FALL 2016
Project#1 C++
Implementation of addition and multiplication for very big integers that are represented as a LinkedList
(Find detailed description in /project1/cmpe250-assignment1.pdf)
Project#2 C++
Discrete Event Simulation - Simulating the two algorithms (Shortest Job First
and Round Robin
) of task scheduling for the CPU.
(Find detailed description in /project2/cmpe250-assignment2.pdf)
Project#3 C++
Process Scheduling - Calculating the minimum time for a computer with infinitely many processors to complete a set of processes.
(Find detailed description in /project3/cmpe250-assignment3.pdf)
Project#4 C++
Implementation of Disjoint-Set Data Structure
(Find detailed description in /project4/cmpe250-assignment4.pdf)
Project#5 C++
Implementation of A* Search Algorithm
(Find detailed description in /project5/cmpe250-assignment5.pdf)