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John E Jones IV edited this page Jun 18, 2018 · 29 revisions

Welcome to the NetworkMap wiki!

Table of Contents

  1. About
  2. How to Use IIRMa
  3. Technical Details
    1. Overview
    2. Getting Started
      1. Setup
      2. Deployment
    3. Back End
      1. Data Flow
      2. Database Schemas
      3. Creating New Data Sources
    4. Front End
      1. Data Flow
      2. Caching

The Origins of IIRMa

In 2017, The Case Foundation launched the Impact Investing Network Map, with data partners Impact Space and CrunchBase, to present the best publicly available data on impact investments to better inform the sector of the size, breadth and depth of the impact investing ecosystem. We believed that incorporating engaging data visualizations to display connections between investors and companies would not only bring greater accessibility and transparency to Impact Investing data but would demonstrate growth and inspire action in this catalytic movement.

We are appreciative of the resources and expertise provided by our advisors to build the initial product and their influence can be seen throughout IIRMa. We utilized elements of the CASE Smart Impact Capital, Impact Capital 101: Supply and Demand diagram to help illustrate the flow of capital between the supply and demand side actors. Check out the full video to learn more on capital flows within Impact Investing.

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