Represents a {@link google_compute_forwarding_rule}.
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Google;
new ComputeForwardingRule(Construct Scope, string Id, ComputeForwardingRuleConfig Config);
Name | Type | Description |
Scope |
Constructs.Construct |
The scope in which to define this construct. |
Id |
string |
The scoped construct ID. |
Config |
ComputeForwardingRuleConfig |
No description. |
- Type: Constructs.Construct
The scope in which to define this construct.
- Type: string
The scoped construct ID.
Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope
Name | Description |
ToString |
Returns a string representation of this construct. |
AddOverride |
No description. |
OverrideLogicalId |
Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. |
ResetOverrideLogicalId |
Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. |
ToHclTerraform |
No description. |
ToMetadata |
No description. |
ToTerraform |
Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. |
AddMoveTarget |
Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
HasResourceMove |
No description. |
ImportFrom |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
MoveFromId |
Move the resource corresponding to "id" to this resource. |
MoveTo |
Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. |
MoveToId |
Moves this resource to the resource corresponding to "id". |
PutServiceDirectoryRegistrations |
No description. |
PutTimeouts |
No description. |
ResetAllowGlobalAccess |
No description. |
ResetAllowPscGlobalAccess |
No description. |
ResetAllPorts |
No description. |
ResetBackendService |
No description. |
ResetDescription |
No description. |
ResetId |
No description. |
ResetIpAddress |
No description. |
ResetIpCollection |
No description. |
ResetIpProtocol |
No description. |
ResetIpVersion |
No description. |
ResetIsMirroringCollector |
No description. |
ResetLabels |
No description. |
ResetLoadBalancingScheme |
No description. |
ResetNetwork |
No description. |
ResetNetworkTier |
No description. |
ResetNoAutomateDnsZone |
No description. |
ResetPortRange |
No description. |
ResetPorts |
No description. |
ResetProject |
No description. |
ResetRecreateClosedPsc |
No description. |
ResetRegion |
No description. |
ResetServiceDirectoryRegistrations |
No description. |
ResetServiceLabel |
No description. |
ResetSourceIpRanges |
No description. |
ResetSubnetwork |
No description. |
ResetTarget |
No description. |
ResetTimeouts |
No description. |
private string ToString()
Returns a string representation of this construct.
private void AddOverride(string Path, object Value)
- Type: string
- Type: object
private void OverrideLogicalId(string NewLogicalId)
Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
- Type: string
The new logical ID to use for this stack element.
private void ResetOverrideLogicalId()
Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again.
private object ToHclTerraform()
private object ToMetadata()
private object ToTerraform()
Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output.
private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget)
Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move.
- Type: string
The string move target that will correspond to this resource.
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, bool> GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, double> GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private object HasResourceMove()
private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null)
- Type: string
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private void MoveFromId(string Id)
Move the resource corresponding to "id" to this resource.
Note that the resource being moved from must be marked as moved using it's instance function.
- Type: string
Full id of resource being moved from, e.g. "aws_s3_bucket.example".
private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null)
Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget.
- Type: string
The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to.
- Type: object
Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to.
private void MoveToId(string Id)
Moves this resource to the resource corresponding to "id".
- Type: string
Full id of resource to move to, e.g. "aws_s3_bucket.example".
