Codelistener is part of the plugin RhinoPython. It is the RhinoPython server that runs in Rhino that listens to VS Code editor.
For the instructions of installation and usage please refer to RhinoPython readme.
- CodeListener: Start CodeListener in the background.
- StopCodeListener: Stop CodeListener, to allow other rhino instances to run CodeListener. Automatically stopped if current rhino instance exits.
- CodeListenerVersion: Check current CodeListener version.
- CodeListenerExecute: Allow Rhino to execute a file with given path. Can be used in combination with keyboard shortcut. For instance:
binds to_-CodeListenerExecute "C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\Plug-ins\IronPython\RhinoIronPython.chm" _Enter
- ResetScriptEngine: Reset Rhino python script engine.