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250 lines (173 loc) · 7.49 KB

File metadata and controls

250 lines (173 loc) · 7.49 KB

CatastroDownloader 0.1.1



The goal of this library is to download the complete updated Catastro layers for a Province of Spain. Main benefits:

  • Can be parallelized to download several Provinces at once. Moreover, it can be configured to receive a mobile notification when finished.
  • It merges all the municipalities in one file while keeping the minicipality name as an attribute in order to use it as filter later on.
  • It creates a single file in .gpkg format where 3 layers are stored:
    • buildings
    • buildingparts
    • otherconstructions
  • It stimates the building height for eacch of the polygons (given a height of floor above the ground).


This packages has been tested in:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 with R 3.6.3
  • Windows 10 with R 4.0 + Rtools40

Install dependencies (libraries) in R:

# install libraries to install packages from github
install.packages("devtools"); library(devtools)


Before try out

Please, use this library using your brain. Download just what you need and avoid constant masive downloads as it will produce overload in public servers and this can lead to restrictions for the general public. So please, be kind with the service and let us all enjoy this data. For sure, don’t try parallel for masive downloads until you have checked that this is a useful tool to you.

Moreover, if you just need catastro for a single or a few municipalities, just use the QGIS compelemnt Spanish Inspire Catastral Downloader.

Spanish Inspire Catastral Downloader



Single Province download

Get the list of available Provinces in the Catastro atom service:


# set parameters
catastropush <- ""

# Catch Provinces Names in atom service

This is the list of provinces at 2021-01-28:

[1] “Albacete” “Alicante” “Almería” “Avila” “Badajoz” “Baleares” “Barcelona” “Burgos” “Cáceres” “Cádiz”
[11] “Castellón” “Ciudad Real” “Córdoba” “Coruña” “Cuenca” “Girona” “Granada” “Guadalajara” “Huelva” “Huesca”
[21] “Jaén” “León” “Lleida” “La Rioja” “Lugo” “Madrid” “Málaga” “Murcia” “Ourense” “Oviedo”
[31] “Palencia” “Palmas (Las)” “Pontevedra” “Salamanca” “S.C. Tenerife” “Cantabria” “Segovia” “Sevilla” “Soria” “Tarragona”
[41] “Teruel” “Toledo” “Valencia” “Valladolid” “Zamora” “Zaragoza” “Cartagena” “Gijon” “Jerez Frontera” “Vigo”
[51] “Ceuta” “Melilla”

If you just need to download the catastro for a single Province use this:

# Set parameters 
catastropush <- "" #url for the atom service
output <- "../00_Output/" #where the .gpkg file will be stored
tempdir <- "./temp/" #careful as all files inside will be removed
rpush = TRUE #if you want a notification when finished (RPushbullet must be configured before)
overwrite = TRUE #overwrite .gpkg if exists
Hfloor = 3 #set desired height for each floor above the ground

catastroprovince('Melilla', catastropush, tempdir, output, rpush = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE, Hfloor = 3)
Screenshots of generated files (.gpkg) for several excutions

Screenshots of generated files (.gpkg) for several excutions

To show some data within R

# show some data
file <- paste0(output, 'Catastro_Ceuta_2021-01-26.gpkg')
layer <- st_read(file, 'buildingpart')
Some example of buildingparts

Some example of buildingparts

Parallel process for several Provinces

Parallel process allows to download a list of desired Provinces with just one execution of the code. Must be taken into acount that there are slight differences between the process within Linux and Windows.

Parallel process for LINUX

# Set parameters 
catastropush <- "" #url for the atom service
output <- "../00_Output/" #where the .gpkg file will be stored
tempdir <- "./temp/" #careful as all files inside will be removed
rpush = TRUE #if you want a notification when finished (RPushbullet must be configured before)
overwrite = TRUE #overwrite .gpkg if exists
ncores = 16 #specify number of cores dedicated
Hfloor = 3 #set desired height for each floor above the ground

# Set list of provinces to download
provinceslist <- c("Zamora", "Vigo")

# Set parallel
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores, type="FORK")

# Execute function
foreach(i=provinceslist) %dopar% {catastroprovince(i,catastropush, tempdir, output, rpush, overwrite, Hfloor)}

# Stop parallel 

Parallel process for WINDOWS

# Set parameters 
catastropush <- "" #url for the atom service
output <- "../00_Output/" #where the .gpkg file will be stored
tempdir <- "./temp/" #careful as all files inside will be removed
rpush = TRUE #if you want a notification when finished (RPushbullet must be configured before)
overwrite = TRUE #overwrite .gpkg if exists
ncores = 16 #specify number of cores dedicated
Hfloor = 3 #set desired height for each floor above the ground

# Set list of provinces to download
provinceslist <- c("Zamora", "Vigo")

# Set parallel
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores, type="PSOCK")
clusterEvalQ(cl, library("CatastroDownloader")) # load libraries
clusterExport(cl, c('catastropush', 'output', 'tempdir', 'ncores'))

# Execute function
foreach(i=provinceslist) %dopar% {catastroprovince(i,catastropush, tempdir, output, rpush, overwrite, Hfloor)}

# Stop parallel 

Screenshots of the results


If you have previously configured rpushbullet you will get a notification in your devices when the process in completed.

Screenshot of Ceuta

Detail of Ceuta

Screenshot of Orense (somewhere)

Notes for the future:

  • May be a shiny app could be created (even using a selection with cursor both for Provinces and Municipalities)
  • Need of improvement in speed of execution (the most time consuming task is merging all the municipalities layers into one…) May be it could be parallelized internaly ? What would happend when the parallel process is also “outside”?
  • May be it is interesting to specified the desired CRS for the output.


  • When a province contains municipalities with different CRS’s, all the layers will be transformed into the most common CRS.