⚠ This document reflects the contributions of team members as of August 2020.
- Krishna Kumar, UT Austin, USA. krishnak@utexas.edu
- Shyamini Kularathna, UC Berkeley, USA.
- Ezra Tjung, UC Berkeley, USA. ezrayst@gmail.com
- Christopher Wilkes, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Tianchi Zhao, UC Berkeley, USA. ztc@tongji.edu.cn
- Thiago Araujo, UT Austin, USA. thiago.araujo@utexas.edu
- Bodhinanda Chandra, UC Berkeley, USA.
- Weijian Liang, UC Berkeley, USA and HKUST, HK. wliangab@ust.hk
- Jeffrey Salmond, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Wentao Xu, University of Pennsylvania, USA. wentaoxu@seas.upenn.edu
- Xinyi Qian, UC Berkeley, USA.
- Joel Given, UC Berkeley, USA. joelgiven@berkeley.edu
- Yong Liang, UC Berkeley, USA. yliang_sn@berkeley.edu
- Christopher Wilkes
- Krishna Kumar
- Jeffrey Salmond
- Wentao Xu
- Shyamini Kularathna
- Tianchi Zhao
- Weijian Liang
- Bodhinanda Chandra
- Tianchi Zhao (Mohr-Coulomb, Modified Cam Clay)
- Ezra Tjung (Bingham, NorSand)
- Shyamini Kularathna
- Krishna Kumar (Linear Elastic, Newtonian)
- Bodhinanda Chandra
- Christopher Wilkes
- Krishna Kumar
- Kenichi Soga, UC Berkeley, USA.
- Giovanna Biscontin, University of Cambridge, UK.