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cdfarrow edited this page Jul 22, 2024 · 30 revisions


FLExTools version 2.3.0 is the latest version. It supports:

  • FieldWorks 9 (32 bit and 64 bit)
  • Python 3.8 - 3.12
  • Windows (32 bit and 64 bit)



  1. Install Python.

  2. Download and unzip the latest FLExTools zip file from here.

  3. Install the FLExTools dependencies by running InstallOrUpdate.vbs.

  4. Run FLExTools using FlexTools.vbs.

For debugging, run FlexTools_Debug.vbs and check flextools.log for more information.


(Information coming soon...)


The following modules are included in FLExTools:

  • Reports

    • Incomplete_Analyses: reports all the words in the text corpus that haven't been fully analysed.
    • Lexeme_Usage_In_Corpus: counts usage of lexemes in the text corpus.
    • Text_Statistics: reports word-counts and averages for all texts.
    • Lexicon_Statistics: reports how many senses have definitions and examples.
    • Project_Information: lists the project's writing systems, custom fields, and parts of speech.
  • Export

    • Export_All_Headwords_To_File: writes all headwords to a text file.
    • Export_Published_Headwords_To_File: writes all published headwords to a text file.
    • Export_Semantic_Domains_To_File: writes the whole semantic domain list to a text file.
    • Export_Texts_To_File: writes all texts to a text file.
  • Duplicates

    • Find_Duplicate_Definitions: finds duplicate definitions in the same entry.
    • Find_Duplicate_Entries: finds potential duplicate entries and tags them ready for merging.
    • Merge_Entries: merges entries according to user-defined control tags.
    • Merge_Senses: merges duplicate senses.
  • Chinese

    • Update_Tonenumber_Fields: generates Pinyin with tone numbers from Chinese characters.
    • Update_Pinyin_Fields: generates Pinyin with tone diacritics from the tone numbers.
    • Update_Reversal_Index_Sort_Field: generates a Chinese sort field for the Chinese Reversal Index.
    • Generate_Reversal_Index_Sort_Field_Only: generates the sort field for the Chinese Reversal Index without updating Pinyin in the lexicon.
  • Integrity Checks

    • Check_Count_of_Lexemes_in_Corpus: Counts the number of lexemes used in the text corpus using two different methods in order to help diagnose potential data corruption.
  • Restructure Data

    • Convert_custom_plurals_to_variants: Convert data for plurals that has been entered in custom fields to variant entries (of type Plural).
  • Utilities

    • Approve_Spelling_of_Numbers: sets the spelling status to Approved for all numerical wordforms (e.g. "100".)

Further Information

  • Technical documentation on the FieldWorks data model.
  • FLExTools runs as a .NET application (using Python.NET), which means that any .NET libraries can be used by FLExTools modules.
  • FLExTools uses the flexlibs library to interface with Fieldworks.
  • Custom applications can be built either using the flexlibs library directly, or by customising some aspects of the appearance and behaviour of the FlexTools application.
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