These are the preliminary works of CMPE240, which were studied/implemented before actual laboratory hours.
My laboratory partner was Yaşar Alim Türkmen.
Experiment#1 Verilog
Analysis and Implementation of Problem Definition
(Find detailed description in /exp1/cmpe240-pre1.pdf
Experiment#2 Verilog
Implementation of a Boolean Expression
(Find detailed description in /exp2/cmpe240-pre2.pdf
Experiment#3 Verilog
Implementation of a Sequence Detector
(Find detailed description in /exp3/cmpe240-pre3.pdf
Experiment#4 Verilog
Analysis of a Sequential Circuit
(Find detailed description in /exp4/cmpe240-pre4.pdf
Experiment#5 Verilog
Arithmetic Logic Unit
(Find detailed description in /exp5/cmpe240-pre5.pdf