private void PutServiceDirectoryRegistrations(ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations Value)
private void PutTimeouts(ComputeForwardingRuleTimeouts Value)
private void ResetAllowGlobalAccess()
private void ResetAllowPscGlobalAccess()
private void ResetAllPorts()
private void ResetBackendService()
private void ResetDescription()
private void ResetId()
private void ResetIpAddress()
private void ResetIpCollection()
private void ResetIpProtocol()
private void ResetIpVersion()
private void ResetIsMirroringCollector()
private void ResetLabels()
private void ResetLoadBalancingScheme()
private void ResetNetwork()
private void ResetNetworkTier()
private void ResetNoAutomateDnsZone()
private void ResetPortRange()
private void ResetPorts()
private void ResetProject()
private void ResetRecreateClosedPsc()
private void ResetRegion()
private void ResetServiceDirectoryRegistrations()
private void ResetServiceLabel()
private void ResetSourceIpRanges()
private void ResetSubnetwork()
private void ResetTarget()
private void ResetTimeouts()
Name | Description |
IsConstruct |
Checks if x is a construct. |
IsTerraformElement |
No description. |
IsTerraformResource |
No description. |
GenerateConfigForImport |
Generates CDKTF code for importing a ComputeForwardingRule resource upon running "cdktf plan ". |
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Google;
ComputeForwardingRule.IsConstruct(object X);
Checks if x
is a construct.
Use this method instead of instanceof
to properly detect Construct
instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.
Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the constructs
library on
disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a
consequence, the class Construct
in each copy of the constructs
is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as
the other class. npm install
will not create installations
like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or
use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the constructs
library can be accidentally installed, and instanceof
will behave
unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using instanceof
, and using
this type-testing method instead.
- Type: object
Any object.
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Google;
ComputeForwardingRule.IsTerraformElement(object X);
- Type: object
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Google;
ComputeForwardingRule.IsTerraformResource(object X);
- Type: object
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Google;
ComputeForwardingRule.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null);
Generates CDKTF code for importing a ComputeForwardingRule resource upon running "cdktf plan ".
- Type: Constructs.Construct
The scope in which to define this construct.
- Type: string
The construct id used in the generated config for the ComputeForwardingRule to import.
- Type: string
The id of the existing ComputeForwardingRule that should be imported.
Refer to the {@link import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider
? Optional instance of the provider where the ComputeForwardingRule to import is found.
Name | Type | Description |
Node |
Constructs.Node |
The tree node. |
CdktfStack |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformStack |
No description. |
Fqn |
string |
No description. |
FriendlyUniqueId |
string |
No description. |
TerraformMetaArguments |
System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> |
No description. |
TerraformResourceType |
string |
No description. |
TerraformGeneratorMetadata |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata |
No description. |
Connection |
object |
No description. |
Count |
object |
No description. |
DependsOn |
string[] |
No description. |
ForEach |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator |
No description. |
Lifecycle |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle |
No description. |
Provider |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider |
No description. |
Provisioners |
object[] |
No description. |
BaseForwardingRule |
string |
No description. |
CreationTimestamp |
string |
No description. |
EffectiveLabels |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.StringMap |
No description. |
ForwardingRuleId |
double |
No description. |
LabelFingerprint |
string |
No description. |
PscConnectionId |
string |
No description. |
PscConnectionStatus |
string |
No description. |
SelfLink |
string |
No description. |
ServiceDirectoryRegistrations |
ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference |
No description. |
ServiceName |
string |
No description. |
TerraformLabels |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.StringMap |
No description. |
Timeouts |
ComputeForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference |
No description. |
AllowGlobalAccessInput |
object |
No description. |
AllowPscGlobalAccessInput |
object |
No description. |
AllPortsInput |
object |
No description. |
BackendServiceInput |
string |
No description. |
DescriptionInput |
string |
No description. |
IdInput |
string |
No description. |
IpAddressInput |
string |
No description. |
IpCollectionInput |
string |
No description. |
IpProtocolInput |
string |
No description. |
