = 3 [
    targets = TARGET_TYPE_FILE,
    targets = TARGET_TYPE_FIELD


All of the various concrete option messages have a field named features. Values for this field, or fields inside of it, may only be set by option declarations in files that use the Editions syntax (by declaring an edition at the top of the file instead of a syntax).

The type of this field in all cases is google.protobuf.FeatureSet. The term "feature" or "feature field" refers to a field of this message. All such fields must have a boolean or enum type. They may not be repeated. This message defines extension ranges. The type of all extension fields should be a message. The fields of those message are called "custom features" or "custom feature fields". Similarly, these fields may not be repeated and must have a type of bool or enum.

Each feature field uses the targets meta-option to indicate to which kind of element it applies. Typically, there will be at least two such types allowed: the actual element type to which the value applies as well as TARGET_TYPE_FILE, which allows setting a file-wide default value (that is inherited by all elements in the file unless overridden).

Features control the semantics of the language. They allow elements in a file that uses Editions syntax to use the semantics of either proto2 or proto3 syntaxes. They also allow fine-grained control, allowing a single file to mix these semantics in ways that were not possible when using proto2 or proto3 syntax. For example, an enum in a file that uses proto2 syntax is always closed; an enum in a file that uses proto3 syntax is always open. But enums in a file that uses Editions syntax can be either, and both open and closed enums can be defined in the same file when using Editions syntax.

Features are how the first edition, "2023", unified the proto2 and proto3 syntaxes. A file that uses proto3 syntax can be migrated to Editions syntax and preserve all of its semantics. A file that uses proto2 syntax can also be migrated to Editions syntax and preserve all of its semantics. And features allow these semantics to change incrementally, in a fine-grained way -- even as granular as changing a single field at a time.

Feature Resolution

In a source file, features are defined sparsely. So the author of a Protobuf source file is not expected to put features on every element. Instead, they are expected to use file-wide defaults for cases where they want different semantics than the defaults for the file's edition, and to use per-element features only when they wish that element to have different semantics than the file's defaults.

The default values for a feature can change from one edition to the next. So in order to compute the value of a feature for a particular element, we have to examine that element's features, the features of its ancestors (from which it can "inherit" override values, such as a file-wide default), and also the default value of the feature for the file's edition.

An "element" in this context is anything that can have options, since features are represented as options. The table in the Target Types section above enumerates the nine types of elements. The root of the hierarchy is the file itself (so feature resolution never needs to examine feature values outside of a single file). The parent of a top-level element (message, enum, extension, or service) is the file. The parent of a field, oneof, or extension range is its enclosing message. When types are nested inside a message (enums, extensions, and other messages), the enclosing message is their parent. The parent of an enum value is the enclosing enum. The parent of an RPC method is the enclosing service.

We can generalize the above and state the ancestry of an element is defined by the lexical blocks ({ ... }) in which it is defined. The one exception to this is that, though fields in a oneof are lexically defined inside the oneof body, the enclosing message is the parent of those fields, not the oneof.

The following example demonstrates the hierarchy, stating the parent of each element:

edition = "2023";                             // Parent
package;                              //
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";    //
message Message {                             // file "example.proto"
    oneof id {                                // message
      string name = 1;                        // message
      uint64 num = 2;                         // message
    }                                         //
    message NestedMessage {                   // message
      extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions { //
        string fizz = 49999;                  // message
      }                                       //
      option (NestedMessage.fizz) = "buzz";   //
      enum Kind {                             // message
        NULL = 0;                             // enum
        PRIMARY = 1;                          // enum
        SECONDARY = 2;                        // enum
      }                                       //
      Kind kind = 1;                          // message
    }                                         //
    NestedMessage extra = 3;                  // message
    extensions 1 to 100;                      // message
}                                             //
enum Unit {                                   // file "example.proto"
  VOID = 0;                                   // enum
}                                             //
service FooService {                          // file "example.proto"
  rpc Bar(Message) returns (Message);         // service
}                                             //

The file itself has no parent element: it is the root of the hierarchy.

The algorithm to resolve a feature for a particular element looks like so:

  1. Examine the element's options.
    • If available, examine the option message's features field.
      • If present, query for the particular feature field in question.
        • If present, its value is the resolved feature value. Done.
  2. If the element is a file (so there is no parent), the resolved feature value is the default value for the file's edition. Done.
  3. Get the element's parent.
  4. Go back to step 1, repeating the algorithm, but substituting parent for element.

Computing the default value of a feature for a particular edition is discussed in the next section.

An alternative to the above algorithm is to pre-compute the resolved values for all features, for all elements. This utilizes a logical "merge" operation to combine two Protobuf messages. It also traverses the hierarchy in the opposite direction, top-down instead of bottom-up. The algorithm for this approach looks like so:

  1. Compute a FeatureSet message where all fields (including all custom feature fields, which are the fields of known extensions) have the default value for the file's edition. Call this message "current".
  2. Query for the features field of the file's options.
    • If present, merge the value from the file's options into "current".
  3. Store "current" as the resolved feature set for the file.
  4. For each child element (top-level messages, enums, extensions, and services):
    1. Query for the features field of this element's options.
      • If present, clone the "current" FeatureSet, and merge the value from the element's options into the clone. Assign the result as "current".
    2. Store "current" as the resolved feature set for the element.
    3. Repeat the above steps recursively, for each child of the element.
      • If the element is a message, its children are its fields, oneofs, extension ranges, nested messages, nested enums, and nested extensions.
      • If the element is an enum, its children are its enum values.
      • If the element is a service, its children are its RPC methods.
      • If the element is a field (or extension), oneof, extension range, enum value, or RPC method, it has no children.
Merging Protobuf Messages

Merging two Protobuf messages, "a" and "b", mutates "a". By convention, this is called "merging b into a". The algorithm is works like so:

  • For each field that is present in "b":
    • If that field is not present in "a":
      • Update "a", setting the field to the value in "b".
    • Else if the field is a map field:
      • For each key in the map value in "b":
        • Set the value in the map value in "a" using the key and the value from "b". If the key is already present in "a", the value is replaced with the value in "b".
    • Else if the field is repeated:
      • For each element in the values in "b", append to the values in "a". If "a" is initially empty, then its values will exactly match the values in "b".
    • Else if the field's type is a message:
      • Recursively merge the message value in "b" into the message value in "a".
    • Else:
      • Replace the value in "a" with the value in "b".

The process is designed to produce the same result as the following (less efficient) process:

  • Serialize "a" to bytes.
  • Serialize "b" to bytes.
  • Concatenate the bytes from "b" to the end of the bytes from "a".
  • Clear "a" and de-serialize the combined bytes into it.
Feature Resolution Example

Let's consider the following example:

edition = "2023";

option features.field_presence = IMPLICIT;

message ExampleMessage {
  string not_utf8 = 1 [features.utf8_validation = NONE];
  repeated bool flags = 2 [features.repeated_field_encoding = EXPANDED];
  ExampleMessage child = 3 [features.message_encoding = DELIMITED];

enum ExampleEnum {
  option features.enum_type = CLOSED;
  VALUE = 1;

The default features for edition 2023 look like so:

  field_presence: EXPLICIT
  enum_type: OPEN
  repeated_field_encoding: PACKED
  utf8_validation: VERIFY
  message_encoding: LENGTH_PREFIXED
  json_format: ALLOW

The resolved features for the example file above look like so, due to its one option that overrides the field_presence feature:

  // highlight-start
  field_presence: IMPLICIT
  // highlight-end
  enum_type: OPEN
  repeated_field_encoding: PACKED
  utf8_validation: VERIFY
  message_encoding: LENGTH_PREFIXED
  json_format: ALLOW

The resolved features for the ExampleMessage are the same as for the file above because it does not override any features via option declarations.

Its fields inherit its features and then override some of them:

  field_presence: IMPLICIT
  enum_type: OPEN
  repeated_field_encoding: PACKED
  // highlight-start
  utf8_validation: NONE
  // highlight-end
  message_encoding: LENGTH_PREFIXED
  json_format: ALLOW
  field_presence: IMPLICIT
  enum_type: OPEN
  // highlight-start
  repeated_field_encoding: EXPANDED
  // highlight-end
  utf8_validation: VERIFY
  message_encoding: LENGTH_PREFIXED
  json_format: ALLOW
  field_presence: IMPLICIT
  enum_type: OPEN
  repeated_field_encoding: PACKED
  utf8_validation: VERIFY
  // highlight-start
  message_encoding: DELIMITED
  // highlight-end
  json_format: ALLOW

The resolved features for ExampleEnum vary from the file's features just by the one value:

  field_presence: IMPLICIT
  // highlight-start
  enum_type: CLOSED
  // highlight-end
  repeated_field_encoding: PACKED
  utf8_validation: VERIFY
  message_encoding: LENGTH_PREFIXED
  json_format: ALLOW

The final element, the enum value VALUE, has the same resolved features as ExampleEnum since it does not override any features.

