Parallel MPI implementation of the algorithm presented in [1], for determining the kth smallest element of a set of n elements. KeyWords: Coarse-grained multicomputer, Parallel algorithm, Selection problem.
- NUMER_OF_PROCESSES: The number of processes we wish to use
- NUMBER_OF_ARRAY_ELEMENTS: The number of elements in the array we will be searching
- K-th_ELEMENT: The ordered position of the element in the array
- PARAM_C: a parameter the tunes the behavior of the algorithm (read the paper)
So for example if we wish to run the program using 4 processes and find the 4th element in an array of 800 elements with c=2:
mpirun -np 4 ./cgm 800 4 2
[1]: E. L. G. Saukas and S. W. Song. , "A Note on Parallel Selection on Coarse-Grained Multicomputers", Algorithmica (1999)