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When to use percpu

Do not use this module if you do not understand and fully accept the caveats listed in the README.

Percpu allows the programmer to shard a data type so that each CPU has a local shard. When code uses the data type, it can access the shard that is local to the CPU on which the goroutine is running.

(This is a simplification. In fact, the underlying entity is not really a CPU, but a logical processor -- a P, in the parlance of the Go runtime.)

This is a useful mechanism for a specific sort of scenario:

  • Many goroutines need to access a piece of shared state
  • That shared state may be sharded into independent values
  • The access entails high-frequency mutation of that shared state -- typically many thousands of writes per second or more
  • There is no straightforward way to give each goroutine its own shard

A classic example is a counter. Suppose many goroutines need to increment a counter at a high rate. An increment of an integer is very cheap, so as the workload scales up to multiple CPUs, the throughput will be completely bottlenecked on contention of the shared state (whether that is a mutex or whether the increments use atomics).

You can split up the counter into several different integers which may be incremented independently and then summed at the end.

Ideally, you should structure the code such that each goroutine has its own goroutine-local counter. Then each goroutine can compute its own sum with zero contention and no synchronization at all. At the end, you can sum them all up.

However, there are sometimes scenarios that don't lend themselves to this kind of design. For example, the goroutines may not be under the control of the code that runs on them and increments the counter (consider a high-performance server where the goroutines are created by the listening loop).

In this situation, percpu might be useful. It allows the counter to be sharded by CPU and then for each CPU-local counter to be incremented by each goroutine. This avoids all the contention without having to associate each counter shard with the lifetime of a goroutine.

Such a counter is implemented in this package as Counter. Unlike a mutex or a single atomic variable, a percpu.Counter scales linearly to any number of CPUs.

When not to use percpu

In contrast, let us consider scenarios where percpu probably doesn't make sense.

If the data type you're considering doesn't lend itself to being sharded, percpu is not applicable.

If you have a concurrent operation, but the rate at which you need to run it is 1000 times per second, percpu is not needed. You can simply use a mutex or atomics; the contention will not be an issue.

(By "contention", I'm referring to CPU cache contention on a shared variable. If your code takes a lock and then does something slow, such as talking to a database, then clearly the lock contention could severely bottleneck the program. But percpu is not the solution to that kind of problem -- instead, the structure of the code should be changed to avoid holding the lock for a long time.)

If your program creates N worker goroutines to do a task, runs them all, and then waits at the end, you don't need percpu -- simply give each worker goroutine a shard of the shared value.

If your workload is mostly reads and only occasional writes, percpu is probably not applicable (and you probably don't need to shard your data type at all). There are certainly pitfalls with this kind of workload if you rely on mutexes, but they should be avoidable with careful use of atomics; the problem is not the cache contention issue that percpu addresses.