IpVersionInput |
string |
No description. |
IsMirroringCollectorInput |
object |
No description. |
LabelsInput |
System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> |
No description. |
LoadBalancingSchemeInput |
string |
No description. |
NameInput |
string |
No description. |
NetworkInput |
string |
No description. |
NetworkTierInput |
string |
No description. |
NoAutomateDnsZoneInput |
object |
No description. |
PortRangeInput |
string |
No description. |
PortsInput |
string[] |
No description. |
ProjectInput |
string |
No description. |
RecreateClosedPscInput |
object |
No description. |
RegionInput |
string |
No description. |
ServiceDirectoryRegistrationsInput |
ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations |
No description. |
ServiceLabelInput |
string |
No description. |
SourceIpRangesInput |
string[] |
No description. |
SubnetworkInput |
string |
No description. |
TargetInput |
string |
No description. |
TimeoutsInput |
object |
No description. |
AllowGlobalAccess |
object |
No description. |
AllowPscGlobalAccess |
object |
No description. |
AllPorts |
object |
No description. |
BackendService |
string |
No description. |
Description |
string |
No description. |
Id |
string |
No description. |
IpAddress |
string |
No description. |
IpCollection |
string |
No description. |
IpProtocol |
string |
No description. |
IpVersion |
string |
No description. |
IsMirroringCollector |
object |
No description. |
Labels |
System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> |
No description. |
LoadBalancingScheme |
string |
No description. |
Name |
string |
No description. |
Network |
string |
No description. |
NetworkTier |
string |
No description. |
NoAutomateDnsZone |
object |
No description. |
PortRange |
string |
No description. |
Ports |
string[] |
No description. |
Project |
string |
No description. |
RecreateClosedPsc |
object |
No description. |
Region |
string |
No description. |
ServiceLabel |
string |
No description. |
SourceIpRanges |
string[] |
No description. |
Subnetwork |
string |
No description. |
Target |
string |
No description. |
public Node Node { get; }
- Type: Constructs.Node
The tree node.
public TerraformStack CdktfStack { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformStack
public string Fqn { get; }
- Type: string
public string FriendlyUniqueId { get; }
- Type: string
public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> TerraformMetaArguments { get; }
- Type: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object>
public string TerraformResourceType { get; }
- Type: string
public TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata TerraformGeneratorMetadata { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata
public object Connection { get; }
- Type: object
public object Count { get; }
- Type: object
public string[] DependsOn { get; }
- Type: string[]
public ITerraformIterator ForEach { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator
public TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle
public TerraformProvider Provider { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider
public object[] Provisioners { get; }
- Type: object[]
public string BaseForwardingRule { get; }
- Type: string
public string CreationTimestamp { get; }
- Type: string
public StringMap EffectiveLabels { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.StringMap
public double ForwardingRuleId { get; }
- Type: double
public string LabelFingerprint { get; }
- Type: string
public string PscConnectionId { get; }
- Type: string
public string PscConnectionStatus { get; }
- Type: string
public string SelfLink { get; }
- Type: string
public ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference ServiceDirectoryRegistrations { get; }
public string ServiceName { get; }
- Type: string
public StringMap TerraformLabels { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.StringMap
public ComputeForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference Timeouts { get; }
public object AllowGlobalAccessInput { get; }
- Type: object
public object AllowPscGlobalAccessInput { get; }
- Type: object
public object AllPortsInput { get; }
- Type: object
public string BackendServiceInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string DescriptionInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string IdInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string IpAddressInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string IpCollectionInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string IpProtocolInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string IpVersionInput { get; }
- Type: string
public object IsMirroringCollectorInput { get; }
- Type: object
public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> LabelsInput { get; }
- Type: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string>
public string LoadBalancingSchemeInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string NameInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string NetworkInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string NetworkTierInput { get; }
- Type: string
public object NoAutomateDnsZoneInput { get; }
- Type: object
public string PortRangeInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string[] PortsInput { get; }
