A useful powershell script that I made to monitor active asterisk calls. I could not find anything simple for viewing active calls from Windows so I decided to make my own. The script connect to the AMI. Tested with Asterisk 16 in PJSIP.
1- Edit /etc/asterisk/manager.conf. (DO NOT FORGET TO CHOOSE A STRONG PASSWORD.)
[general] enabled = yes webenabled = no port = 5038 bindaddr =
[User] secret = my password read = agent write = command,system
2- ssh into asterisk and execute the following command: asterisk -rvvv
manager reload
Execute the script in command line:
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -noexit "D:\Powershell\Asterisk_active_channel_AMI.ps1" -asterisk_ip "X.X.X.X" -Port "5038" -external_context "TO_EXTERNAL" -ami_user "User" -ami_pass "my password"
Here's a screenshot of the gridview's output. Data has been blurred for confidentiality.