Feature Defaults

The edition_defaults meta-option is how default values for features are configured. This option allows for defining the values for a particular edition.

The actual value is a string and it must be in the format that the value would have in the text format. Since feature fields should have an enum or bool type, this means the strings are simple identifiers for true, false, or valid enum value names.

Each value is associated with a particular edition, but there are also a few entries in the Edition enum that have special meaning here:

Edition Purpose
EDITION_LEGACY Indicates the behavior prior to when the feature was introduced.
EDITION_PROTO2 Indicates the behavior for elements in a file that uses proto2 syntax. This is effectively the same as EDITION_LEGACY.
EDITION_PROTO3 Indicates the behavior for elements in a file that uses proto3 syntax.
EDITION_MAX Should not be used for default values. Used by plugins as a "max edition", to indicate they support all editions (only for plugins whose output does not depend on any features or editions).

Default values are defined sparsely. If a value is not present for a particular edition, that edition uses the default of the highest edition that is present. The "highest" edition is the one with the highest numeric value that is less than the particular edition that is absent.

Let's consider the following example:

edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "A" },
edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_PROTO3, value: "B" },
edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_2024, value: "C" }

We can use the rule in the previous paragraph to derive the values for the missing editions. That gives us the following defaults for all editions (including values for files that use proto2 or proto3 syntax):

Edition Value

So the reason the table above states that EDITION_PROTO2 is effectively the same as EDITION_LEGACY is because of the way defaults are represented sparsely and the fact that EDITION_PROTO2 is the first concrete value in the enum. By convention, the first default should be EDITION_LEGACY, which means there should be no need to specify a default for EDITION_PROTO2.

If a future EDITION_2025 were added and no new default value added for it, that edition would use the value C, which comes from the highest default prior to 2025, that of EDITION_2024.

Feature Lifetimes

The feature_support meta-option limits in which editions a feature field can be used. For backwards-compatibility, fields can't just be added to or removed from FeatureSet in later editions.

Because of the nature of how option names are resolved, and the fact that features are defined as options, if a new field gets added in a future edition, then the compiler would start accepting use of that feature even in files that indicate an older edition. But that wouldn't be valid because the code generators and runtimes for that older edition wouldn't actually know about that newer feature.

Similarly, once a feature is no longer needed it can't just be removed, because then it's no longer in the definition for FeatureSet, so the compiler would no longer be able to resolve that feature field's name and could no longer accept the use of that field in older editions, even if older editions are still supported by the compiler.

So instead of adding and removing the field, the author must instead define the editions in which the field can be used using the feature_support option.

In addition to logically adding and removing feature fields, the feature_support option can also be used to deprecate a feature field. In an edition in which the field is deprecated, the compiler may emit a warning about the deprecation if that field actually used.

Let's take a look at an example, which comes from the (pb.cpp).legacy_closed_enum custom C++ feature that is defined in the well-known file google/protobuf/cpp_features.proto:

feature_support = {
  edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
  edition_deprecated: EDITION_2023
  deprecation_warning: "The legacy closed enum treatment in C++ is "
                       "deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in "
                       "edition 2025.  Mark enum type on the enum "
                       "definitions themselves rather than on fields."

In this example, the first edition in which the feature can be used is 2023. Interestingly, it is deprecated in that very first edition. A compiler should include the specified warning message when a deprecated field is used. Based on that warning, we will expect to see edition_removed: EDITION_2025 added to this option once such a value is added to the Edition enum.

If a feature field is referenced in an earlier edition than its configured edition_introduced value, the compiler must emit an error. Similarly, if a feature field is referenced in a later edition than its configured edition_removed value, the compiler must emit an error. All features should include an edition_introduced value. But as seen in the example above, an edition_removed may not be present (an edition_deprecated might also not be present), in which case EDITION_MAX is used (which basically means the feature can be used in any edition that is later than or equal to the one in which it was introduced).

An "earlier" edition is one with a lower numeric value. A "later" edition is one with a higher numeric value.

Enum values also have an option named feature_support, and its type is the same as that of the eponymous meta-option. Its usage is the same as above, but it defines the lifetime of feature values, for features that have enum types. Similar to how the feature_support meta-option allows for logically adding, removing, and deprecating feature fields in future editions, this enum value option allows logically adding, removing, and deprecating values in future editions.

Option Validation

There are several rules that a compiler is expected to enforce regarding where an option may be used and what its allowed values are. Examples of such validation include verifying that an option is only used on certain target types and verifying that the features field is only used in files that use Editions syntax.

Caveats and rules for option usage, such as when an option can or cannot be used and restrictions on its allowed values, can be found throughout this document.

The following are additional rules for file options.

  • The java_string_check_utf8 option may not be used in files that use the Editions syntax. Instead, there is a custom feature named (, defined in the well-known file "google/protobuf/java_features.proto", that can be used to control this behavior.
  • When the optimize_for file option is absent or set to a value other than LITE_RUNTIME, the file may not import any file whose optimize_for option is set to LITE_RUNTIME. Put another way, non-lite files may not import lite files.
  • If the file options indicate a value for the field_presence feature, it must not be set to LEGACY_REQUIRED. This is not allowed as a default value for the file.

Additional rules for options on other kinds of elements are described in later sections.


The core of the Protobuf IDL is defining messages, which are heterogeneous composite data types.

MessageDecl = message MessageName l_brace { MessageElement } r_brace .

MessageName    = identifier .
MessageElement = MessageFieldDecl |
                 MapFieldDecl |
                 GroupDecl |
                 OneofDecl |
                 OptionDecl |
                 ExtensionRangeDecl |
                 MessageReservedDecl |
                 MessageDecl |
                 EnumDecl |
                 ExtensionDecl |
                 EmptyDecl .
message UserData {
  option deprecated = true;
  message Name {
    string first = 1;
    string mi = 2;
    last = 3;
  Name name = 1;
  repeated string tags = 2;


Files using proto3 or Editions syntax are not allowed to include GroupDecl elements.

Files using proto3 syntax are not allowed to include ExtensionRangeDecl elements.

Messages are not allowed to include an option named map_entry, regardless of syntax level.


In addition to being a composite data type, messages are also a level of namespacing. Nested messages, enums, and extensions declared inside a message have no relation to the enclosing message, other than the fact that their fully-qualified name includes the name of the enclosing message.

A top-level message is considered to be at a nesting depth of 1. Its children are at a nesting depth of 2, and so on. It is an error to have a message with a nesting depth of 32 or higher.


Field declarations found directly inside messages are "normal fields". They can also be found inside extends blocks, for defining extension fields.

Each field indicates its cardinality (required, optional, or repeated; also called the field's "label"), its type, its name, and its tag number. The cardinality may be omitted.

MessageFieldDecl = FieldDeclWithCardinality |
                   MessageFieldDeclTypeName FieldName equals FieldNumber
                       [ CompactOptions ] semicolon .

FieldDeclWithCardinality = FieldCardinality FieldDeclTypeName FieldName
                           equals FieldNumber [ CompactOptions ] semicolon .

FieldCardinality = required | optional | repeated .
FieldName        = identifier .
FieldNumber      = int_literal .
int32 sum = 1;
optional string name = 123;
Foo.Bar bar = 42;
required bool yes = 10101 [deprecated=true];


In a file using the proto2 syntax, fields must include a cardinality (despite it being optional in the grammar above).

In a file using the proto3 syntax, fields are not allowed to use the required cardinality, are not allowed to include an option named default, and are not allowed to refer to closed enum types. A closed enum type is one that is defined in a file that uses proto2 syntax or one defined in a file that uses Editions syntax and whose enum_type feature has a value of CLOSED.

In a file using Editions syntax, fields are allowed to use neither the required nor optional keywords. If the field's field_presence feature has a value of IMPLICIT, it may not include an option named default and is not allowed to refer to a closed enum type.