- Type: string[]
public string ProjectInput { get; }
- Type: string
public object RecreateClosedPscInput { get; }
- Type: object
public string RegionInput { get; }
- Type: string
public ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations ServiceDirectoryRegistrationsInput { get; }
public string ServiceLabelInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string[] SourceIpRangesInput { get; }
- Type: string[]
public string SubnetworkInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string TargetInput { get; }
- Type: string
public object TimeoutsInput { get; }
- Type: object
public object AllowGlobalAccess { get; }
- Type: object
public object AllowPscGlobalAccess { get; }
- Type: object
public object AllPorts { get; }
- Type: object
public string BackendService { get; }
- Type: string
public string Description { get; }
- Type: string
public string Id { get; }
- Type: string
public string IpAddress { get; }
- Type: string
public string IpCollection { get; }
- Type: string
public string IpProtocol { get; }
- Type: string
public string IpVersion { get; }
- Type: string
public object IsMirroringCollector { get; }
- Type: object
public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> Labels { get; }
- Type: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string>
public string LoadBalancingScheme { get; }
- Type: string
public string Name { get; }
- Type: string
public string Network { get; }
- Type: string
public string NetworkTier { get; }
- Type: string
public object NoAutomateDnsZone { get; }
- Type: object
public string PortRange { get; }
- Type: string
public string[] Ports { get; }
- Type: string[]
public string Project { get; }
- Type: string
public object RecreateClosedPsc { get; }
- Type: object
public string Region { get; }
- Type: string
public string ServiceLabel { get; }
- Type: string
public string[] SourceIpRanges { get; }
- Type: string[]
public string Subnetwork { get; }
- Type: string
public string Target { get; }
- Type: string
Name | Type | Description |
TfResourceType |
string |
No description. |
public string TfResourceType { get; }
- Type: string
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Google;
new ComputeForwardingRuleConfig {
object Connection = null,
object Count = null,
ITerraformDependable[] DependsOn = null,
ITerraformIterator ForEach = null,
TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle = null,
TerraformProvider Provider = null,
object[] Provisioners = null,
string Name,
object AllowGlobalAccess = null,
object AllowPscGlobalAccess = null,
object AllPorts = null,
string BackendService = null,
string Description = null,
string Id = null,
string IpAddress = null,
string IpCollection = null,
string IpProtocol = null,
string IpVersion = null,
object IsMirroringCollector = null,
System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> Labels = null,
string LoadBalancingScheme = null,
string Network = null,
string NetworkTier = null,
object NoAutomateDnsZone = null,
string PortRange = null,
string[] Ports = null,
string Project = null,
object RecreateClosedPsc = null,
string Region = null,
ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations ServiceDirectoryRegistrations = null,
string ServiceLabel = null,
string[] SourceIpRanges = null,
string Subnetwork = null,
string Target = null,
ComputeForwardingRuleTimeouts Timeouts = null
Name | Type | Description |
Connection |
object |
No description. |
Count |
object |
No description. |
DependsOn |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] |
No description. |
ForEach |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator |
No description. |
Lifecycle |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle |
No description. |
Provider |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider |
No description. |
Provisioners |
object[] |
No description. |
Name |
string |
Name of the resource; |
AllowGlobalAccess |
object |
This field is used along with the 'backend_service' field for internal load balancing or with the 'target' field for internal TargetInstance. |
AllowPscGlobalAccess |
object |
This is used in PSC consumer ForwardingRule to control whether the PSC endpoint can be accessed from another region. |
AllPorts |
object |
The 'ports', 'portRange', and 'allPorts' fields are mutually exclusive. |
BackendService |
string |
Identifies the backend service to which the forwarding rule sends traffic. |
Description |
string |
An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource. |
Id |
string |
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#id}. |
IpAddress |
string |
IP address for which this forwarding rule accepts traffic. |
IpCollection |
string |
Resource reference of a PublicDelegatedPrefix. |
IpProtocol |
string |
The IP protocol to which this rule applies. |
IpVersion |
string |
The IP address version that will be used by this forwarding rule. Valid options are IPV4 and IPV6. |
IsMirroringCollector |
object |
Indicates whether or not this load balancer can be used as a collector for packet mirroring. |
Labels |
System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> |
Labels to apply to this forwarding rule. A list of key->value pairs. |
LoadBalancingScheme |
string |
