Title: Common Ontology
Description: The common ontology describes the Dataspace connectors in detail. On the one hand, this includes the information from which Catena-X business partner the connectors are deployed. On the other hand, with which contracts which assets provide the connectors.
Creator: @ZazraltMagic
Contributor: @drcgjung , @obalandi
Date: 2023-05-23
Version: 1.9.5
Imports: file:core_ontology.ttl
Link to ontology: https://w3id.org/catenax/ontology/common
class Actor~core~{
class Application~common~{
class Asset~common~{
contentType string
description string
id string
name string
version string
implementsProtocol string
publishedUnderContract string
satisfiesRole anyURI
isFederated boolean
http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#shapesGraph anyURI
authenticationInformation string
authenticationCode string
authenticationKey string
distributionMode string
class BusinessPartner~common~{
class DataspaceConnector~common~{
url anyURI
BusinessPartner --> DataspaceConnector : hasDataspaceConnector
DataspaceConnector --> Asset : offers
Asset --|> Application
DataspaceConnector --|> Application
BusinessPartner --|> Actor
Name | Description | Datatype properties | Object properties | Subclass of |
Application | An application defines a coded software that fulfills a specific purpose. | |||
Asset | The Asset class describes the provision via a repository of a specific set of data for a specific purpose. | contentType , description , id , name , version , implementsProtocol , publishedUnderContract , satisfiesRole , isFederated , http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#shapesGraph , authenticationInformation , authenticationCode , authenticationKey , distributionMode | Application | |
BusinessPartner | A Business Partner is a legal entity that is part of the Catena-X network or that stands in a relevant relation to a Catena-X Business Partner. | hasDataspaceConnector | Actor | |
DataspaceConnector | Dataspace Connector is an interface based on the Eclipse Dataspace Connector technology. A Dataspace Connector makes various assets available through contracts. A contract describes with which policy which asset can be provided. | url | offers | Application |
Name | Description | Domain | Range | Subproperty of |
contentType | This property describes in which format the data will be output, i.e. XML or JSON. | Asset | xsd:string | |
description | This property contains description of asset. | Asset | xsd:string | |
id | This property contains unique identifier of Bussiness Partner/Connector/Asset. | Asset | xsd:string | |
name | This property contains name of asset. | Asset | xsd:string | |
version | Version of the asset. | Asset | xsd:string | |
implementsProtocol | This property refers to the network protocol implemented by the asset. | Asset | xsd:string | |
publishedUnderContract | This property refers to the contract associated with the asset. | Asset | xsd:string | |
satisfiesRole | Use Case Role IRI. | Asset | xsd:anyURI | |
isFederated | If this property is set to true, it means that this connector will federate with other connectors. | Asset | xsd:boolean | |
url | Uniform Resource Locator of SPARQL Endpoint. | DataspaceConnector | xsd:anyURI | |
authenticationInformation | Base property for all authentication informations. | Asset | xsd:string | |
authenticationCode | An authentication code under which authentication information are transmitted. | Asset | xsd:string | authenticationInformation |
authenticationKey | An authentication key which encodes some authentication proof. | Asset | xsd:string | authenticationInformation |
distributionMode | The skill may only be invoked local to the computing environment of the provider. | Asset | xsd:string |
Name | Descriptions | Domain | Range | Subproperty of |
hasDataspaceConnector | This property describes which connectors belong to which business partners. | BusinessPartner | DataspaceConnector | |
offers | This property refers to the offered assets. | DataspaceConnector | Asset |