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Repository files navigation


No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\CollectionApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$site_name = My Site; // string | Site name
$collection_name = collection-name; // string | Collection name

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->clearCache($site_name, $collection_name);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CollectionApi->clearCache: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
CollectionApi clearCache POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection/{collection_name}/revalidate Force Duda to refresh the data from an external URL for a given collection.
CollectionApi clearCacheByExternalId POST /sites/multiscreen/collections/revalidate/{external_id} Revalidate all collections in all sites under the same account that use the provided external id
CollectionApi createCollection POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection Create a new collection within a site
CollectionApi createFields POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection/{collection_name}/field Add a new field(s) to an existing collection.
CollectionApi createRows POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection/{collection_name}/row Add new row(s) of data into an existing collection. This accepts multiple row values if you'd like to insert more than one.
CollectionApi deleteCollection DELETE /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection/{collection_name} Delete an existing collection
CollectionApi deleteFields DELETE /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection/{collection_name}/field/{field_name} Delete an existing field of a collection
CollectionApi deleteRows DELETE /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection/{collection_name}/row Delete existing rows of data that exist within the collection.
CollectionApi getCollection GET /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection/{collection_name} Get the fields and data of an existing collection
CollectionApi listCollections GET /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection Get all collections that exist on this website.
CollectionApi updateCollection PUT /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection/{collection_name} Update an existing collection
CollectionApi updateFields PUT /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection/{collection_name}/field/{field_name} Update existing field of a collection
CollectionApi updateRows PUT /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/collection/{collection_name}/row Update existing collection rows.
ContentApi createInjectedContent POST /sites/multiscreen/inject-content/{site_name} Content injection provides the ability to update a website directly via the API.
ContentApi createInjectedContentSinglePage POST /sites/multiscreen/inject-content/{site_name}/pages/{page_name} Content injection provides the ability to update a page on a website directly via the API.
ContentApi createLocation POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/content/location Create a new location for a website. This location will be apart of the additional_locations object that is returned from a site's content library.
ContentApi deleteLocation DELETE /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/content/location/{location_id} Delete an existing location
ContentApi getContentLibrary GET /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/content Get the data that exists within the content library of a website.
ContentApi getInjectedContent GET /sites/multiscreen/inject-content/{site_name} Search the website for all references of the data-inject value, either in the HTML or CSS of the website.
ContentApi getLocation GET /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/content/location/{location_id} Get data for a specific location.
ContentApi publishContentLibrary POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/content/publish Push updates already within the content library directly to the live version of the website. This pushes the data that exists within the content library to the live/published version of the website.
ContentApi updateContentLibrary POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/content Update the data that exists within the content library. Once updated the data is ready for immediate use within the editor.
ContentApi updateLocation POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/content/location/{location_id} Update an existing location within the content library. You can only update additional_locations that exist as part of the content library.
ContentApi uploadResource POST /sites/multiscreen/resources/{site_name}/upload Upload a resource to the website from an external source. Resource is uploaded to Duda's CDN and made available to anyone building the website.
OtherApi createBackup POST /sites/multiscreen/backups/{site_name}/create Create a new backup of a site. This is used for saving the existing state of a site. Good for saving a restore point before a user starts to edit a site or after work has been completed.
OtherApi createSSLCertificate POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/certificate Generate a SSL certificate for a specific website.
OtherApi deleteBackup DELETE /sites/multiscreen/backups/{site_name}/{backup_name} Deletes an existing backup from a Site.