Specifies the forwarding rule type. |
Network |
string |
This field is not used for external load balancing. |
NetworkTier |
string |
This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this load balancer and can only take the following values: 'PREMIUM', 'STANDARD'. |
NoAutomateDnsZone |
object |
This is used in PSC consumer ForwardingRule to control whether it should try to auto-generate a DNS zone or not. |
PortRange |
string |
The 'ports', 'portRange', and 'allPorts' fields are mutually exclusive. |
Ports |
string[] |
The 'ports', 'portRange', and 'allPorts' fields are mutually exclusive. |
Project |
string |
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#project}. |
RecreateClosedPsc |
object |
This is used in PSC consumer ForwardingRule to make terraform recreate the ForwardingRule when the status is closed. |
Region |
string |
A reference to the region where the regional forwarding rule resides. |
ServiceDirectoryRegistrations |
ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations |
service_directory_registrations block. |
ServiceLabel |
string |
An optional prefix to the service name for this Forwarding Rule. |
SourceIpRanges |
string[] |
If not empty, this Forwarding Rule will only forward the traffic when the source IP address matches one of the IP addresses or CIDR ranges set here. |
Subnetwork |
string |
This field identifies the subnetwork that the load balanced IP should belong to for this Forwarding Rule, used in internal load balancing and network load balancing with IPv6. |
Target |
string |
The URL of the target resource to receive the matched traffic. |
Timeouts |
ComputeForwardingRuleTimeouts |
timeouts block. |
public object Connection { get; set; }
- Type: object
public object Count { get; set; }
- Type: object
public ITerraformDependable[] DependsOn { get; set; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformDependable[]
public ITerraformIterator ForEach { get; set; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator
public TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle { get; set; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle
public TerraformProvider Provider { get; set; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider
public object[] Provisioners { get; set; }
- Type: object[]
public string Name { get; set; }
- Type: string
Name of the resource;
provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression 'a-z?' which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
For Private Service Connect forwarding rules that forward traffic to Google APIs, the forwarding rule name must be a 1-20 characters string with lowercase letters and numbers and must start with a letter.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#name}
public object AllowGlobalAccess { get; set; }
- Type: object
This field is used along with the 'backend_service' field for internal load balancing or with the 'target' field for internal TargetInstance.
If the field is set to 'TRUE', clients can access ILB from all regions.
Otherwise only allows access from clients in the same region as the internal load balancer.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#allow_global_access}
public object AllowPscGlobalAccess { get; set; }
- Type: object
This is used in PSC consumer ForwardingRule to control whether the PSC endpoint can be accessed from another region.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#allow_psc_global_access}
public object AllPorts { get; set; }
- Type: object
The 'ports', 'portRange', and 'allPorts' fields are mutually exclusive.
Only packets addressed to ports in the specified range will be forwarded to the backends configured with this forwarding rule.
The 'allPorts' field has the following limitations:
- It requires that the forwarding rule 'IPProtocol' be TCP, UDP, SCTP, or L3_DEFAULT.
- It's applicable only to the following products: internal passthrough Network Load Balancers, backend service-based external passthrough Network Load Balancers, and internal and external protocol forwarding.
- Set this field to true to allow packets addressed to any port or packets lacking destination port information (for example, UDP fragments after the first fragment) to be forwarded to the backends configured with this forwarding rule. The L3_DEFAULT protocol requires 'allPorts' be set to true.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#all_ports}
public string BackendService { get; set; }
- Type: string
Identifies the backend service to which the forwarding rule sends traffic.
Required for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing and Network Load Balancing; must be omitted for all other load balancer types.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#backend_service}
public string Description { get; set; }
- Type: string
An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#description}
public string Id { get; set; }
- Type: string
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#id}.
Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable.
public string IpAddress { get; set; }
- Type: string
IP address for which this forwarding rule accepts traffic.
When a client sends traffic to this IP address, the forwarding rule directs the traffic to the referenced 'target' or 'backendService'.
