- added to npm.org.
- better nodejs api
- Fix classes with dots references from complex objects
- splitted docs in multiple doc/*.md files
- add support to multiple file loading using addFile() and jsdoc() methods. This is the default way of including multiple file projects. Unit test.
- Added support to @filename annotation.
- object literal type fully support {a:Array}
- added browserify and refactored in the parser in several files. Remoed hardcoded file names from gruntfile.
- @module @exports
- @alias for classes.
- JsDocMaker.recurseAST visit nodes and types of the AST - children first
- issue - injection, the html class view has this bug Class TerranObject Extends Object{prototype: prototype} - types are printing wrong.
- renamed vendor BackboneModel to Backbone.Model , same for Backbone.View, Backbone.Router, etc
- fixed shortjsdoc to allow passing the metadata right - i.e. dontMinifyOutout now works when calling from outside main()
- fix error in alias when using app - alias metainfo now persisted on the ast
- comment-indentation plugin to preserve original comment indentation.
- UI TreeView index initial contrib.
- text marks plugin
- text marks concrete plugins @?class @?module, @?method, @?event, @?property @?ref . Show these correctly in the html app.
- per file parsing - source view has link to the file sources implemented in FileView
- tree view better decorated
- treeview with color syntax and download button
- text mark @?link to write output-independent links
- improved typeahead results
- @attribute support - just like @property and @event - 'attributes' AST prop
- html5 app supports attribute, and inherited attributes and events
- inherited events and inherited attributes
- json2jsdoc tool
- PluginContainer priority implementation
- escape-at plugin : escape @ from text by using @@
- recurse-plugin-containers (abstract) plugin
- fixed issue with respect-comment-indentation plugin
- search by type page - /search page introduced.
- known subclasses in class view
- search class usage in class view
- show properties partial text in class view
- html application runs without server - just open the local html. for pure json output pass --json-output argument
- @depends class OtherClass - dependencies plugin/tool - must be run manually - not executed automatically since we don't want to make the tool slow. Also implemented a view in the html app to show the class dependency graph using visjs
- fix issue with embedded index.html
- fix big issue with later declared children
- @function support as @module child and html app also
- fix 'of class' value in method and property views
- markdown in Line comments
- remove '*' from package.json dependency versions
- custom annotation names can contain characters '.', '-', '_'
- improved resource not found page in html app
- @alias annotation
- removed the functionality that removed the starting ' * ' prefix from each line of block comments since that breaks markdown lists.
- added an option in the UI to only show the class public properties - public properties are marked with a @public child annotation.
- fixed html ui makeLink to preserve current hash options
- fixed html ui makeLink to preserve current hash options fixed to mix with current options.
- new properties and method full text are inside the class view also, after the summary
- issue this seems to fail: @module m @class A @method p @property {B} @class B - the error is class 'undefined.B'
- issue: private properties shown by default
- show/hide private classes in the module view
- show/hide private classes & modules in index view
- now annotation names can contain the ':' character, example: @event before:push-data
- fix issue with beforeTypeBindingPlugins - text markings weren't working in properties and event descriptions.
- book view - for printing it all to a PDF
- @interface and @implements
- Can bind functions as types
- better command line tool. cd line tool test
- html application configuration dontShowSources:boolean
- spec for node js api
- html support for loading alternative data.json with datajson url parameter