Fields in a message are identified both by name and by number. The number, also called the "tag", is used in the binary format, for a more compact on-the-wire representation. This also means a field can be renamed without impacting on-the-wire compatibility.

Field Numbers

Field numbers must be greater than zero. The maximum allowed value is 536,870,911 (229-1) for normal fields. The same limit holds for extension fields, too, unless the extended message uses message set wire format, in which case the maximum allowed value is 2,147,483,646 (231-2).

In this range, between 1 and 536,870,911, there is a restricted range that may not be used for any field: 19,000 to 19,999 (inclusive). These numbers are reserved for internal runtime use. It is allowed for a reserved range or extension range to overlap this special restricted range, but no actual field or extension can be declared with a number in the range.


When creating messages, authors should prefer lower numbers: unmarshalling a message is typically optimized for smaller field numbers. Also, smaller values are more efficiently encoded and decoded: field numbers 1 to 15 can be encoded in a single byte. So it is recommended to always start numbering fields at 1 and to use smaller values for more commonly used fields when possible.


The numbers assigned to a message's fields must be distinct: two fields may not use the same number. Furthermore, a field's number must not be contained by any of the message's reserved ranges. And numbers for normal fields may not be contained by any of the message's extension ranges.

Field Types

When defining a field, the type name may refer to a message or enum type. But it may also use one of the following pre-defined scalar type names:

Scalar type names Description
int32, sint32, sfixed32 32-bit signed integers, in the range [-231,231)
int64, sint64, sfixed64 64-bit signed integers, in the range [-263,263)
uint32, fixed32 32-bit unsigned integers, in the range [0,232)
uint64, fixed64 64-bit unsigned integers, in the range [0,264)
float 32-bit (single precision) IEEE 754 floating point value
double 64-bit (double precision) IEEE 754 floating point value
bool A boolean value (true or false)
string A sequence of UTF-8-encoded characters, of length zero or greater.
bytes A sequence of bytes, of length zero or greater.

As seen above, there are multiple type names that map to the same kind of integer value. These different names refer to different ways of encoding the value on the wire.

Scalar type names Encoding
int32, int64, uint32, uint64 Variable length encoding, least significant group first
sint32, sint64 Variable length encoding, zig-zag order
fixed32, sfixed32 Fixed length encoding, 4 bytes (32 bits)
fixed64, sfixed64 Fixed length encoding, 8 bytes (64 bits)


In a file using the proto3 syntax, a field's type may not refer to a closed enum. A closed enum type is one that is defined in a file that uses proto2 syntax or one defined in a file that uses Editions syntax and whose enum_type feature has a value of CLOSED. type that is declared in a file that uses the proto2 syntax. Enum semantics

Similarly, in a file using Editions syntax, if the field's field_presence feature has a value of IMPLICIT, it may not refer to a closed enum type.

These restrictions are because semantics around default values for closed enums (which could be a non-zero value) are not compatible with the semantics of optional fields with explicit presence.


Cardinality and Field Presence

Cardinality determines the number of values a field may have. Map fields and fields with repeated cardinality can have zero or more values, and are represented in generated code using a map (for the former) or a list or an array (for the latter). Other fields can have only a single value.

In files that use proto2 or proto3 syntax, "field presence" is derived from the cardinality. In files that use the Editions syntax, presence is configured via the field_presence feature.

Field presence indicates whether the field's presence or absence can be detected.

  • If a field's presence is required, it may never be absent.
  • If the field has explicit presence, its presence can always be detected.
  • If the field has implicit presence, its presence cannot be detected if the value of the field is the default or zero value. Whether the field is present is implied by whether it has a default or zero value.

The following table shows how field presence is derived from the field's cardinality:

Cardinality Number of values Field Presence
optional 0 (absent) or 1 (present) Explicit
required 1 Required
repeated 0 or more Implicit †
map * 0 or more Implicit †
omitted 0 (absent) or 1 (present) see below

* Map fields behave like fields with repeated cardinality. The main difference is that fields with repeated cardinality permit duplicates and preserve element order. But map fields do not permit entries that have duplicate keys and do not preserve element order.

Implicit presence for repeated and map fields means that it is not possible to explicitly distinguish between a value that is absent and one that is empty. If the field has no entries, it is absent; presence is implied by the field having at least one entry.

When the cardinality is omitted, the field presence depends on the context in which the field is defined:

File Syntax * Context of Field Without Cardinality Field Presence
proto2, proto3, Editions Inside a oneof Explicit
proto3, Editions Inside an extend block Explicit
proto3 Normal field with message type † Explicit
proto3 Normal field with non-message type † Implicit
Editions Normal field † depends on field_presence feature

* Files that use proto2 syntax require cardinality for all fields except those in a oneof, which is why proto2 only appears once in the table.

A normal field is one that is in neither a oneof nor an extend block.

As seen above, fields in a oneof and extensions always have explicit presence. In proto3 sources, message fields always have explicit presence, too.

In files that use Editions syntax, field presence is defined by the field_presence feature. If the field's options do not specify that feature, then it inherits a value, either from an ancestor element (such as a file-wide default) or from the default value for the specific edition that the file uses. See Feature Resolution for more details. Note that normal fields whose type is a message never have implicit presence. If such a field inherits a feature value of implicit field presence, the field actually has explicit presence.

When the field's presence is required, the containing message is considered invalid if the field is not present.


Use of required field presence (via the required cardinality in files that use proto2 syntax or the LEGACY_REQUIRED feature value in files that use Editions syntax) is considered hazardous and is strongly discouraged.

When a field is required, runtime libraries do not even allow de-serializing a message if the field is missing. This makes it difficult in practice to change a required field to be optional in the future (or vice versa), because it becomes likely for consumers of the message, working with a different version of the schema, to refuse to de-serialize it. This is why it is not supported in proto3 syntax. Editions syntax supports this, but only for backwards-compatibility with proto2 syntax, which is why it contains "legacy" in the name.

If you want to enforce that a field must be present, instead define the field as not required (using the optional cardinality in a proto2 source file or by omitting the cardinality in other files) and then use application-level validation logic to verify that it's present. This is the same way that other custom validation rules would be enforced.


Field Presence and Default Values

When a field has explicit presence, its presence is preserved in the face of serialization. In other words, if the field is explicitly set, then the containing message is serialized, a consumer of the message that deserializes it will be able to tell that the field was explicitly set or not.

When a field has implicit presence, it is not possible to distinguish at runtime between the case where the field's value was never set and where the field's value was explicitly set to its default value.

Every field has a default value. When the value of a field is examined, if the field is not present, its default value is observed. The default value for a field is the zero value for its type, unless customized, except for enums that are closed. (A closed enum is one that is defined in a file with proto2 syntax or one that is configured to be closed via the enum_type feature in Editions syntax.) For closed enums, the default value is the first value declared inside the enum (which might not be the number zero).

The default can only be customized for fields with explicit presence and non-message types.

The zero value for repeated fields and map fields is an empty list or map. The zero value for a non-repeated field depends on the field's type:

Type Zero value
all numeric types 0
bool false
string "" (empty string)
bytes "" (empty bytes)
enum types the first value defined in the enum *
message types {} (empty message)

* In proto3 syntax (and for open enums in edition syntax), the first value in an enum must have a numeric value of zero. So, in proto3, the default value of an enum field is always the one with a value of zero.

In most runtimes, an absent value is represented using a sentinel value like nil, null, or None (specific to the implementation language), which can be distinguished from any other value of the field's type. This "sentinel null" value means that the field is not present. So, even if the field supports presence, it is not possible to detect if the field was explicitly set to a sentinel null value.

With repeated and map fields, it is not possible for the list or map to contain an absent value. If a sentinel null value is used as an element inside a list or value inside a map, it will get transformed to a zero value if serialized and then de-serialized. Some runtime implementations may even refuse to serialize such a message and consider the presence of a sentinel null value inside a list or map value to mean the message is malformed.


Fields can be defined whose type is a map -- a set of distinct keys, each of which is associated with a value. Such fields use an alternate syntax. They do not include an explicit cardinality because they are always implicitly repeated, since a map can have more than one entry.

MapFieldDecl = MapType FieldName equals FieldNumber [ CompactOptions ] semicolon .

