- PHP 7.4
- Node 10 (latest tested)
- Laravel 5.7
- Mysql 5.7
- PHP 7.4
- Node 10
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Pusher account
- Add entry for hkr.local to host file: hkr.local
- Start Vagrant:
vagrant up
- Add your pusher account secret to the
that should have been created duringvagrant up
All commands can be run from host as long as you have the requirements outlined at the top.
- Install JS dependencies:
npm install
- Build frontend assets (js):
npm run watch
if you are actively developing ornpm run prod
if you need a one off build - Install PHP dependencies:
composer install
- Run database migrations:
php artisan migrate
- Seed database:
php artisan db:seed
php artisan key:generate
- create unique laravel app key (inserts into .env)
- Ssh into Vagrant:
vagrant ssh
- Access database via mysql client:
mysql -h192.168.99.100 -uroot -phkr
- AMI: Ubuntu 18.04
- Size: T2.Micro
- Protect against accidental termination
- Security Groups: Basic Webserver && Github Actions
- Click Launch > Choose an existing key pair. Select yours.
- Copy the provisioning folder by running the following command:
scp -rp ./provisioning ubuntu@<public_ip>:/home/ubuntu/provisioning
ssh ubuntu@<public_ip>
cd /home/ubuntu/provisioning
- Run the provisioning script by
./provision.sh [env]
(local, production) - Manually execute the following steps to enable SSL: https://certbot.eff.org/lets-encrypt/ubuntubionic-apache.html t
- Any commit to master will trigger a github action (