Title: Reliability Ontology
Description: None
Creator: @ZazraltMagic
Contributor: @Joerg-Schulz, @bosserf, @obalandi, @drcgjung
Date: 2023-02-21
Version: 1.11.0
Imports: file:core_ontology.ttl , file:vehicle_ontology.ttl
Link to ontology: https://w3id.org/catenax/ontology/reliability
class Activity~core~{
class Actor~core~{
class PhysicalObject~core~{
class ConceptualObject~core~{
class Part~vehicle~{
class Vehicle~vehicle~{
class Analysis~reliability~{
mileageOfVehicle integer
operatingHoursOfPart float
operatingHoursOfVehicle float
class AnalysisDevice~reliability~{
class AnalysisResult~reliability~{
class Diagnosis~reliability~{
class DiagnosticTroubleCode~reliability~{
diagnosticTroubleCodeId string
diagnosticTroubleCodeName string
class ErrorCause~reliability~{
class LoadSpectrum~reliability~{
datetime dateTime
description string
endDatetime dateTime
id string
name string
type string
class LoadSpectrumAnalysis~reliability~{
class LoadSpectrumChannel~reliability~{
lowerLimit float
numberOfBins integer
type string
unit string
upperLimit float
class LoadSpectrumClass~reliability~{
class LoadSpectrumValue~reliability~{
countingMethod string
countingUnit string
countingValue string
index string
DiagnosticTroubleCode --> ErrorCause : actualCause
Analysis --> PhysicalObject : analysedObject
Analysis --> Part : analysedPart
Analysis --> Vehicle : analysedVehicle
AnalysisDevice --> Analysis : performs
LoadSpectrum --> LoadSpectrumChannel : channel
LoadSpectrum --> LoadSpectrumClass : class
Diagnosis --> DiagnosticTroubleCode : hasDiagnosticTroubleCode
DiagnosticTroubleCode --> ErrorCause : possibleCause
Analysis --> AnalysisResult : result
LoadSpectrum --> LoadSpectrumValue : value
Analysis --|> Activity
AnalysisDevice --|> Actor
AnalysisResult --|> ConceptualObject
ErrorCause --|> ConceptualObject
Diagnosis --|> Analysis
LoadSpectrumAnalysis --|> Analysis
DiagnosticTroubleCode --|> AnalysisResult
LoadSpectrum --|> AnalysisResult
LoadSpectrumChannel --|> AnalysisResult
LoadSpectrumClass --|> AnalysisResult
LoadSpectrumValue --|> AnalysisResult
Name | Description | Datatype properties | Object properties | Subclass of |
Analysis | An analysis is an activity that includes all types of reliability and quality analyses. | mileageOfVehicle , operatingHoursOfPart , operatingHoursOfVehicle | analysedObject , analysedPart , analysedVehicle , result | Activity |
AnalysisDevice | An analysis device, e.g. a diagnostic device, reads or calculates certain analysis results. | performs | Actor | |
AnalysisResult | Results of the analysis activity. | ConceptualObject | ||
Diagnosis | Vehicle diagnosis is the identification of a problem or the cause and location of a problem. | hasDiagnosticTroubleCode | Analysis | |
DiagnosticTroubleCode | Diagnostic Trouble Code, is a code used to diagnose malfunctions in a vehicle. | diagnosticTroubleCodeId , diagnosticTroubleCodeName | actualCause , possibleCause | AnalysisResult |
ErrorCause | An analysis result can indicate possible and current error causes. Example: Temperature values above a certain limit indicate overheating. | ConceptualObject | ||
LoadSpectrum | Load spectrum is a 2d histogram that contains the load history of a vehicle, i.e. how a vehicle was used, for a given time period. | datetime , description , endDatetime , id , name , type | channel , class , value | AnalysisResult |
LoadSpectrumAnalysis | Load spectrum analysis is an analysis that calculates load spectrum values for a vehicle part. | Analysis | ||
LoadSpectrumChannel | The channel contains information about the axis of the 1d or 2d histogram. | lowerLimit , numberOfBins , type , unit , upperLimit | AnalysisResult | |
LoadSpectrumClass | The class contains information about the quantization states related to an axis. | AnalysisResult | ||
LoadSpectrumValue | The values contains a list or a matrix with count values of the histogram. | countingMethod , countingUnit , countingValue , index | AnalysisResult |
Name | Description | Domain | Range | Subproperty of |
countingMethod | Counting method of Load spectrum. | LoadSpectrumValue | xsd:string | |
countingUnit | Counting unit of load spectrum. | LoadSpectrumValue | xsd:string | |
countingValue | Counting value of load spectrum. | LoadSpectrumValue | xsd:string | |
datetime | Start of the measurement of load spectrum. | LoadSpectrum | xsd:dateTime | |
description | Details about the load spectrum: who, what, where, when, how? | LoadSpectrum | xsd:string | |
diagnosticTroubleCodeId | Id of diagnostic trouble code. | DiagnosticTroubleCode | xsd:string | |
diagnosticTroubleCodeName | Name of diagnostic trouble code. | DiagnosticTroubleCode | xsd:string | name |
endDatetime | End of the measurement of load spectrum. | LoadSpectrum | xsd:dateTime | |
id | Id of load spectrum. | LoadSpectrum | xsd:string | |
index | Index of load spectrum values. | LoadSpectrumValue | xsd:string | |
lowerLimit | Lower limit of load spectrum channel. | LoadSpectrumChannel | xsd:float | |
mileageOfVehicle | Mileage of analysed vehicle. | Analysis | xsd:integer | |
name | Name of load spectrum | LoadSpectrum | xsd:string | |
numberOfBins | Bins number of load spectrum channel. | LoadSpectrumChannel | xsd:integer | |
operatingHoursOfPart | Operating hours Of analysed part. | Analysis | xsd:float | |
operatingHoursOfVehicle | Operating hours Of vehicle. | Analysis | xsd:float | |
type | Type of load spectrum. | LoadSpectrum , LoadSpectrumChannel | xsd:string | |
unit | Unit of load spectrum. | LoadSpectrumChannel | xsd:string | |
upperLimit | Upper limit of load spectrum. | LoadSpectrumChannel | xsd:float |
Name | Descriptions | Domain | Range | Subproperty of |
actualCause | Refers to the actual error cause. | DiagnosticTroubleCode | ErrorCause | |
analysedObject | Refers to analysed object. | Analysis | PhysicalObject | refersToPhysicalObject |
analysedPart | Refers to the analysed part. | Analysis | Part | analysedObject |
analysedVehicle | Refers to the analysed vehicle. | Analysis | Vehicle | analysedObject |
performs | A device performs an analysis. | AnalysisDevice | Analysis | |
channel | Refers to load spectrum channel. | LoadSpectrum | LoadSpectrumChannel | |
class | Refers to load spectrum class. | LoadSpectrum | LoadSpectrumClass | |
hasDiagnosticTroubleCode | Refers to diagnostic trouble code. | Diagnosis | DiagnosticTroubleCode | |
possibleCause | Refers to possible cause. | DiagnosticTroubleCode | ErrorCause | |
result | Refers to analysis result. | Analysis | AnalysisResult | refersToConceptualObject |
value | Refers to load spectrum value. | LoadSpectrum | LoadSpectrumValue |