MapType      = map l_angle MapKeyType comma MapValueType r_angle .
MapKeyType   = int32   | int64   | uint32   | uint64   | sint32 | sint64 |
               fixed32 | fixed64 | sfixed32 | sfixed64 | bool   | string .
MapValueType = TypeName .
map<uint32,string> names_by_id = 5 [json_name="NamesByID"];
map<string,> bazes = 222;
map < fixed64, fixed64 > bits_and_bits = 16;

The set of types allowed as a map key is restricted since the key must have a clear notion of value-based identity, so that duplicate keys can be identified, to ensure uniqueness.

The actual value for a field type may not have more than one value associated with any given key. If a value on the wire indicates duplicate keys, when the map is deserialized, only the last value for the key is retained and earlier, duplicate values are discarded.

Maps implicitly declare a nested message named <PascalCaseName>Entry, where PascalCaseName is the field's name converted to Pascal case. For example, a map field named settings_dictionary would result in an implicitly declared message named SettingsDictionaryEntry. Thus it is an error for a message to contain both a map field named settings_dictionary and an explicit nested message named SettingsDictionaryEntry as this would result in a name conflict for the nested message.

The logic to compute the Pascal case name for map entry messages is identical to the logic to compute the JSON name, except that the first character is forced to be upper-case.

The synthetic message is defined with two fields: key and value, with field numbers 1 and 2 respectively. The types of these fields matches the key and value types in the declaration. It also uses a special message option named map_entry, indicating to code generators that this is the entry for a map field.

The following example demonstrates the way the synthetic message looks:

// Map type:
message Foo {
    map<string, FooSettings> settings_by_name = 1;

// Behaves as if:
message Foo {
    message SettingsByNameEntry {
        option map_entry = true;

        string key = 1;
        FooSettings value = 2;
    repeated SettingsByNameEntry settings_by_name = 1;

Note that the second message in the above example is hypothetical: it is not actually valid because explicit use of the map_entry message option is prohibited.


The synthetic map entry message may not be directly referenced by other field definitions. For example, the following is invalid:

message Foo {
  map<string, bytes> data_by_name = 1;

message Bar {
  // highlight-start
  // The field below tries to refer to the synthesized map entry
  // message, which is not allowed.
  Foo.DataByNameEntry extra = 1;
  // highlight-end


The Protobuf text format does not include any special syntax for map fields. Instead, the text format looks as if they were defined like the second example above: a repeated field whose type is a map entry message. Since the text format is used to define message literals in custom options, map fields used in custom options are represented this way. Below is an example:

syntax = "proto3";

import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";

message MyOption {
    map<string, string> switches = 1;

extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
    MyOption my_option = 33333;

message MyMessage {
    // highlight-start
    option (my_option) = {
        switches: [
          { key: "foo"  value: "fizzle" }
          { key: "bar"  value: "barrels" }
          { key: "baz"  value: "bedazzle" }
    // highlight-end



Groups can only be used in files that use the proto2 syntax.


Groups are like a shorthand mechanism in proto2 for defining both a nested message and a field of that message type, in a single declaration. The message definition is inlined into the group field declaration.

GroupDecl = FieldCardinality group FieldName equals FieldNumber
            [ CompactOptions ] l_brace { MessageElement } r_brace .
group User = 5 {
  optional string name = 1;
  optional string address = 2;
  optional string ss_num = 3;
  optional uint32 birth_month = 4;
  optional uint32 birth_day = 5;
  repeated string extra = 6;

The group's name must start with a capital letter. In some contexts, the group field goes by the lower-cased form of this name.

The body inside the braces is subject to all the same rules as a message declaration.

Groups result in a nested message with the group's name and an implicit field whose name is the group's name converted to all lowercase. For example, a group named SecurityOptions would result in an implicitly declared field named securityoptions. Thus it is an error for a message to contain both a group named SecurityOptions and an explicit field named securityoptions as this would result in a name conflict for the field.

The field uses the number and options declared prior to the opening brace; the message has all the contents inside the braces. The following example demonstrates the way the synthetic message looks:

// Group:
message Foo {
    optional group Bar = 1 [json_name = 'bbarr'] {
        option deprecated = true;

        optional uint32 id = 1;
        optional string name = 2;

// Behaves as if:
message Foo {
    message Bar {
        option deprecated = true;

        optional uint32 id = 1;
        optional string name = 2;
    optional Bar bar = 1 [json_name = 'bbarr'];

The only functional difference between the above two messages is that the one that uses a group has a slightly different representation on the wire. Groups are encoded in the binary format using a delimited encoding, which is different than other fields whose type is a message.

In Editions syntax, the delimited encoding can be configured using the message_encoding feature. So a proto2 group can be represented in Editions syntax by explicitly creating the field and nested message like in the example above and using the message encoding feature to enable the delimited encoding (aka "group encoding").

The nested message derived from the group behaves in all other respects as a normal nested message and can even be used as the type for other fields:

message Foo {
    optional group Bar = 1 {
        optional uint32 id = 1;
        optional string name = 2;

message Baz {
    // Allowed to reference the group as if it
    // were a normal nested message
    // highlight-start
    optional Foo.Bar bar = 1;
    // highlight-end

Note that these other fields that refer to the message this way will use normal message encoding, not the delimited encoding that the group field uses.


Fields support two "pseudo-options" -- options whose names do not correspond to any field on the relevant options message:

  • default: In proto2 syntax, this option can be used for non-repeated fields with scalar types to define a custom default value for when the field is absent. Without a custom default, the field's default value is usually the zero value for the field's type. Read more about default values here.

    The custom default value's type must match the field's type. For example, on a field whose type is string, the value of the default pseudo-option must be a string literal. If the field's type is an enum, the default value must be an identifier that indicates one of the enum's values.

    This pseudo-option is not allowed when using proto3 syntax.

  • json_name: This option is used to customize the JSON representation of a message. By default, the JSON form will be a JSON object whose keys are derived from the fields' names. But this option can be used to supply a custom key for a field. The value of this pseudo-option must be a string.

    Custom JSON names may not start with an open bracket ([) and end with a close bracket (]) since that denotes an extension field name in the JSON format.

    Extension fields are not allowed to use this pseudo-option. Extension names are always represented in JSON as the extension's fully-qualified name enclosed in brackets ([ and ]).

Default JSON Names

If no json_name pseudo-option is present, the JSON name of the field will be the field's name converted to camelCase. To convert to camelCase:

  • Discard any trailing underscores (_)
  • When a leading or interior underscore is encountered, discard the underscore and capitalize the next non-underscore character encountered.
  • Any other non-underscore and non-capitalized character is retained as is.

Here are some examples:

Field name Default JSON name
foo_bar_baz fooBarBaz
__foo__bar__ FooBar
FooBar FooBar

The above applies only to normal fields. For extensions, the JSON name of the field will be the extension's fully-qualified name enclosed in brackets ([ and ]).

JSON Name Conflicts

To avoid possible conflicting field names in the JSON format for a message, fields are checked for possible conflicts. This check proceeds in two steps:

  1. First, the field's default JSON name is checked for conflicts against all other fields' default JSON names. If fields have custom JSON names defined, they are ignored in this step. Fields default JSON names must also be unique since the JSON format for field masks does not currently consider custom JSON names.
  2. Second, the field's effective JSON name is checked for conflicts against all other fields' effective JSON names. A field's effective JSON name is its custom JSON name (defined by the json_name pseudo-option) or its default JSON name if no custom JSON name is defined. When comparing the JSON names for two fields, if neither field has a custom JSON name, the comparison should be skipped since a conflict would have already been reported in the first step above.

If a conflict is found, the message definition is invalid.


The JSON format was introduced at the same time as the proto3 syntax. For backwards compatibility, it is not an error for files using the proto2 syntax to have fields whose default JSON names conflict with one another (step one above). A compiler may still choose to issue a warning for this condition.

In files that use Editions syntax, if the json_format feature is set to LEGACY_BEST_EFFORT, the compiler should treat the message as if it were using the proto2 syntax, and not issue an error if the fields have conflicts in their default JSON names.


