Create a Hyperledger Fabric test-network on KIND with fabric-operator.
Objective: provide crystal clarity to Fabric's MSP and certificate structures, focusing on the inductive construction of a multi-organization network.
The Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )
To run this sample locally, clone the git repo and follow the dependency checklist:
This scenario is slow but predictable. The focus in this example is not efficiency, but to demonstrate the construction of a multi-org network, highlighting a production-realistic scenario of running a Fabric network spanning multiple Kubernetes clusters, namespaces, or cloud-vendors.
In typical examples of constructing a fabric test network, the use of cryptogen
is highlighted as
an efficient and convenient mechanism to avoid complexities of CA bootstrap, node enrollments, and
the exchange of consortium MSP certificates as part of the channel configuration.
By contrast, this scenario sets up a multi-org Fabric network, illustrating a correct ordering of
CA initialization, node / admin enrollments, MSP certificate exchange, and channel construction
without the assumption of a central file system or volume mount. With minor modifications, this
example can be extended to use rsync
or an SSH protocol to exchange channel MSP for a network
spanning multiple, independent Kubernetes clusters. For convenience, this example allocates a
dedicated k8s namespace for each organization, running on a shared virtual KIND cluster.
For best results, start a new terminal for each organization in the consortium. (Imagine that each shell is running commands on behalf of the org's Fabric administrator.)
git clone
cd sample-network-multi-org
Create a KIND kubernetes cluster, * ingress, and local container registry:
just kind
Start the nodes in the network:
just start org0
just start org1
just start org2
Enroll admin, rcaadmin, and gateway users at the org CAs:
just enroll org0
just enroll org1
just enroll org2
just check-network
just export-msp org0
just export-msp org1
just export-msp org2
just create-genesis-block
just inspect-genesis-block
just join org0
just join org1
just join org2
Install asset-transfer version 0.1.4 with the Kubernetes chaincode builder:
just install-cc org1
just install-cc org2
export ORG=org1
export MSP_ID=Org1MSP
export $(just show-context $MSP_ID $ORG peer1)
peer chaincode query \
-n asset-transfer \
-C mychannel \
-c '{"Args":["org.hyperledger.fabric:GetMetadata"]}'
export ORG=org2
export MSP_ID=Org2MSP
export $(just show-context $MSP_ID $ORG peer1)
peer chaincode query \
-n asset-transfer \
-C mychannel \
-c '{"Args":["org.hyperledger.fabric:GetMetadata"]}'
When the org1 and org2 CAs are created, they include a bootstrap registration and enrollment of a client identity for use in gateway application development.
If the just show-context
commands (above) have been loaded into the terminal, the peer, orderer, and
CA certificate paths have been loaded into the environment.
In an org admin shell, load the gateway client environment for trader-typescript:
# local MSP enrollment folder for the org client user
export USER_MSP_DIR=$PWD/organizations/$ORG/enrollments/${ORG}user/msp
# Path to private key file
export PRIVATE_KEY=$USER_MSP_DIR/keystore/key.pem
# Path to user certificate file
export CERTIFICATE=$USER_MSP_DIR/signcerts/cert.pem
# Path to CA certificate
# Connect client applications to the load-balancing gateway peer alias:
export ENDPOINT=${ORG}-peer-gateway.${ORG}
- Compile the trader-typescript application:
git clone /tmp/fabric-samples
pushd /tmp/fabric-samples/full-stack-asset-transfer-guide/applications/trader-typescript
npm install
# Create a yellow banana token
npm start create banana bananaman yellow
npm start getAllAssets
# Transfer the banana among users / orgs
npm start transfer banana appleman Org1MSP
npm start getAllAssets
# Transfer the banana among users / orgs
npm start transfer banana bananaman Org2MSP
# Error! Which org owns the banana?
npm start transfer banana bananaman Org1MSP
# Tear down the network
just destroy
# Tear down the kubernetes cluster
just unkind