Implementations of Machine Learning and Data Science Methods in Politics.
- Machine Learning and Data Science in Politics - MIT
- Introduction to Machine Learning: Political Science - Stanford University
- Machine Learning in Political Science - Cambridge University
- Gentle Introduction to Machine Learning for the Social Sciences - Europan Consortium for Political Research
- D-Lab - The social science data lab at UC Berkeley: Web | GitHub | Rochelle Terman, PhD
- IDSS: LobbyView & TradeLab - Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Web | In Song Kim, PhD
- 2017. Andrea Ceron, Luigi Curini, Stefano Maria Iacus - Politics and Big Data: Nowcasting and Forecasting Elections with Social Media - Routledge
- 2018. Kosuke Imai - Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction - Princeton University Press
- 2019. Puneet Mathur - Machine Learning Applications Using Python: Cases Studies from Healthcare, Retail, and Finance - Apress
- Journal of Politics: Scimago | Web
- World Politics: Scimago | Web
- Geopolitics: Scimago | Web
- Politics: Scimago | Web
- Asian Politics and Policy: Scimago | Web
- Politics - Python: serenata-de-amor: Artificial Intelligence for social control of public administration | grano: A toolkit for mapping networks of political and economic influence through diverse types of entities and their relations | OpenCiviWiki: Building a Better Democracy for the Internet Age | opensanctions: An open database of persons of interest and politically exposed persons
- Politics - Jupyter Notebook: politic-bots: Tools and algorithms to analyze Paraguayan Tweets in times of elections | school_crime_and_corruption_analysis: Lectures on "crime and political corruption analysis using data mining, machine learning and complex networks" at the School of Applied Mathematics in the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science at University of São Paulo
- Politics - R: PolData: A dataset with political datasets | politicaldata: An R package for acquiring and analyzing political data — including polls, election results, legislator information, and demographic data | legislatoR: Political, sociodemographic, and Wikipedia related data on political elites | quant3materials: PhD course: Quantitative Methods for Political Science III (NYU) -- Recitation Materials