While creating a forwarding rule, specifying an 'IPAddress' is required under the following circumstances:
- When the 'target' is set to 'targetGrpcProxy' and 'validateForProxyless' is set to 'true', the 'IPAddress' should be set to ''.
- When the 'target' is a Private Service Connect Google APIs bundle, you must specify an 'IPAddress'.
Otherwise, you can optionally specify an IP address that references an existing static (reserved) IP address resource. When omitted, Google Cloud assigns an ephemeral IP address.
Use one of the following formats to specify an IP address while creating a forwarding rule:
IP address number, as in ''
IPv6 address range, as in '2600:1234::/96'
Full resource URL, as in ''
Partial URL or by name, as in:
- 'projects/project_id/regions/region/addresses/address-name'
- 'regions/region/addresses/address-name'
- 'global/addresses/address-name'
- 'address-name'
The forwarding rule's 'target' or 'backendService', and in most cases, also the 'loadBalancingScheme', determine the type of IP address that you can use. For detailed information, see IP address specifications.
When reading an 'IPAddress', the API always returns the IP address number.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#ip_address}
public string IpCollection { get; set; }
- Type: string
Resource reference of a PublicDelegatedPrefix.
The PDP must be a sub-PDP in EXTERNAL_IPV6_FORWARDING_RULE_CREATION mode. Use one of the following formats to specify a sub-PDP when creating an IPv6 NetLB forwarding rule using BYOIP: Full resource URL, as in:
- '{{projectId}}/regions/{{region}}/publicDelegatedPrefixes/{{sub-pdp-name}}' Partial URL, as in:
- 'projects/{{projectId}}/regions/region/publicDelegatedPrefixes/{{sub-pdp-name}}'
- 'regions/{{region}}/publicDelegatedPrefixes/{{sub-pdp-name}}'
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#ip_collection}
public string IpProtocol { get; set; }
- Type: string
The IP protocol to which this rule applies.
For protocol forwarding, valid options are 'TCP', 'UDP', 'ESP', 'AH', 'SCTP', 'ICMP' and 'L3_DEFAULT'.
The valid IP protocols are different for different load balancing products as described in Load balancing features.
A Forwarding Rule with protocol L3_DEFAULT can attach with target instance or backend service with UNSPECIFIED protocol. A forwarding rule with "L3_DEFAULT" IPProtocal cannot be attached to a backend service with TCP or UDP. Possible values: ["TCP", "UDP", "ESP", "AH", "SCTP", "ICMP", "L3_DEFAULT"]
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#ip_protocol}
public string IpVersion { get; set; }
- Type: string
The IP address version that will be used by this forwarding rule. Valid options are IPV4 and IPV6.
If not set, the IPv4 address will be used by default. Possible values: ["IPV4", "IPV6"]
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#ip_version}
public object IsMirroringCollector { get; set; }
- Type: object
Indicates whether or not this load balancer can be used as a collector for packet mirroring.
To prevent mirroring loops, instances behind this load balancer will not have their traffic mirrored even if a 'PacketMirroring' rule applies to them.
This can only be set to true for load balancers that have their 'loadBalancingScheme' set to 'INTERNAL'.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#is_mirroring_collector}
public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> Labels { get; set; }
- Type: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string>
Labels to apply to this forwarding rule. A list of key->value pairs.
Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field 'effective_labels' for all of the labels present on the resource.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#labels}
public string LoadBalancingScheme { get; set; }
- Type: string
Specifies the forwarding rule type.
For more information about forwarding rules, refer to Forwarding rule concepts. Default value: "EXTERNAL" Possible values: ["EXTERNAL", "EXTERNAL_MANAGED", "INTERNAL", "INTERNAL_MANAGED"]
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#load_balancing_scheme}
public string Network { get; set; }
- Type: string
This field is not used for external load balancing.
For Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing, this field identifies the network that the load balanced IP should belong to for this Forwarding Rule. If the subnetwork is specified, the network of the subnetwork will be used. If neither subnetwork nor this field is specified, the default network will be used.