Option Validation {#field-option-validation}

In addition to the rules described above, some of which relate to field options, the following rules should also be validated by the compiler:

  1. The packed option may not be used in files that use the Editions syntax. In files that use proto2 or proto3 syntax, this option can only be used on repeated fields with numeric types. Numeric types include all ten integer types, both floating point types, bool, and enum types. (See Field Types.)
  2. In edition 2023, the ctype option may only be used on fields whose type is string or bytes. Furthermore, the CORD value may not be used on extension fields. It can be used on repeated fields, but not map fields. (In proto2 and proto3 syntax, these checks are not performed.) In editions after 2023, the ctype option will not be allowed; fields must instead use the (pb.cpp).string_type custom feature.
  3. The lazy and unverified_lazy options may only be used on fields whose type is a message. This includes map fields, which are represented as a repeated field of map entry messages. They may not be used with group fields in proto2 syntax and also may not be used with fields that use delimited message encoding in Editions syntax. (See Message Encoding.)
  4. The js_type option may only be used on fields that have one of the five 64-bit integer types. It can be used with repeated fields. (See Field Types.)

In files that use Editions syntax, there are further rules for feature usage:

  1. Fields defined in a oneof, extension fields, and repeated fields may not use the field_presence feature.
  2. Fields whose type is a message may not set the field_presence feature to IMPLICIT.
  3. Only repeated fields (which includes maps) may use the repeated_field_encoding feature. This feature may not be set to PACKED unless the field's type is a numeric type. Numeric types include all ten integer types, both floating point types, bool, and enum types. (See Field Types.)
  4. The utf8_validation feature may only be used on fields whose type is string. It can be used on repeated fields. It can be used on map fields only if their key or value type is string (or both).
  5. The message_encoding feature may only be used on fields whose type is a message. It may not be used on map fields (even though these are represented as a repeated field of map entry messages).


A "oneof" is a set of fields that act like a discriminated union. At runtime, only zero or one field may be populated. If a field is set, but another field in the oneof is already set, that other field gets unset. (There can be only one.)

OneofDecl = oneof OneofName l_brace { OneofElement } r_brace .

OneofName    = identifier .
OneofElement = OptionDecl |
               OneofFieldDecl |
               OneofGroupDecl .
oneof authentication_method  {
   PasswordVersion password = 1;
   OIDCProvider oidc = 2;
   SAMLConnectionID saml = 3;
   OTPKind otp = 4;
   OAuth2ClientID access_token = 5;


Files using proto3 or Editions syntax are not allowed to include OneofGroupDecl elements.


A oneof must contain at least one field or group. Fields in a oneof always omit the cardinality (required, optional, or repeated) and are always optional.

OneofFieldDecl = OneofFieldDeclTypeName FieldName equals FieldNumber
                 [ CompactOptions ] semicolon .

Oneofs may also define group fields. A group's name must start with a capital letter. In some contexts, the group field goes by the lower-cased form of this name.

OneofGroupDecl = group FieldName equals FieldNumber
                 [ CompactOptions ] l_brace { MessageElement } r_brace .

Just like groups defined directly in the message, this is shorthand for defining both a nested message and a field. But in this case, the field is inside a oneof.

Extension Ranges


Extension ranges cannot be declared in files that use the proto3 syntax.


Extendable messages (proto2 syntax only) may define ranges of tags that are reserved for extensions. Extension fields for the message must use a tag number in one of these ranges.

ExtensionRangeDecl = extensions TagRanges [ CompactOptions ] semicolon .

TagRanges     = TagRange { comma TagRange } .
TagRange      = TagRangeStart [ to TagRangeEnd ] .
TagRangeStart = FieldNumber .
TagRangeEnd   = FieldNumber | max .
extensions 100;
extensions 10 to 10000;
extensions 10 to 20, 50 to 100, 20000 to max [( = "baz"];

When the max keyword is used as the end of the range, it is interpreted as the maximum allowed tag number, 536,870,911. However, if the message uses the message set wire format, the maximum tag number is instead 2,147,483,646 (231-2).

If the end of the range is absent (the tag range is just a single number), it is interpreted as an open range (i.e. inclusive) where the start and end values are the same.

Extension ranges for the same message are not allowed to overlap one another and also not allowed to overlap any reserved range of numbers.

Extension Declarations

Extension declarations are a mechanism for reserving an extension number, to prevent two extensions from unintentionally re-using the same number. An extension number can only be verified to be unique among the files that a compiler is provided. So if there were two independent projects whose Protobuf files are compiled separately that both define an extension for the same message and use the same number, the compiler couldn't report an error because it never sees both extensions in the same set of files.

One possible way avoid conflicts of extension numbers would be to arrange for a global, monolithic compilation -- a single operation that compiles every file that could be relevant and that could contain extensions. Depending on how project sources are laid out, this is often infeasible.

Another possible solution is a custom reservation system, where developers can claim extension numbers and some other system (other than the Protobuf compiler) enforces the claims, by examining all of the extension numbers used in the output of a compiler and comparing that to the database of reservations.

Extension declarations are another mechanism, that can be enforced by the Protobuf compiler itself. Extension declarations are defined inside the extended message, via options on an extension range. Each declaration indicates the extension field number as well as the full name and type of the extension field. When the compiler encounters an extension, and the extended message contains these declarations, the compiler reports an error if the extension's name and type don't match what's in the extension declaration. The downside to this mechanism is that it means that all users that can define an extension must also be able to make (or propose) changes to the definition of the message being extended. Due to organization boundaries and/or source repository layout, this might not be feasible. And this mechanism does does make it harder to change the extension later (like change its name or type).

The declaration enforcement is enabled via an option named verification. If it is set to DECLARATION or it is not specified but declarations are present, then declaration enforcement is enabled.

Individual declarations are added via an option named declaration. Each declaration has the following fields:

  • number: The extension number whose usage is being declared. It is an error if this field is absent.
  • full_name: The fully-qualified name of the extension, which must include a leading dot (.). This must be a valid fully-qualified name, which is a dot-separated sequence of identifiers, without any whitespace.
  • type: The type of the extension. If the type is a builtin type, this should be the name that is used to identity the type in source, for example string, bytes, int64, etc. If the type is a message or an enum, this must be the fully-qualified name of the type and must include a leading dot (.). If this value starts with a dot, it may be a valid fully-qualified name. Otherwise, it must the name of one of the fifteen pre-declared scalar types. (See Field Types.)
  • repeated: Must be set to true only if the extension is a repeated field.
  • reserved: This is used to reserve a number and prevent its use. This is typically done for deleted extensions, to prevent later re-use of the number. If this value is true, full_name and type must not be set. Conversly, if this value is true, full_name and type must be present.

Unverified ranges may not have any declarations. So it is an error for the verification field to be explicitly set to UNVERIFIED and to also have one or more declarations.

When declaration enforcement is enabled, all extensions for the extended message and in the extension range must match a declaration. The extension must exactly match all four properties: number, full_name, type, and repeated.

No two declarations in the same extended message can specify the same number. No two declarations across all observed extended messages may specify the same full name. An extension is uniquely identified by its full name, and a single extension cannot extend more than one message. So it is not possible for the same extension full name to be valid from more than one extended message.

Finally, an extension range that includes declarations in its options may only reference a single span of numbers. This is a quirk in the reference implementation but also a quirk for runtime checks that declarations are valid, due to the way that extension range options are actually represented in a descriptor. So the following is not valid:

message Test {
  // highlight-start
  extensions 100 to 200, 300 to 500 [
  // highlight-end
    declaration = {
      number: 100
      full_name: ""
      type: "string"

The above results in an error message like so:

extension declaration has number outside the range: 100 not in [300,500]

The fix is to break the ranges up into two statements, each with a single span:

message Test {
  // highlight-start
  extensions 100 to 200 [
  // highlight-end
    declaration = {
      number: 100
      full_name: ""
      type: "string"
  // highlight-start
  extensions 300 to 500;
  // highlight-end

Extension Declaration Examples

The following example allows arbitrary extensions for numbers 100 to 200 because verification has not been explicitly enabled and there are no declarations.

message Test {
  extensions 100 to 200;

The following example will not permit an extension with number 100 (because it has been marked as reserved) nor will it permit any extensions with numbers 102 to 200, because there are no declarations that an extension could match.

message Test {
  extensions 100 to 200 [
    declaration = {
      number: 100
      reserved: true
    declaration = {
      number: 101
      full_name: ""
      type: "string"

The following example is similar to the one above except it allows arbitrary extensions for numbers 102 to 200 because they are in a separate range that is not verified.

message Test {
  extensions 100 to 102 [
    declaration = {
      number: 100
      reserved: true
    declaration = {
      number: 101
      full_name: ""
      type: "string"
  extensions 102 to 200;

Reserved Names and Numbers

Messages can reserve field names and numbers to prevent them from being used. This is typically to prevent old tag numbers and names from being recycled.

