This GitHub Action automates the deployment of a ROSA (Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS) cluster using Terraform. This action will also install oc, awscli, rosa cli. The kube context will be set on the created cluster.
name | description | required | default |
rh-token |
Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console Token |
true |
"" |
cluster-name |
Name of the ROSA cluster to deploy |
true |
"" |
admin-password |
Admin password for the ROSA cluster |
true |
"" |
admin-username |
Admin username for the ROSA cluster |
true |
kube-admin |
aws-region |
AWS region where the ROSA cluster will be deployed |
true |
"" |
rosa-cli-version |
Version of the ROSA CLI to use |
true |
latest |
awscli-version |
Version of the aws cli to use |
true |
2.15.52 |
openshift-version |
Version of the OpenShift to install |
true |
4.17.10 |
replicas |
Number of replicas for the ROSA cluster |
true |
2 |
s3-backend-bucket |
Name of the S3 bucket to store Terraform state |
true |
"" |
s3-bucket-region |
Region of the bucket containing the resources states, if not set, will fallback on aws-region |
false |
"" |
tf-modules-revision |
Git revision of the tf modules to use |
true |
main |
tf-modules-path |
Path where the tf rosa modules will be cloned |
true |
./.action-tf-modules/rosa/ |
login |
Authenticate the current kube context on the created cluster |
true |
true |
tf-cli-config-credentials-hostname |
The hostname of a HCP Terraform/Terraform Enterprise instance to place within the credentials block of the Terraform CLI configuration file. Defaults to |
false | |
tf-cli-config-credentials-token |
The API token for a HCP Terraform/Terraform Enterprise instance to place within the credentials block of the Terraform CLI configuration file. |
false |
"" |
tf-terraform-version |
The version of Terraform CLI to install. Instead of full version string you can also specify constraint string starting with "<" (for example |
false |
latest |
tf-terraform-wrapper |
Whether or not to install a wrapper to wrap subsequent calls of the |
false |
true |
name | description |
openshift-server-api |
The server API URL of the deployed ROSA cluster |
openshift-cluster-id |
The ID of the deployed ROSA cluster |
terraform-state-url |
URL of the Terraform state file in the S3 bucket |
This action is a composite
- uses: camunda/camunda-tf-rosa/.github/actions/rosa-create-cluster@main
# Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console Token
# Required: true
# Default: ""
# Name of the ROSA cluster to deploy
# Required: true
# Default: ""
# Admin password for the ROSA cluster
# Required: true
# Default: ""
# Admin username for the ROSA cluster
# Required: true
# Default: kube-admin
# AWS region where the ROSA cluster will be deployed
# Required: true
# Default: ""
# Version of the ROSA CLI to use
# Required: true
# Default: latest
# Version of the aws cli to use
# Required: true
# Default: 2.15.52
# Version of the OpenShift to install
# Required: true
# Default: 4.17.10
# Number of replicas for the ROSA cluster
# Required: true
# Default: 2
# Name of the S3 bucket to store Terraform state
# Required: true
# Default: ""
# Region of the bucket containing the resources states, if not set, will fallback on aws-region
# Required: false
# Default: ""
# Git revision of the tf modules to use
# Required: true
# Default: main
# Path where the tf rosa modules will be cloned
# Required: true
# Default: ./.action-tf-modules/rosa/
# Authenticate the current kube context on the created cluster
# Required: true
# Default: true
# The hostname of a HCP Terraform/Terraform Enterprise instance to place within the credentials block of the Terraform CLI configuration
# file. Defaults to ``.
# Required: false
# Default:
# The API token for a HCP Terraform/Terraform Enterprise instance to place within the credentials block of the Terraform CLI configuration
# file.
# Required: false
# Default: ""
# The version of Terraform CLI to install. Instead of full version string you can also specify constraint string starting with "<" (for
# example `<1.13.0`) to install the latest version satisfying the constraint. A value of `latest` will install the latest version of Terraform
# CLI. Defaults to `latest`.
# Required: false
# Default: latest
# Whether or not to install a wrapper to wrap subsequent calls of the `terraform` binary and expose its STDOUT, STDERR, and exit code
# as outputs named `stdout`, `stderr`, and `exitcode` respectively. Defaults to `true`.
# Required: false
# Default: true