Loading dictionaries from files
err = i18n.InitFromDir(`en`, `/usr/lib/app/translations`)
if err != nil {
log.Println(`Dictionary loading error`, err)
Loading from map:
collection := DictionaryCollection{
"en": {
"section.sub_section": {
"key": "Translated field",
"fields.errors": {
"to_short": "Field too short",
"to_long": "Field too long",
"cz": {
"section.sub_section": {
"key": "Přeložené pole",
"fields.errors": {
"to_short": "Pole je příliš krátké",
"to_long": "Pole je příliš dlouhé",
err := Init(testDefaultLocale, &collection, "en", "cz")
JSON dictionary template
"errors": {
"internal_error": "Server error, please try again later"
"errors.user.signup": {
"username_to_short": "Username to short",
"form_min_age": "Minimum age is {min}",
"form_max_age": "Maximum age is {max}",
"form_min_length": "{field} minimum length is {min}",
"form_max_length": "{field} maximum length is {max}"
Using dictionary
package main
import (
const (
defaultLanguage = "en_US"
// Json dictionaries location
translationsPath = "/usr/lib/my_app/translations"
func main() {
err := i18n.InitFromDir(defaultLanguage, translationsPath, `en_US`, `cs_CZ`)
if err != nil {
log.Println(`Loading dictionaries error`, err)
userLang, _ := os.LookupEnv("LANG")
// Get translator for locale
tr := i18n.Get(userLang)
// Creating simple string
// Sample dict data:
// {
// "form.signup" : {
// "welcome" : "Welcome to registration"
// }
// }
strSimple := tr.T("form.signup", "welcome")
// Creating formatted string
// Sample dict data with arguments:
// {
// "form.login" : {
// "connections_limit" : "Hello, {name}"
// }
// }
strFormatted := tr.Tf("form.login", "connection_lost", i18n.M{"{name}": "John"})
// Creating simple error
errSimple := tr.ErrT("errors.connections", "connection_lost")
// Creating formatted error
// Sample dict data:
// {
// "errors.connections" : {
// "connections_limit" : "Connections limit is {count}"
// }
// }
errFormatted := tr.ErrTf("errors.connections", "connections_limit", i18n.M{"{count}": 50})
log.Println(strSimple, strFormatted, errSimple, errFormatted)
Using advanced errors with translator
package main
import (
const (
defaultLanguage = "en_US"
func main() {
collection := i18n.DictionaryCollection{
"en_US": {
"errors": {
"unknown": "Unknown error",
"errors.connections": {
"connections_limit": "Connections limit is {count}",
"form.signup": {
"welcome": "Welcome to registration",
"disabled": "Registration is temporarily unavailable",
"form.login": {
"title": "Hello, {name}",
"cs_CZ": {
"errors": {
"unknown": "Neznámá chyba",
"errors.connections": {
"connections_limit": "Limit připojení je {count}",
"form.signup": {
"welcome": "Vítejte v registraci",
"disabled": "Registrace je dočasně nedostupná",
"form.login": {
"title": "Ahoj, {name}",
err := i18n.Init(defaultLanguage, collection)
if err != nil {
log.Println(`Loading dictionaries error`, err)
userLang, _ := os.LookupEnv("LANG")
// Get translator for locale
tr := i18n.Get(userLang)
errAdvanced := i18n.NewErr("form.signup", "disabled")
log.Println(errAdvanced.T(tr)) // Returns string "Registration is disabled"
log.Println(errAdvanced.ErrT(tr)) // Returns error "Registration is disabled"
errAdvanced = i18n.NewErrWithCode(
i18n.M{"{count}": 50},
log.Println(errAdvanced.Tf(tr)) // Returns string "Connections limit is 50"
log.Println(errAdvanced.ErrTf(tr)) // Returns error "Connections limit is 50"