MessageReservedDecl = reserved ( TagRanges | NameStrings | Names ) semicolon .

NameStrings = StringLiteral { comma StringLiteral } .
Names = identifier { comma identifier } .
reserved 100;
reserved 10 to 10000;
reserved 10 to 20, 50 to 100, 20000 to max;
reserved "foo";
reserved "foo", "bar", "baz";
reserved abc, xyz;


Files using the proto2 or proto3 syntax are not allowed to include Names elements. They must instead use NameStrings elements. (In other words, they must use string literals instead of identifiers.)

Conversely, files using that use Editions syntax are not allowed to include NameStrings elements. They must instead use Names elements.


Just like extension ranges, the max keyword is equivalent to 536,870,911, except for in messages that use the message set wire format (in which case the max is 2,147,483,646).

When a field number is reserved, the message's fields may not use that number. Extension fields that extend the message also may not use that number.

Similarly, when a field name is reserved, it is not allowed to be used by any of the message's fields. (Extension names are exempt from this since they are always identified by their fully-qualified name.) The contents of the string literal that defines the reserved name must represent a valid identifier. In other words, they must match the production for the identifier lexical element.

Reserved ranges for the same message are not allowed to overlap one another and also not allowed to overlap any extension range.

Message Set Wire Format

If a message includes an option named message_set_wire_format whose value is true then that message uses the message set wire format. This is an alternate encoding scheme (which is why field numbers for such messages have a different range).


The message set wire format is deprecated. Its use is strongly discouraged and is supported in few target runtimes.


Messages defined with this option have a few additional constraints:

  1. The message must be in a file that uses the proto2 or Editions syntax. Files that use proto3 syntax are not allowed to define messages that use the message set wire format.
  2. The message must not define any normal fields (no map fields or groups either).
  3. The message must define at least one extension range.
  4. Extensions of such messages must be optional (no repeated extensions allowed).
  5. Extensions of such messages must have a message type (no scalar extensions allowed).


Enums represent an enumerated type, where values must be one of the defined enum values.

EnumDecl = enum EnumName l_brace { EnumElement } r_brace .

EnumName    = identifier .
EnumElement = OptionDecl |
              EnumValueDecl |
              EnumReservedDecl |
              EmptyDecl .
enum JobState {
  PENDING = 0;
  QUEUED = 1;
  STARTED = 2;
  FAILED = 4;

Enums defined inside files using the proto3 syntax are considered open. That means that other numeric values, outside the set of named enum values, are acceptable. Enums in files using the proto2 syntax, on the other hand, are closed. This means that unrecognized numeric values are not acceptable. When unmarshaling the value for a closed enum field, if the value is not recognized, it is treated as if it were unrecognized field. In other words, the enum field will remain absent, and the unrecognized value (along with the tag number preface) will be stored with the message's unrecognized fields.

Enum Values

Enums must contain at least one enum value. To enable a predictive parser implementation and avoid ambiguity, an enum value's name cannot be "option" or "reserved".

EnumValueDecl = EnumValueName equals EnumValueNumber [ CompactOptions ] semicolon .

EnumValueName   = identifier  - ( option | reserved ) .
EnumValueNumber = [ minus ] int_literal .
UNKNOWN = 12 [deprecated = true];


Files using the proto3 syntax must use a numeric value of zero for the first enum value defined.

In files using the Editions syntax, all open enums must use a numeric value of zero for the first enum value defined. An open enum is one whose enum_type feature has a value of OPEN.


Like fields, enum values are identified both by name and by number. The number is used in the binary format, for a more compact on-the-wire representation. Unlike fields, numeric values for enum values can be negative. The allowed range for enum value numbers is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, inclusive (-231 to 231-1).

Within the context of a single enum type, enum values should have unique numeric values. No two enum values defined inside the same enum can have the same number. However, this constraint can be relaxed if the enum allows aliases, which is indicated by an option named allow_alias that has a value of true. Not only is the constraint relaxed, but it actually becomes mandatory for the enum to have multiple values sharing a number. So if an enum allows aliases but all of its values use distinct numbers, it is an error.

An enum value's number must not be contained by any of the enum's reserved ranges.

JSON Name Conflicts {#enum-value-json-name-conflicts}

To avoid possible conflicting enum value names in the JSON format for a message, enum value names are checked for possible conflicts. Though the JSON format for an enum is the enum value's name, the conflict check is more strict and nuanced than simply comparing names.

The JSON name conflict check is not case-sensitive. Instead of converting a name to lower-case for a case-insensitive check, the name is first stripped of any prefix that matches the name of the enclosing enum and then is converted to PascalCase.

Removing a possible prefix of the enclosing enum name ignores case and underscores. For example, if the enum's name is FooBar, then prefixes like FOOBAR, FOO_BAR, FooBar, foobar, and even __f_o_o___b_a_r__ would be removed from the beginning of an enum value name.

To convert to PascalCase:

  • Discard any leading and trailing underscores (_)
  • Capitalize the first non-underscore character in the name.
  • When an interior underscore is encountered, discard the underscore and capitalize the next non-underscore character encountered.
  • Any other non-underscore and non-capitalized character is converted to lower-case.

Converting to PascalCase this way achieves the desired case-insensitive check. For example, names FOO_BAR, foo_bar, and Foo_Bar will all be converted to FooBar and thus be identified as conflicts. But FOOBAR and FOO_BAR will be different (Foobar and FooBar respectively), and thus not be a conflict.

If the allow_alias enum option is used, it is acceptable for aliases of the same numeric value to have conflicting names.

If two enum values in an enum have a conflict (and are not aliases for the same numeric value), and the source file uses the proto3 syntax, the enum definition is invalid.


The JSON format was introduced at the same time as the proto3 syntax. For backwards compatibility, it is not an error for proto2 files to have enum values whose names conflict with one another per the check described above. A compiler may still choose to issue a warning for this condition.

In files that use Editions syntax, if the json_format feature is set to LEGACY_BEST_EFFORT, the compiler should treat the message as if it were using the proto2 syntax, and not issue an error if the values have such naming conflicts.


Reserved Names and Numbers {#enum-reserved-names-and-numbers}

Like messages, enums can also reserve names and numbers, typically to prevent recycling names and numbers from old enum values.

EnumReservedDecl = reserved ( EnumValueRanges | NameStrings | Names ) semicolon .

EnumValueRanges     = EnumValueRange { comma EnumValueRange } .
EnumValueRange      = EnumValueRangeStart [ to EnumValueRangeEnd ] .
EnumValueRangeStart = EnumValueNumber .
EnumValueRangeEnd   = EnumValueNumber | max .
reserved 100;
reserved 10 to 10000;
reserved -2 to -5, 20000 to max;
reserved "FOO";
reserved "FOO", "BAR", "BAZ";
reserved FOO, BAR;


Files using the proto2 or proto3 syntax are not allowed to include Names elements. They must instead use NameStrings elements. (In other words, they must use string literals instead of identifiers.)

Conversely, files using that use Editions syntax are not allowed to include NameStrings elements. They must instead use Names elements.


When the max keyword is used as the end of the range, it is interpreted as the maximum allowed value, 2,147,483,647.

If the end of the range is absent (the value range is just a single number), it is interpreted as an open range (i.e. inclusive) where the start and end values are the same.

Reserved ranges for the same enum are not allowed to overlap one another.

The contents of the string literal that defines a reserved name must represent a valid identifier. In other words, they must match the production for the identifier lexical element.


Fields declared directly inside a message are known as "normal fields". But it is also possible to define "extension fields", also know simply as "extensions". Extensions can only be declared for an extendable message, which is one that declares at least one extension range.

Extensions may be declared in both proto2 and proto3 syntax levels, but an extendable message can only be defined in a file with proto2 syntax.

ExtensionDecl = extend ExtendedMessage l_brace { ExtensionElement } r_brace .

ExtendedMessage  = TypeName .
ExtensionElement = ExtensionFieldDecl |
                   GroupDecl .

ExtensionFieldDecl = FieldDeclWithCardinality |
                     ExtensionFieldDeclTypeName FieldName equals FieldNumber
                         [ CompactOptions ] semicolon .
extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
  repeated frobnitzes = 29384;
  string haiku = 29385;
  uint64 bitmask = 29386 [deprecated = true];

The extended message is also known as the "extendee".

