Project#1 Python3
Implementation of a simple document retrieval system that is capable of boolean and wildcard queries.
(Find detailed description in /project1/cmpe493-assignment1.pdf)
Project#2 Python3
Implementation of a simple content based movie recommendation system.
(Find detailed description in /project2/cmpe493-assignment2.pdf)
Project#3 Python3
Implementation of an unsupervised extractive single document summarization program based on K-Means Clustering
(Find detailed description in /project3/cmpe493-assignment3.pdf)
Term Project Python3
Implementation of a question answering (QA) system that can answer geography-related questions asked in Turkish free-text.
(Find detailed description in /term_project/cmpe493-termproject-part1.pdf and /term_project/cmpe493-termproject-part2.pdf
My term project partners: Atıf Emre Yüksel and Baran Kılıç