title |
Plugin Repository Maven Interface |
You can download a plugin update from the plugin repository using a Maven interface available at https://plugins.jetbrains.com/maven
URL format is the following:
plugin_xml_id is an unique Plugin XML ID specified on the right of the plugin's individual updade page or in the plugin.xml;
version is a full update version;
channel is a release channel the update is published to (empty channel means default Stable channel);
extension is a plugin update package extension (.jar or .zip).
E.g. to download VueJs plugin version 1.0.1 you should send request at https://plugins.jetbrains.com/maven/com/jetbrains/plugins/vue.js/1.0.1/vue.js-1.0.1.jar.
Also, you can use Gradle or Maven to retrieve a plugin as a maven-dependency:
groupId is always com.jetbrains.plugins;
artifactId is pluginXmlId (pluginXmlId is specified as a Plugin XML ID parameter on the right of the plugin's individual update page);
classifier is a channel (empty classifier means default Stable channel).
repositories {
maven { url 'https://plugins.jetbrains.com/maven' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.jetbrains.plugins:<plugin_xml_id>:<version>@<extension>'
(please see parameters description above)