├── blockchain - Example about how to implement a block chain
├── bot_news - Example of a bot for news, it applies AI to check the type
├── cqrs_example - Minimum example of a CQRS implementation
├── embedded - Playing with ARM compilation with Android
├── example_lombok - Playing with macros to autogenerate get and sets
├── gmail-load - Playing with the smtp libraries for loading from gmail code
├── green_thread - Implementation of a green thread (from article)
├── ideas - Mix of ideas
├── ideas2 - Mix of ideas
├── interactive-rs - WIP: Example tool to save pending tasks via command line
├── p2p_example - Examples for libp2p
├── p2p-playground - WIP: playing with libp2p
├── proxy - Proxy TCP (from an article)
├── pub_sub_lib - Publisher - Subscriber library example
├── rust-ddd-example - Minimum example about how to implement DDD
├── semantic-version - minimum example applying semantic-version
├── test_editor - Playing with yew and AI
├── wasm-example - Playing with WASM
├── web_cbir - Playing a CBIR engine
├── web_endpoint
└── workshop_serveless - A workshop for using serverless libraries in Rust