import { UploadWidgetLocale } from "@bytescale/upload-widget/modules/locales/UploadWidgetLocale";

export const UploadWidgetLocaleEnUs: UploadWidgetLocale = {
  addAnotherFileBtn: "Add another file...",
  addAnotherImageBtn: "Add another image...",
  cancelBtn: "cancel",
  cancelBtnClicked: "cancelled",
  cancelPreviewBtn: "Cancel",
  continueBtn: "Continue",
  cropBtn: "Crop",
  customValidationFailed: "Failed to validate file.",
  doneBtn: "Done",
  fileSizeLimitPrefix: "File size limit:",
  finishBtn: "Finished",
  finishBtnIcon: true,
  imageCropNumberPrefix: "Image",
  maxFilesReachedPrefix: "Maximum number of files:",
  maxImagesReachedPrefix: "Maximum number of images:",
  orDragDropFile: "...or drag and drop a file.",
  orDragDropFileMulti: "...or drag and drop files.",
  orDragDropImage: "...or drag and drop an image.",
  orDragDropImageMulti: "...or drag and drop images.",
  processingFile: "Processing file...",
  removeBtn: "remove",
  removeBtnClicked: "removed",
  submitBtnError: "Error!",
  submitBtnLoading: "Please wait...",
  unsupportedFileType: "File type not supported.",
  uploadFileBtn: "Upload a File",
  uploadFileMultiBtn: "Upload a File", // We support differentiation even though our default locale does not.
  uploadImageBtn: "Upload an Image",
  uploadImageMultiBtn: "Upload an Image", // We support differentiation even though our default locale does not.
  xOfY: "of"