For Private Service Connect forwarding rules that forward traffic to Google APIs, a network must be provided.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#network}
public string NetworkTier { get; set; }
- Type: string
This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this load balancer and can only take the following values: 'PREMIUM', 'STANDARD'.
For regional ForwardingRule, the valid values are 'PREMIUM' and 'STANDARD'. For GlobalForwardingRule, the valid value is 'PREMIUM'.
If this field is not specified, it is assumed to be 'PREMIUM'. If 'IPAddress' is specified, this value must be equal to the networkTier of the Address. Possible values: ["PREMIUM", "STANDARD"]
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#network_tier}
public object NoAutomateDnsZone { get; set; }
- Type: object
This is used in PSC consumer ForwardingRule to control whether it should try to auto-generate a DNS zone or not.
Non-PSC forwarding rules do not use this field.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#no_automate_dns_zone}
public string PortRange { get; set; }
- Type: string
The 'ports', 'portRange', and 'allPorts' fields are mutually exclusive.
Only packets addressed to ports in the specified range will be forwarded to the backends configured with this forwarding rule.
The 'portRange' field has the following limitations:
- It requires that the forwarding rule 'IPProtocol' be TCP, UDP, or SCTP, and
- It's applicable only to the following products: external passthrough Network Load Balancers, internal and external proxy Network Load Balancers, internal and external Application Load Balancers, external protocol forwarding, and Classic VPN.
- Some products have restrictions on what ports can be used. See port specifications for details.
For external forwarding rules, two or more forwarding rules cannot use the same '[IPAddress, IPProtocol]' pair, and cannot have overlapping 'portRange's.
For internal forwarding rules within the same VPC network, two or more forwarding rules cannot use the same '[IPAddress, IPProtocol]' pair, and cannot have overlapping 'portRange's.
public string[] Ports { get; set; }
- Type: string[]
The 'ports', 'portRange', and 'allPorts' fields are mutually exclusive.
Only packets addressed to ports in the specified range will be forwarded to the backends configured with this forwarding rule.
The 'ports' field has the following limitations:
- It requires that the forwarding rule 'IPProtocol' be TCP, UDP, or SCTP, and
- It's applicable only to the following products: internal passthrough Network Load Balancers, backend service-based external passthrough Network Load Balancers, and internal protocol forwarding.
- You can specify a list of up to five ports by number, separated by commas. The ports can be contiguous or discontiguous.
For external forwarding rules, two or more forwarding rules cannot use the same '[IPAddress, IPProtocol]' pair if they share at least one port number.
For internal forwarding rules within the same VPC network, two or more forwarding rules cannot use the same '[IPAddress, IPProtocol]' pair if they share at least one port number.
public string Project { get; set; }
- Type: string
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#project}.
public object RecreateClosedPsc { get; set; }
- Type: object
This is used in PSC consumer ForwardingRule to make terraform recreate the ForwardingRule when the status is closed.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#recreate_closed_psc}
public string Region { get; set; }
- Type: string
A reference to the region where the regional forwarding rule resides.
This field is not applicable to global forwarding rules.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#region}
public ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations ServiceDirectoryRegistrations { get; set; }
service_directory_registrations block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#service_directory_registrations}
public string ServiceLabel { get; set; }
- Type: string
An optional prefix to the service name for this Forwarding Rule.
If specified, will be the first label of the fully qualified service name.
The label must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the label must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression 'a-z?' which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
This field is only used for INTERNAL load balancing.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#service_label}
public string[] SourceIpRanges { get; set; }
- Type: string[]
If not empty, this Forwarding Rule will only forward the traffic when the source IP address matches one of the IP addresses or CIDR ranges set here.
