The ByteIR Compiler is an MLIR-based compiler for CPU/GPU/ASIC.
LLVM/MLIR:, llvm commit id see external/llvm-project
Python (for python binding): minimum version is 3.6, requiring numpy and pybind11 installed.
cd /path_to_byteir
git submodule update --init external/llvm-project
# build llvm
cd external/llvm-project
cmake -H./llvm \
-B./build \
-GNinja \
# via -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc/clang and -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++/clang++
# to specify gcc>=8.5 or clang>=7
# for Mac users, set -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="AArch64;NVPTX"
cmake --build ./build --target all --target install
cd /path_to_byteir
git submodule update --init external/mlir-hlo
# build ByteIR
cmake -B./compiler/build \
-H./compiler/cmake \
-GNinja \
-DLLVM_INSTALL_PATH=$(pwd)/external/llvm-project/build/install \
-DLLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT=$(which lit) \
cmake --build ./compiler/build --target check-byteir
cd /path_to_byteir
git submodule update --init external/mlir-hlo
# build ByteIR
cmake -B./compiler/build
-G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 \
-DLLVM_INSTALL_PATH=path_to_LLVM_installed_or_built_directory \
-DLLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT=lit_location # this is optional for external lit
cmake --build ./compiler/build --target check-byteir
This command runs ByteIR unit tests:
cmake --build ./compiler/build --target check-byteir
ByteIR relies on llvm-lit
and FileCheck
for testing.
For more information, you can refer to this page
All the tests are placed in the folder compiler/test
This command is an example showing that how to compile model by using ByteIR:
PYTHONPATH=./compiler/build/python_packages/byteir python3 -m ./compiler/test/E2E/MLPInference/input.mlir -o out.mlir --entry_func forward
# add -v (means verbose) to see detailed compiling pipeline
cmake --install ./compiler/build --prefix path_to_install_BYTEIR
cmake --build ./compiler/build --target byteir-python-pack
# byteir-*.whl in /path_to_byteir/compiler/build/python/dist/
ByteIR Compiler mainly relies on MLIR public, builtin dialects. However, there are still some exceptions.
An external dialect from MHLO is the main dialect ByteIR compiler takes as the input IR.
There are several MHLO custom_call Ops used in ByteIR. They are used in a contract between ByteIR compiler and ByteIR maintained frontends. They are listed in doc/
ACE is an internal dialect defined by ByteIR. It is a supplement to MHLO dialect and LACE is the corresponding part of LMHLO.
CCL is an internal dialect defined by ByteIR. It is a dialect which represents communication operators in distribution.
LinalgExt is a dialect defined by ByteIR. It is an extension of Linalg dialect, and it is meant to eventually be upstreamed to LLVM.
ShapeExt is a dialect defined by ByteIR. It is an extension of Shape dialect, and it is meant to eventually be upstreamed to LLVM.
ByRE is a dialect defined by ByteIR. It is a runtime IR and the major format for the ByteIR runtime.
Useful Pass Description doc/