All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Python 3.6 support discontinued as the version is no longer officially supported
- Python 3.10 support prepared, since the version was released a few months ago
- Remove
from shell scripts and fix issue #26
0.3.0 - 2020-09-30
- Ports can now have a description. In future versions you will be able to edit this description. Currently you can only delete the port and add a new description.
- CodeQL analysis of GitHub enabled. This is a beta test of Github.
- Python tests prepared for Python 3.9
- It is now recognized when adding a port, if it is already present.
- A new pip3 module pyyaml is now required. This should be installed automatically during the update.
- Ports page in the web interface visually redesigned for the new port description
- The update script no longer updates to the master branch, but to the last release
- The Feature-Policy HTTP Header is deprecated and was replaced by Permissions-Policy.
- Buffer overflow problem solved with very large HTTP header in request
- Problem solved, if values were written in capital letters in the configuration
- Tests rewritten for use with the new Rules Handler
- Rules are no longer stored in the rules folder but in config/rules.yml. The folder structure under rules can therefore be deleted. There is no import of old rules, because easywall is still in beta status.
0.2.4 - 2020-09-06
- Security headers of the demo page are checked for correctness and actuality.
- Information about what to do after the installation of easywall to adjust the access data.
- Class documentation automatically generated and added to the dosc folder
- If no user name and password is set in the configuration file, the First Run Wizard is automatically displayed in the web interface
- After saving the options in the web interface, the tab you saved will be displayed.
- Login attempts and the lockout time for too many failed logins can now be configured under "Web Interface".
- bindip and bindport option with the info that these are debug variables
- The bindip and bindport options have been replaced by the UWSGI start parameters
- Error messages when saving the options are now displayed correctly
- Fixed several errors when starting the web interface in debug mode
0.2.3 - 2020-08-28
- Problems with the installation fixed
- Installation guide improved
- Problems at startup under Ubuntu 18.04 solved
0.2.2 - 2020-08-24
- Readme and documentation improved
- Added quick start guide to documentation
- APT package and repository guide added to installation documentation
- New security and general HTTP headers added
- Installation shellscripts strongly improved
- Inline Javascript moved to separate file
0.2.1 - 2020-08-22
- easywall is now also available as installable Debian package
- easywall is now also available on pypi and can be installed over it
- Massive improvement of GitHub workflows
- Improve automated testing through GitHub workflows
- There is now an FAQ documentation, which will be filled with time
- The web server now sends headers to harden the application such as no permission for frames
- 403 Error page added and web errors generally improved
- The web configuration is now also checked for missing entries
- flask-ipban dependency added
- pypi package information improved and completed
- Unit Tests significantly improved and the tools for Core and Web Tests combined
- After 10 incorrect login attempts on the web interface by default, the attacker address is blocked
- The log settings were moved to a separate configuration file "log.ini" in the "config" folder
- The SSL settings were hardened - only current browsers can be used
- The easywall_web folder was moved to the easywall folder as "easywall/web
0.2.0 - 2020-07-20
- GitHub sponsorship was activated for the project
- A large number of configuration entries have been added
- Blocked connections can be logged by iptables
- Connections from blacklisted senders can be logged
- Broadcast, multicast and anycast packets can be blocked
- SSH brute force prevention was added. Attention! The feature is in alpha state and untested
- ICMP flood prevention has been implemented. The feature is also in alpha state
- Drop Invalid Packages was implemented. This is also an Alpa version
- Port Scan Prevention has been implemented. The feature is currently unstable in my tests
- IPv6 Router Advertisement connections can be allowed or prohibited
- IPv6 Neighbor Advertisement packets can also be allowed or prohibited
- Installation and update documentation has been improved
- easywall is now programmed completely typed thanks to mypy
- Ports can now be forwarded from the local system. Note that both the source and destination ports must be opened. This is because this is only a nat forwarding and not a FORWARDING forwarding
- The translations have been significantly improved thanks to
- Username and password for the web interface can be changed directly in the web interface
- It is recognized if configuration entries are missing. This is especially important in this version, because we have added some variables. You will be notified about the differences in the web interface
- The start page of the web interface has been completely reworked. In the future I imagine a tag cloud from the open ports
- The options page in the web interface now contains almost all settings from the files
- Python 3.5 is no longer supported, because no typing of variables is possible
- The detection from the first start has now been changed to a detection at every start. This has proven to be useful, as more rule types may be added in the future.
- The configuration files are reloaded each time a variable is called. This is needed to activate changes from the web interface immediately.
- An additional Python package "natsort" is required. The package offers the possibility to sort the ports naturally.
- The allowed ICMPv4/v6 types are now strongly restricted.
Allowed ICMPv4 types:
- 0 echo-reply
- 3 destination-unreachable
- 11 time-exceeded
- 12 parameter problem
Allowed ICMPv6 types:
- 1 destination-unreachable
- 2 packet-too-big
- 3 time-exceeded
- 4 parameter problem
- 128 echo request
- 129 echo-reply
After explicit configuration the following ICMPv6 types are allowed additionally:
- 133 router solicitation
- 134 router advertisement
- 135 neighbor solicitation
- 136 neighbor advertisement
0.1.0 - 2020-06-21
- This version is almost completely tested by unit tests.
- The documentation was completely revised and can now be found in the
folder. - The configuration has been shortened and simplified.
- The installation, uninstallation and an update can now be carried out via scripts.
- The web interface installation now creates self-signed SSL certificates and can only be used over HTTPS.
- create a and setup.cfg file for publishing
- create a requirements.txt file with all the requirements
- create github actions testing and linting
- implement custom rules feature
- create unit tests for all classes in easywall folder
- create unit tests for all classes in web folder
- rework all classes in easywall folder
- rework all classes in web folder
- set up a demo server
- write documentation for development setup
- SSL Implementation for web application
- write documentation for installing and uninstalling
0.0.4 - 2019-10-04
- added possibility to apply custom IPTables rules
- full implemented webinterface - old PHP sources are history
- rule changes made in the webinterface are only written temporary into web directory
- rules can be applied in the webinterface
- a lot of code improvements
- this is kind the first "stable" version ready for testing
- I will test this on my webserver a lot, so the next versions will be more stable
- too many, I can't count them
- there was a long time since the last version
0.0.3 - 2019-06-30
- added easywall-Web using flask
- added old php templates to web
- improved install script a lot and added so many features to it
- simplified code using codacy and code climate
- ICMP Support added after testing on a server of mine
- added a daemon script for running easywall-Web
- 404 error page added to web
- for a production use of easywall-Web I added uwsgi instead of the small development server of flask
- logout button added to web
- added a password generator script and added it to install script
- improved exception handling in several files
- the
file was not deleted properly - moved the system
to a single function where security checks can be implemented in the future
0.0.2 - 2019-06-08
- Changed branch master to old python branch
- Renamed old master branch to php-old
- Bumped version
- Changed documentation
- Information of the user in if not running as root or using sudo
- Removed quiet option in for apt-get and pip3 for better user experience
0.0.1 - 2019-04-24
- Incomplete Rework of Branch php-old
- easywall is split in two parts in the new concept
- easywall Firewall Core Part running as root user finished
- The New easywall will be one part running as root and one part running as easywall user which has access to config files.