This project is not maintained anymore. If you want to take over contact us at
is a command line tool to CRUD github issues. It maps every issue to a branch issue-<issue-number>
The tool helps you to create these branches, work on them, and create pull-requests.
With homebrew
brew tap cargomedia/cargomedia
brew install github-issues
Download current version and unpack.
- ghi -
- hub -
- moreutils -
- coreutils (OSX only) -
usage: gi <command>
list [<username>|me] Lists repo's issues (assigned to user if provided)
open [<message>] Open a new issue
checkout <issue-number> Check out branch for specified issue, create it if needed
details Show current branch-issue's details
browse Open current branch-issue in web browser
comment [<message>] Add comment to current branch-issue
push Push current branch-issue to origin
pull-request [<target>] Create a pull-request with the current branch-issue
Create a new issue:
gi open
Or start working on an existing issue:
gi checkout <issue-number> some work, commit changes as usual (git commit
When your work is ready, push it to your origin and create a pull request:
gi push
gi pull-request
Before the pull request has been merged, you can push additional commits:
gi push