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76 lines (56 loc) · 4.09 KB

File metadata and controls

76 lines (56 loc) · 4.09 KB


a CLI tool to fetch movies and tv series details from and tmdb, or comparing two movies. It can optionally save the movie metadata to the clipboard or as a markdown file in a custom folder. Metadata will be formatted as property:: value for Logseq note-taking app. version : 1.1.0 2022-01-17


npm i -g github:cannibalox/movie-cli-2

requirements :

  • NodeJS > 17.5
  • an api key from to fetch movie details
  • a TMDB api key is required to fetch "original title" property


open a terminal and type movie followed by search terms

Usage: movie [title] or [movie1]::[movie2]

  -v, --version   output the current version
  -k, --key       set and save your apîkeys
  -r, --reset     resets options and clear keys
  -s, --settings  define settings
  -h, --help      display help for command

terminal showing info (left) | movie info saved as a md file inside Logseq (right) ss_NetMeterEvo_NetMeter_Evo_20230117_zio7Vy0AvC demo ss_WindowsTerminal_Windows_PowerShell_20230112_Y8WrqVr4In


  • on first start, the program should enter configuration mode and will let you choose options (eg: define which metadata to fetch, auto-save to clipboard, etc...)
  • please get your own api keys for omdbapi ( and TMDB (
  • the configuration is automatically saved, use movie -v to see the location of the config file
  • use movie --reset or movie --settings to modify the configuration after the first run

setup screen ss_WindowsTerminal_Windows_PowerShell_20230117_qWz46CpZWY

for logseq users:

  • the movie metadata can be saved as a markdown file as property:: value. It can add a title:: and fill default tags::
  • don't forget to set your date format in the config file to match your logseq date format (like yyyymmdd | yyyy-mm-dd | dddd, MMM do, yyyy | etc...) (refer to logseq docs and to see available formats)
  • the script can optionally ask for a custom rating and watched date, they will be saved as properties rating:: and watched:: [[%date%]] (a few custom arguments are possible)
  • filepaths should point to your logseq journals and logseq pages folder (eg: 'c:\logseq-graph\journals', 'd:/logseq/pages' or '/Users/path/to/logseq/pages/or/journal/'). Test the output on a temp folder beforehand. the folders must exist prior to the execution. the trailing \ or / is not required.
  • the script can optionally set a log line in the daily journal at the %watched date% defined for the movie ss_Logseq_Logseq_20230112_wOSbsTATWL

new features and improvements

the script is forked from Mayankchd's movie-cli, tailored for my personal movie tracking workflow in Logseq. notable differences and new features :

  • added a list of matching titles to pick from, to disambiguate titles like Alone (2008) vs Alone (2020)
  • added save to clipboard and save to file options
  • added original-title:: property using TMDB api for non-English titles
  • added custom inputs (ratings, watched date)
  • refactor code, updated to ECMAScript modules, update dependencies and removed isomorphic-fetch.


in case of errors, try mmovie -r or movie -s to reset the settings. only supports markdown, not org-mode format. the daily page log is crude : it doesn't rely on the logseq API, it's only appending a line at the end of the md file. use with wisdom and be careful of your data : backup your logseq folders, test outputs in a temp folder.