An extend block must contain at least one field or group.

:::info ️ Files using proto3 or Editions syntax are not allowed to include GroupDecl elements.

Files using the proto3 syntax are only allowed to declare extensions that are custom options. This means that the extendee must be one of the following:

  • google.protobuf.FileOptions
  • google.protobuf.MessageOptions
  • google.protobuf.FieldOptions
  • google.protobuf.OneofOptions
  • google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions
  • google.protobuf.EnumOptions
  • google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions
  • google.protobuf.ServiceOptions
  • google.protobuf.MethodOptions


Though the FieldDeclWithCardinality and GroupDecl productions are re-used here, extension fields may never use the required cardinality.

The field number used by an extension must be contained by one of the extendee's extension ranges. A normal field, conversely, may not use a number contained by an extension range.

Extension fields always support detecting whether the field is present or not, unlike the default behavior of normal fields with scalar types when using the proto3 syntax level.

The field numbers assigned to extensions for a given extendable message are meant to be globally unique. It is not allowed for two extensions to be declared that extend the same message and have the same field number. (The extent to which this can be verified by a parser is limited to the set of files of which the parser is aware.)

Field options on extensions are subject to the same rules as other fields. See Option Validation. Furthermore, extensions defined in a file that has an optimize_for file option set to LITE_RUNTIME are not allowed if the extended message is defined in a file where the optimize_for file option is not set or is set to a value other than LITE_RUNTIME. Put another way, a non-lite message cannot be extended with lite extensions.


Services are used to define RPC interfaces. Each service is a collection of RPC methods.

ServiceDecl = service ServiceName l_brace { ServiceElement } r_brace .

ServiceName    = identifier .
ServiceElement = OptionDecl |
                 MethodDecl |
                 EmptyDecl .
service BlobService {
  rpc CreateBlob(CreateBlobRequest) returns (CreateBlobResponse);
  rpc FetchBlob(FetchBlobRequest) returns (FetchBlobResponse);
  rpc UpdateBlob(UpdateBlobRequest) returns (UpdateBlobResponse);
  rpc DeleteBlob(DeleteBlobRequest) returns (DeleteBlobResponse);


Each method defines a single operation and must indicate the method's input and output types, also known as request and response type respectively.

MethodDecl = rpc MethodName InputType returns OutputType semicolon |
             rpc MethodName InputType returns OutputType l_brace { MethodElement } r_brace .

MethodName    = identifier .
InputType     = MessageType .
OutputType    = MessageType .
MethodElement = OptionDecl |
                EmptyDecl .

MessageType = l_paren [ stream ] MethodDeclTypeName r_paren .
rpc QueryBlobs(QueryBlobsRequest) returns (stream blobsvc.model.Blob);
rpc BatchCreateBlobs(stream CreateBlobRequest) returns (BatchCreateBlobsResponse);
rpc PatchBlob(PatchBlobRequest) returns (.blobsvc.model.Blob) {
    option deprecated = true;

The stream keyword may appear in either the method's input or output type, or even both. When present, it indicates that the type of the input or output is a sequence of zero or more instances of the named message type. If not present, the input or output is exactly one of the named message type.

A method that uses streams for neither input nor output is known as a "unary" method. If it uses a stream only for the input type, it is known as a "client-streaming" method. If it uses a stream only for the output type, it is known as a "server-streaming" method. Finally, if it uses streams for both input and output, it is known as a "bidi-streaming" method. Depending on the underlying transport, a bidi-streaming method may support full duplex bidi-streaming, where the client can send input messages and the server can send output messages asynchronously and concurrently. (Standard HTTP 1.1, on the other hand, only supports half duplex bidi-streaming, where the client must send all of its input messages before the server may begin sending its output messages.)

Features in Edition 2023

This section describes the available feature fields in edition 2023. As future editions are released, this section will be expanded to include new fields from those editions.

This section will generally not include custom features -- ones that are specific to a particular language runtime or code generation plugin. The exceptions to this are the initial language-specific features that were introduced alongside edition 2023 because they are needed to migrate files with proto2 or proto3 syntax to that initial edition.

Field Presence

optional FieldPresence field_presence = 1 [
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FIELD,
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FILE,
  feature_support = {
    edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "EXPLICIT" },
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_PROTO3, value: "IMPLICIT" },
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_2023, value: "EXPLICIT" }

enum FieldPresence {

Applies to: Fields (can also be specified as a file option, to provide file-wide default)

edition = "2023";

message Test {
  // highlight-start
  string name = 1 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
  // highlight-end

In Editions syntax, this is used to configure a field as required, optional with implicit presence, or optional with explicit presence. The default value is EXPLICIT, which means non-repeated fields are optional with explicit presence. If the default is changed via a file option to IMPLICIT then it matches proto3 semantics: non-repeated fields are optional with implicit presence.

It is an error to use the field_presence feature on a repeated or map field, an extension field, or a field inside a oneof. Note that repeated and map fields always have implicit presence (they are present when there is at least one element). Non-repeated extension fields and fields in a oneof are always optional with explicit presence.

It is also an error to set the field_presence feature to IMPLICIT for a field whose type is a message. Message fields, if not required, always have explicit presence, even if a file option is used to set a file-wide default of implicit presence.

Repeated Field Encoding

optional RepeatedFieldEncoding repeated_field_encoding = 3 [
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FIELD,
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FILE,
  feature_support = {
    edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "EXPANDED" },
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_PROTO3, value: "PACKED" }

enum RepeatedFieldEncoding {
  PACKED = 1;

Applies to: Fields (can also be specified as a file option, to provide file-wide default)

edition = "2023";

message Test {
  // highlight-start
  repeated uint64 flags = 1 [features.repeated_field_encoding = EXPANDED];
  // highlight-end

In Editions syntax, this is used to configure a repeated numeric field to use the packed encoding format or not. The default value is PACKED, which means such fields use the compact "packed" wire format. If the default is changed via a file option to EXPANDED then it matches default proto2 semantics: repeated fields use a less compact wire format.

This replaces the packed field option, which may only be used in files that use proto2 or proto3 syntax. Files that use Editions syntax must use this feature instead.

It is an error to use the repeated_field_encoding feature on a non-repeated field or an a repeated field whose type cannot use the compact encoding. Only primitive numeric fields (which includes bools and enums) can use the compact encoding. Fields whose type is a message, group, string, or bytes may not use this feature. This also means that map fields may not use this feature (under the hood, they are represented as a repeated message field, where each message element is an entry in the map).

Message Encoding

optional MessageEncoding message_encoding = 5 [
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FIELD,
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FILE,
  feature_support = {
    edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "LENGTH_PREFIXED" }

enum MessageEncoding {

Applies to: Fields (can also be specified as a file option, to provide file-wide default)

edition = "2023";

message Test {
  // highlight-start
  Other other = 1 [features.message_encoding = DELIMITED];
  // highlight-end
  message Other {}

In Editions syntax, this can be used to activate "group encoding" for a message field. The default value is LENGTH_PREFIXED, which is also how message fields in proto2 and proto3 sources are serialized. But when set to DELIMITED, messages are serialized in the same fashion as groups in proto2 sources.

Note that the two encodings are not compatible: one cannot change the message encoding for a field from one value to another without potentially breaking consumers of the message (at least for now). The advantage of using DELIMITED is that it is more efficient when marshalling messages to bytes.

It is an error to use the message_encoding feature on a map field or a field whose type is not a message. Though maps are represented as a repeated field of messages, they always use length-prefixed encoding, even if a file option is used to set a file-wide default of delimited encoding. Similarly, in map fields where the value is a message, that message value of the map entry will use length-prefixed encoding, not delimited encoding.

UTF8 Validation

optional Utf8Validation utf8_validation = 4 [
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FIELD,
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FILE,
  feature_support = {
    edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "NONE" },
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_PROTO3, value: "VERIFY" }

enum Utf8Validation {
  VERIFY = 2;
  NONE = 3;
  reserved 1;

Applies to: Fields (can also be specified as a file option, to provide file-wide default)

edition = "2023";

message Test {
  // highlight-start
  repeated string not_utf8 = 1 [features.utf8_validation = NONE];
  // highlight-end

In Editions syntax, this can be used to activate runtime verification that string values are valid UTF8-encoded sequences. The default value is VERIFY. If the default is changed via a file option to NONE then it matches proto2 semantics: string contents are not checked and could contain invalid byte sequences.

