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Cartesi Explorer

This web application shows several informations about Cartesi Proof of Stake:

  • node public address
  • node balance
  • current node owner
  • action to claim a node through metamask
  • action to release a node from the current owner

Running locally

This is a Next.js application which uses smart contracts deployed by the pos-dlib and staking-pool projects. In order to run the application locally you need to:

  1. Run a localhost hardhat node with all contracts deployed
  2. Run a local graph node reading from the local hardhat node and deploy the subgraph
  3. Run the application
  4. Open application in browser and switch to a local network in MetaMask

Running a local hardhat node

This can be done from the staking-pool project by running:

$ cd staking-pool
$ yarn start --export ../explorer/src/services/contracts/localhost.json

This will run a local hardhat node running at and deploy all smart contracts. Among the contracts are:

  • CartesiToken: the CTSI token contract. Minter is the first account, and holds 1B tokens initially.
  • StakingImpl: the staking contract.
  • WorkerManagerAuthManagerImpl: used to hire worker nodes.
  • PoS: proof of stake smart contract, holds the chains. Starts with no chain created.
  • StakingPoolFactoryImpl: factory of new staking pools.

Running a local graph node

The application uses a subgraph powered by thegraph to consolidate blockchain information and serve using a GraphQL endpoint.

  • Clone the graph node from GitHub.
  • Copy the file docker/docker-compose.yml to docker/docker-compose-localhost.yml
  • Modify line 20 to ethereum: 'localhost:http://host.docker.internal:8545/'
  • Modify line 27 to ./data_localhost/ipfs:/data/ipfs
  • Modify line 38 to ./data_localhost/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Then run:

$ cd docker
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-localhost.yml up

Every time you reset your local hardhat node you will need to delete the data_localhost folder that is created by the docker-compose command before running it again.

The next step is the deploy the subgraph to the local graph node. Checkout the subgraph project from GitHub. Then yarn link the project to the local staking-pool project by running yarn link at the staking-pool project and than yarn link @cartesi/staking-pool at the subgraph project.

Then run the following commands:

$ yarn prepare:localhost
$ yarn create:localhost
$ yarn deploy:localhost

Environment variables

There are two files in the explorer project the.env.development and .env.production. They set default values e.g. config for Unleash that is our feature-flag provider. You can create a file called .env.development.local that is gitignored so you can add your secrets there.

The next step is to create an account on Infura. Create a project so you can have access to a PROJECT ID.

On your .env.development.local set the following var:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID=your_project_id_goes_here

You can read more about nextJS env vars here

Run the application

Simply run:

$ yarn dev

Open application and setup MetaMask

Open the application in your browser at http://localhost:3000 Open MetaMask and switch to a network configured to the url http://localhost:8545 and Chain ID 31337.