Note that a Forwarding Rule can only have up to 64 source IP ranges, and this field can only be used with a regional Forwarding Rule whose scheme is EXTERNAL. Each sourceIpRange entry should be either an IP address (for example, or a CIDR range (for example,
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#source_ip_ranges}
public string Subnetwork { get; set; }
- Type: string
This field identifies the subnetwork that the load balanced IP should belong to for this Forwarding Rule, used in internal load balancing and network load balancing with IPv6.
If the network specified is in auto subnet mode, this field is optional. However, a subnetwork must be specified if the network is in custom subnet mode or when creating external forwarding rule with IPv6.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#subnetwork}
public string Target { get; set; }
- Type: string
The URL of the target resource to receive the matched traffic.
For regional forwarding rules, this target must be in the same region as the forwarding rule. For global forwarding rules, this target must be a global load balancing resource.
The forwarded traffic must be of a type appropriate to the target object.
- For load balancers, see the "Target" column in Port specifications.
- For Private Service Connect forwarding rules that forward traffic to Google APIs, provide the name of a supported Google API bundle:
- 'vpc-sc' - APIs that support VPC Service Controls.
- 'all-apis' - All supported Google APIs.
For Private Service Connect forwarding rules that forward traffic to managed services, the target must be a service attachment.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#target}
public ComputeForwardingRuleTimeouts Timeouts { get; set; }
timeouts block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#timeouts}
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Google;
new ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations {
string Namespace = null,
string Service = null
Name | Type | Description |
Namespace |
string |
Service Directory namespace to register the forwarding rule under. |
Service |
string |
Service Directory service to register the forwarding rule under. |
public string Namespace { get; set; }
- Type: string
Service Directory namespace to register the forwarding rule under.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#namespace}
public string Service { get; set; }
- Type: string
Service Directory service to register the forwarding rule under.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#service}
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Google;
new ComputeForwardingRuleTimeouts {
string Create = null,
string Delete = null,
string Update = null
Name | Type | Description |
Create |
string |
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#create}. |
Delete |
string |
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#delete}. |
Update |
string |
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#update}. |
public string Create { get; set; }
- Type: string
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#create}.
public string Delete { get; set; }
- Type: string
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#delete}.
public string Update { get; set; }
- Type: string
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeForwardingRule#update}.
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Google;
new ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
Name | Type | Description |
TerraformResource |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent |
The parent resource. |
TerraformAttribute |
string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
The parent resource.
- Type: string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetNamespace |
No description. |
ResetService |
No description. |
private string ComputeFqn()
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, bool> GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, double> GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
- Type: string
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
private string ToString()
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
private void ResetNamespace()
private void ResetService()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
string[] |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
string |
No description. |
NamespaceInput |
string |
No description. |
ServiceInput |
string |
No description. |
Namespace |
string |
No description. |
Service |
string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations |
No description. |
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
- Type: string[]
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
public string Fqn { get; }
- Type: string
public string NamespaceInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string ServiceInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string Namespace { get; }
- Type: string
public string Service { get; }
- Type: string
public ComputeForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations InternalValue { get; }
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Google;
new ComputeForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
Name | Type | Description |
TerraformResource |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent |
The parent resource. |
TerraformAttribute |
string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
The parent resource.
- Type: string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetCreate |
No description. |
ResetDelete |
No description. |
ResetUpdate |
No description. |
private string ComputeFqn()
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, bool> GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, double> GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
- Type: string
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
private string ToString()
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
private void ResetCreate()
private void ResetDelete()
private void ResetUpdate()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
string[] |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
string |
No description. |
CreateInput |
string |
No description. |
DeleteInput |
string |
No description. |
UpdateInput |
string |
No description. |
Create |
string |
No description. |
Delete |
string |
No description. |
Update |
string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
object |
No description. |
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
- Type: string[]
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
public string Fqn { get; }
- Type: string
public string CreateInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string DeleteInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string UpdateInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string Create { get; }
- Type: string
public string Delete { get; }
- Type: string
public string Update { get; }
- Type: string
public object InternalValue { get; }
- Type: object