It is an error to use the utf8_validation feature on a field whose type is not a string. The feature may be used on map fields only if the map's key or value type is a string.

Enum Type

optional EnumType enum_type = 2 [
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_ENUM,
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FILE,
  feature_support = {
    edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "CLOSED" },
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_PROTO3, value: "OPEN" }

enum EnumType {
  OPEN = 1;
  CLOSED = 2;

Applies to: Enums (can also be specified as a file option, to provide file-wide default)

edition = "2023";

enum Test {
  // highlight-start
  option features.enum_type = CLOSED;
  // highlight-end
  VALUE = 1;

In Editions syntax, this can be used to configure whether an enum is open or closed. An open enum accepts numeric values other than those configured in the schema. A closed enum will effectively ignore such an unrecognized numeric value. With a closed enum, if such a value is encountered during de-serialization, the field will remain unset and the value will be stored as an unrecognized field.

An open enum must have a value with the number zero as its first value.

The default value is OPEN. If the default is changed via a file option to CLOSED then it matches proto2 semantics, where enums are always closed.

A field that is optional with implicit presence may not have a closed enum as its type.

JSON Format

optional JsonFormat json_format = 6 [
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_ENUM,
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FILE,
  feature_support = {
    edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "LEGACY_BEST_EFFORT" },
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_PROTO3, value: "ALLOW" }

enum JsonFormat {
  ALLOW = 1;

Applies to: Messages and Enums (can also be specified as a file option, to provide file-wide default)

edition = "2023";

message Test {
  // highlight-start
  option features.json_format = LEGACY_BEST_EFFORT;
  // highlight-end
  string _str = 1;
  uint32 Str = 2;

In Editions syntax, this can be used to configure whether an enum or message must support the JSON format. The default value is ALLOW. If the default is changed via a file option to LEGACY_BEST_EFFORT then it matches proto2 semantics, where the JSON format was best effort since the proto2 syntax was created before the JSON format was defined.

Most runtimes and plugins never look at this feature. It is primarily used by the compiler itself to decide whether JSON-name-related conflicts are an error or a warning. (Also see JSON Name Conflicts.)

C++: Legacy Closed Enum

optional bool legacy_closed_enum = 1 [
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FIELD,
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FILE,
  feature_support = {
    edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
    edition_deprecated: EDITION_2023
    deprecation_warning: "The legacy closed enum treatment in C++ is "
                         "deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in "
                         "edition 2025.  Mark enum type on the enum "
                         "definitions themselves rather than on fields."
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "true" },
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_PROTO3, value: "false" }

Applies to: Fields (can also be specified as a file option, to provide file-wide default)

edition = "2023";
import "google/protobuf/cpp_features.proto";

message Test {
  // highlight-start
  Enum en = 1 [features.(pb.cpp).legacy_closed_enum = true];
  // highlight-end
enum Enum {
  ZERO = 0;

This custom feature is defined in the well-known import "google/protobuf/cpp_features.proto" as a field inside the (pb.cpp) extension.

In Editions syntax, this is used to configure a field that refers to an open enum to behave during de-serialization as if the enum were closed. This only impacts the C++ runtime. This is purely for backwards-compatibility, to mimic legacy behavior that would occur when a message defined in a proto2 file had a field whose type was an enum from a proto3 file. In that case, though the enum is open (since it is defined in a proto3 file), the field would behave as if the enum were closed.

C++: String Type

optional StringType string_type = 2 [
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FIELD,
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FILE,
  feature_support = {
    edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "STRING" },
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_2024, value: "VIEW" }

enum StringType {
  VIEW = 1;
  CORD = 2;
  STRING = 3;

Applies to: Fields (can also be specified as a file option, to provide file-wide default)

edition = "2023";
import "google/protobuf/cpp_features.proto";

message Test {
  // highlight-start
  string name = 1 [features.(pb.cpp).string_type = VIEW];
  // highlight-end

This custom feature is defined in the well-known import "google/protobuf/cpp_features.proto" as a field inside the (pb.cpp) extension.

In Editions syntax, this can be used to configure the type used to represent a string or bytes field. This only impacts C++ generated code. This replaces the ctype field option. In edition 2023, a field can use either this feature or the ctype field option. In future editions, the ctype field option will be disallowed and only this feature will be used to control C++ code generation.

Note that this enum does not have a value for STRING_PIECE, which was one of the possible values for the ctype option. This was only implemented inside of Google and never implemented in the open-source release of the C++ Protobuf runtime. So sources should not be using this value. But if it were used, it should be changed to STRING when such a field is migrated to Editions syntax and to use this feature.

Java: Legacy Closed Enum

optional bool legacy_closed_enum = 1 [
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FIELD,
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FILE,
  feature_support = {
    edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
    edition_deprecated: EDITION_2023
    deprecation_warning: "The legacy closed enum treatment in Java is "
                         "deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in "
                         "edition 2025.  Mark enum type on the enum "
                         "definitions themselves rather than on fields."
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "true" },
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_PROTO3, value: "false" }

Applies to: Fields (can also be specified as a file option, to provide file-wide default)

edition = "2023";
import "google/protobuf/java_features.proto";

message Test {
  // highlight-start
  Enum en = 1 [features.( = true];
  // highlight-end
enum Enum {
  ZERO = 0;

This custom feature is defined in the well-known import "google/protobuf/java_features.proto" as a field inside the ( extension.

In Editions syntax, this is used to configure a field that refers to an open enum to behave during de-serialization as if the enum were closed. This only impacts the Java runtime. This is purely for backwards-compatibility, to mimic legacy behavior that would occur when a message defined in a proto2 file had a field whose type was an enum from a proto3 file. In that case, though the enum is open (since it is defined in a proto3 file), the field would behave as if the enum were closed.

Java: UTF8 Validation

optional Utf8Validation utf8_validation = 2 [
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FIELD,
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_FILE,
  feature_support = {
    edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
    edition_deprecated: EDITION_2024
    deprecation_warning: "The Java-specific utf8 validation feature is "
                         "deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in "
                         "edition 2025.  Utf8 validation behavior should "
                         "use the global cross-language utf8_validation "
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "DEFAULT" }

enum Utf8Validation {
  // Respect the UTF8 validation behavior specified by the global
  // utf8_validation feature.
  DEFAULT = 1;
  // Verifies UTF8 validity, overriding the global utf8_validation
  // feature. This represents the legacy java_string_check_utf8
  // file option.
  VERIFY = 2;

Applies to: Fields (can also be specified as a file option, to provide file-wide default)

edition = "2023";
import "google/protobuf/cpp_features.proto";
option features.utf8_validation = NONE;

message Test {
  // highlight-start
  string name = 1 [features.( = VERIFY];
  // highlight-end

This custom feature is defined in the well-known import "google/protobuf/java_features.proto" as a field inside the ( extension.

In Editions syntax, this can be used to configure whether a string field has its contents verified at runtime to be valid UTF8. This only impacts the Java runtime. This can be used to mimic the legacy behavior of a proto2 file that had its java_string_check_utf8 file option set to true. In such a file, all string fields have a utf8_validation feature set to NONE (by virtue of it being a proto2 file) but the Java runtime will check for valid UTF8 encoding anyway.

Go: Legacy UnmarshalJSON Enum

optional bool legacy_unmarshal_json_enum = 1 [
  targets = TARGET_TYPE_ENUM,
  feature_support = {
    edition_introduced: EDITION_2023
    edition_deprecated: EDITION_2023
    deprecation_warning: "The legacy UnmarshalJSON API is deprecated and "
                         "will be removed in a future edition."
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_LEGACY, value: "true" },
  edition_defaults = { edition: EDITION_PROTO3, value: "false" }

Applies to: Enums

edition = "2023";
import "google/protobuf/go_features.proto";

enum Test {
  // highlight-start
  option features.(pb.go).legacy_unmarshal_json_enum = true;
  // highlight-end
  VALUE = 0;

This custom feature is NOT defined in a well-known import. It is defined in an import named"google/protobuf/go_features.proto" as a field inside the (pb.go) extension. The authoritative source for this file's content is the repo at

In Editions syntax, this can be used to configure whether a generated Go type representing an enum would include an UnmarshalJSON method. This only impacts Go generated code. This can be used to mimic the legacy behavior of a proto2 file, in which enum types had such a method generated.