OtherApi deleteSSLCertificate DELETE /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/certificate Delete a certificate that has been generated for a website. This will ensure that the website is served over only an HTTP (insecure) connection and will delete the generated certificate.
OtherApi getBodyEnd GET /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/body-end Retrieves the HTML body end content
OtherApi listBackups GET /sites/multiscreen/backups/{site_name} Get an array of existing site backups
OtherApi renewSSLCertificate POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/certificate/renew Starts the renewal process for an SSL certificate
OtherApi restoreBackup POST /sites/multiscreen/backups/{site_name}/restore/{backup_name} Restore a site from an existing backup. This will fully restore the site back to the state it was in at the time of the backup creation. When restoring a site, a backup is automatically made before the restore begins.
OtherApi updateBodyEnd POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/body-end Updates the HTML body end content
PagesV2Api deletePage DELETE /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/pages/{page_uuid} Delete a Page from a Site.
PagesV2Api duplicatePage POST /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/pages/{page_uuid}/duplicate Duplicate an existing Page of a Site.
PagesV2Api getPage GET /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/pages/{page_uuid} Get the details of an individual Page of a Site.
PagesV2Api listPages GET /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/pages Get details of all the Pages of a Site.
PagesV2Api updatePage PUT /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/pages/{page_uuid} Update an existing Page of a Site.
ReportingApi activities GET /sites/multiscreen/{site_name}/activities Get activity history for a specific website over a certain amount of time.
ReportingApi analytics GET /multiscreen/analytics/site/{site_name} Get analytics history for a specific website over a certain amount of time.
ReportingApi emailSettings GET /accounts/{account_name}/sites/{site_name}/stats-email Get the status of stats emails for a customer on a given site.
ReportingApi formSubmissions GET /sites/multiscreen/get-forms/{site_name} Get all the contact form submissions from a given site.
ReportingApi siteCreated GET /sites/multiscreen/created Get a list of Sites created within a span of time.
ReportingApi siteUnpublished GET /sites/multiscreen/unpublished Get a list of recently unpublished websites in your account.
ReportingApi sitesPublished GET /sites/multiscreen/published Get a list of recently published websites in your account.
ReportingApi subscribe POST /accounts/{account_name}/sites/{site_name}/stats-email Subscribe a customer (or staff member) to statistics emails for a specific site.
ReportingApi unsubscribe DELETE /accounts/{account_name}/sites/{site_name}/stats-email Unsubscribe a customer (or staff member) to statistics emails for a specific site.
SiteApi createSite POST /sites/multiscreen/create Create a new Site from a Template.
SiteApi deleteSite DELETE /sites/multiscreen/{site_name} Permanently deletes a Site and cancels all subscriptions.
SiteApi duplicateSite POST /sites/multiscreen/duplicate/{site_name} Creates a new Site based on an existing one.
SiteApi getSite GET /sites/multiscreen/{site_name} Details about a site
SiteApi getSiteByExternalId GET /sites/multiscreen/byexternalid/{external_uid} Get the names of Sites that have a specific external id.
SiteApi publishSite POST /sites/multiscreen/publish/{site_name} Takes a Site live and purchases a subscription.
SiteApi resetSite POST /sites/multiscreen/reset/{site_name} Resets a Site to initial state or based on a new template and data.
SiteApi switchTemplate POST /sites/multiscreen/switchTemplate/{site_name} Applies a new template to an existing Site.
SiteApi unpublishSite POST /sites/multiscreen/unpublish/{site_name} Takes down a Site and suspends it's subscription.
SiteApi updateSite POST /sites/multiscreen/update/{site_name} Update properties of an existing Site.
TemplateApi createFromSite POST /sites/multiscreen/templates/fromsite Create a new Template based on an existing site
TemplateApi createFromTemplate POST /sites/multiscreen/templates/fromtemplate Create a new Template based on an existing one
TemplateApi deleteTemplate DELETE /sites/multiscreen/templates/{template_id} Delete a custom Template.
TemplateApi getTemplate GET /sites/multiscreen/templates/{template_id} Get the details of a Template.
TemplateApi listTemplates GET /sites/multiscreen/templates Get all available Templates.
TemplateApi updateTemplate POST /sites/multiscreen/templates/{template_id} Update the name of a custom Template.
URLRulesApi createRule POST /sites/multiscreen/site/{site_name}/urlrules Create a new URL rule.
URLRulesApi deleteRule DELETE /sites/multiscreen/site/{site_name}/urlrules/{id} Delete an existing URL rule.
URLRulesApi getAllRules GET /sites/multiscreen/site/{site_name}/urlrules Get all of the URL rules of a Site.
URLRulesApi getRule GET /sites/multiscreen/site/{site_name}/urlrules/{id} Get the details of a specific URL rule
URLRulesApi updateRule PUT /sites/multiscreen/site/{site_name}/urlrules/{id} Update an existing URL rule.




  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


To run the tests, use:

composer install


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen


No description, website, or topics provided.






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