Beaver provides an lightweight method for shipping local log files to Logstash. It does this using redis, zeromq, tcp, udp, rabbit or stdout as the transport. This means you’ll need a redis, zeromq, tcp, udp, amqp or stdin input somewhere down the road to get the events.
Events are sent in logstash’s json_event format. Options can also be set as environment variables.
For this charm it uses tcp as a transport and is a subordinate charm. Here is an example of how to send apache2 log via beaver to logstash::
juju deploy cs:~evarlast/trusty/apache2
juju deploy local:trusty/beaver
juju deploy cs:~evarlast/trusty/logstash
juju add-relation apache2 beaver
juju add-relation logstash beaver
juju set apache2 vhost_http_template=$(shell base64 -w0<tests/apache2.template)
This charm for the moment is based on a zero configuration principle. Everything is configure through juju relation and the fact it is a subordinate charm.
Fabrice Matrat
- Beaver home page
- Beaver bugtracker
- Beaver source
- Beaver Charm