Alters the layout of Pagermon when on smaller screens so that the Date, Time, Icon, and Agency are all in the same column, and adds the Alias to the end of the message.
(Applies to browser windows upto 767px in resolution)
There is no difference in the Logged In view vs the Logged Out view
(Applies to browser windows from 768px to 1365px in resolution)
Logged In view (or where Source and Capcode are publicly displayed)
Logged Out view (or where Source and Capcode are not publicly displayed)
Download the complete folder here (Download function provided by external website This will download the full folder as a ZIP file. Be sure to unzip if before uploading to Pagermon!
Changes the colour theme of the Paremon Default Layout to a Dark Mode
Example showing Highlight (@@ALERT 00404 SF 2A) and Label (F231129406) highlighting
Download the complete folder here (Download function provided by external website This will download the full folder as a ZIP file. Be sure to unzip if before uploading to Pagermon!
Combines the Compact and Dark Modes above
Download the complete folder here (Download function provided by external website This will download the full folder as a ZIP file. Be sure to unzip if before uploading to Pagermon!
- Download the entire folder and add into pagermon\server\themes
- You'll then be able to select the relevant as a theme from the Settings page
- Don't forget to SAVE and then Restart Pagermon for the theme to take effect
This uses svn, if you don't have svn download using your desired package manager (eg. sudo apt-get install subversion) svn export[SUB FOLDER NAME HERE]
If you find a bug, or something just isn't quite right either reach out to me via the Pagermon Discord or raise an issue here on GitHub