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Smoke testing for Calabash iOS and Calabash iOS Server.
This repo is very large because the Calabash binaries are updated often
during testing and debugging. There is really no way around this. You
can improve your experience by making a shallow clone using the
flag. Maintainers may need to make a much deeper clone.
$ git clone --depth 10
$ cd ios-smoke-test-app/CalSmokeApp
We use this app to document, demonstrate, and test Calabash iOS.
You can use this app to explore Calabash and as an example for how to configure your Xcode project and Calabash workflow.
If you have problems building or running, please see the xcpretty and Code Signing sections below for how debug.
If you have a managed Ruby installed (like rbenv or rvm), please skip this section
and ignore the calabash-sandbox
instructions in the examples.
If you are new to Ruby or Ruby on MacOS, we recommend that you install and use the Calabash Sandbox.
$ curl -sSL | bash
Please do not install gems with sudo
or run the install script above with sudo
You can read more about Ruby on MacOS on the Calabash iOS Wiki.
The following examples assume you are running in a managed Ruby environment or you have installed the Calabash Sandbox and run this command:
$ calabash-sandbox
This terminal is now ready to use with Calabash.
To exit, type 'exit'.
You will need to touch the Xcode project file an adjust the code signing settings to match your environment.
$ git clone --depth 10
$ cd ios-smoke-test-app/CalSmokeApp
$ bundle
$ make app-cal
Run your cucumber tests:
$ bundle exec cucumber
Explore your app on from calabash console:
$ bundle exec calabash-ios console
> start_test_server_in_background
> query("UITextField")
> touch("UITextField")
> keyboard_enter_text("Hello!")
You will need to touch the Xcode project file an adjust the code signing settings to match your environment.
$ cd ios-smoke-test-app/CalSmokeApp
$ bundle
$ make ipa-cal
$ CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="iPhone Developer: Your Name (ABCDE12345)" \
DEVICE_TARGET=< device name | udid > \
DEVICE_ENDPOINT=http://<ip>:37265 \
be cucumber -p device
$ CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="iPhone Developer: Joshua Moody (8QEQJFT59F)" \
DEVICE_ENDPOINT=http://denis.local:37265 \
be cucumber -p device
$ cd ios-smoke-test-app/CalSmokeApp
$ bundle
$ make ipa-cal
$ CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="iPhone Developer: Your Name (ABCDE12345)" \
DEVICE_TARGET=< device name | udid > \
DEVICE_ENDPOINT=http://<ip>:37265 \
be cucumber -p simulator
$ CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="iPhone Developer: Joshua Moody (8QEQJFT59F)" \
DEVICE_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:37265 \
be cucumber -p simulator
We use xcpretty to make builds faster and to reduce the amount of logging. Travis CI, for example, has a limit on the number of lines of logging that can be generated; xcodebuild breaks this limit.
The only problem with xcpretty is that it does not report build errors very well. If you encounter an issue with any of the make rules, run without xcpretty:
$ XCPRETTY=0 make ipa
If you have multiple code signing identities, you might need to set the
variable for the make scripts. If you are running
with xcpretty, you might see output like this:
$ make ipa
The following build commands failed:
PhaseScriptExecution Run\ Script\ Add\ Calabash\ dylibs\ to\ Bundle
Try again without xpretty to reveal the problem:
$ XCPRETTY=0 make ipa
iPhone Developer: ambiguous (matches "iPhone Developer: Some Developer
(89543FK9SZ)" and "iPhone Developer: Some Other Developer (7QJQJFT49Q)"
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1
Fix this problem by telling Xcode which identity to use:
$ export CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="iPhone Developer: Joshua Moody (7QJQJFT49Q)"
$ make ipa
If you are building from Xcode and have code signing problems, you'll
need to update the bin/xcode-build-phase/
with your identity details.
The -cal target links the calabash.framework.
This is the traditional way of getting the Calabash iOS Server into your app. It uses a separate application target as the test target; the -cal target. A separate -cal target means your production target will never be linked with the calabash.framework. This may be important to some developers or organizations.
This approach is suitable for the Xamarin Test Cloud.
$ bundle install
$ make app-cal
$ export APP="Products/app/CalSmoke-cal/"
$ bundle exec cucumber
To make an ipa from the -cal target:
$ make ipa-cal
This method is provided to demonstrate an alternative Calabash setup.
The Debug configuration of the CalSmoke target (production) embeds the Calabash dylibs in the app bundle. These dylibs are loaded at runtime. This only happens when the Xcode Build Configuration is Debug.
The script that does the embedding is here:
and depending on your environment, it may need to be update for codesigning.
This is not dylib injection; the dylibs are embedded. See Makefile for rules to build an app suitable for testing dylib injection.
This approach is suitable for the Xamarin Test Cloud.
$ bundle install
$ make app-calabash-embedded
$ export APP="build/app/CalSmoke/embedded-calabash-dylib/"
$ bundle exec cucumber
To make an ipa with dylibs embedded in the production target:
$ make ipa-calabash-embedded
# Update the config/cucumber.yml
bundle_id: BUNDLE_ID=sh.calaba.CalSmoke