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E−Hentai Image Viewing Limits

864907600cc edited this page Aug 14, 2015 · 30 revisions

All of these information is tested by myself, so they may not correct.

  • You have 5000 points every day if you logged in to E-Hentai (may be?)

    Maybe different types of user -- like Bronze Star User, Silver Star User, Gold Star User and so on -- may have different image limits (I'm not sure). Notice that your image limits usage is calculated by your IP, if you are using a public IP, the usage is all the E-Hentai users' usage who are using the same IP with you.

  • All the E-Hentai sites are using the same image limits system

    E-Hentai, Lofi@E-Hentai and ExHentai are using the same image limits system, so the usage of image limits is all of these sites.

  • Reach image viewing page (get image URL) will cost 1 point

    When reaching image viewing page (URL looks like this:[Image ID]/[Gallery ID]-[Page Number]), you will spend 1 point of image limits. Whether the browser fetch the resized image successfully or not, or how many times you fetch the resized image won't effect your image limits.

  • Reach image viewing page with nl parameter will cost 6 points (WTF?)

    When reaching image viewing page with "nl" parameter (After clicking "Click here if the image fails loading", this parameter will be add. URL looks like this:[Image ID]/[Gallery ID]-[Page Number]?nl=[NL variable]), you will spend 6 points of image limits. Yes, it's true. OTL

  • Download resized image won't cost your viewing limits

    Whether the browser fetch the image successfully or not, or how many times you fetch the image won't effect your image limits.

  • Download original image will cost 5 points

    When reaching original image 302 redirect page (URL looks like this:[GID]&page=[Page Number]&key=[Key], this is the link of "Download original [X] x [Y] [File Size] source"), you will spend 5 points of image limits. But only reaching this redirect page may cost your points. That means, reaching original image URL (URL looks like this: [Host IP]/ehg/image.php?[Some GET Parameters]) won't cost your points. So in E-Hentai Downloader 1.12, script will fetch image's final URL when failed fetching original image (In old version, script will reach redirect page to retry).

  • Regenerates at a rate of 3 points per minute (may be?)

    Different types of user may have different reduce rule (I'm not sure).

  • Your image limits can be seen at

  • You can spend your credits to reset it