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Project Setup

File metadata and controls

105 lines (88 loc) · 4.04 KB

Project Setup Guide 🍀


This guide is for setting up the project on a Windows machine.
If you're using a other OS, please contact us for specific instructions.

1. Clone the Repository

  • Clone the project repository to your local machine.

2. Install Python

  • Download Python :
    • Visit the official Python website: Python Downloads.
    • Download the latest version of Python for Windows.
  • Install Python :
    • Run the downloaded installer.
    • During installation, ensure the following options are selected :
      • Use admin privileges when installing py.exe
      • Add python.exe to PATH
  • This setup ensures that Python and pip commands are recognized in the command prompt.
  • Verify Installation : Open a new command prompt window and type :
    python --version
    pip --version
  • These commands should display the versions of Python and pip installed on your system.

3. Install Required Python Packages

  • To run this project, you'll need to install several Python packages.
    (The approximate download size is 500MB)

  • Packages :

    • PySerial For communication with the Arduino.
    • OpenCV-python For capturing and processing images.
    • NumPy For handling arrays and numerical operations.
    • TensorFlow For loading and using the MobileNetV2 model.
  • To install all required packages open the command prompt and run this :

    pip install pyserial opencv-python numpy tensorflow

4. Set Up a Code Editor

  • We recommend using Visual Studio Code. Download and install it or any other preferred code editor.
  • install these VS Code Extensions :
    • Python
    • Pylance
    • Python Debugger

5. Install Arduino IDE

  • Download and Install :
    • Visit the official Arduino ide website : Arduino IDE download.

    • Follow a YouTube tutorial if needed to set up the IDE correctly with your Arduino board.

    • Required Arduino libraries

      Easy MFRC522 by Pablo Sampaio

      HX711_ADC by Olav Kallhovd

      LiquidCrystal I2C by Frank de Brabander

      MFRC522 by GithubCommunity

6. Install XAMPP

  • Download and Install :
    • Visit the official XAMPP website : Download XAMPP.
    • This XAMPP provides a local web server environment for testing and development.

7. Start XAMPP Server

  • Launch XAMPP Control Panel:
  • Navigate to C:\xampp\xampp-control.
  • Start Apache and MySQL services.
  • Minimize the control panel. ( Because it needs to remain running in the background. )

8. Create a Database and Table in MySQL

  • In your web browser, access phpMyAdmin by navigating to http://localhost/phpmyadmin.
  • In phpMyAdmin, create a database named bottle_db and a table named user_data with the following columns:
    • name (VARCHAR)
    • value (INT)

9. View the Data on Webpage

  • Insert example data manually in the user_data table to ensure it is functioning correctly.
  • In your browser, navigate to http://localhost/display_data.php to view the inserted data. ( After verifying, delete the manually added data. )

10. Set Up Project Files

  • Prepare Web Resources :
    • Go to the Smart-Plastic-Bottle-Redemption-System folder, then navigate to Project Files.
    • Copy display_data.php and website_bg.jpg paste to C:\xampp\htdocs.

11. Upload Arduino Sketch

  • In the Smart-Plastic-Bottle-Redemption-System folder, go to Project Files\SmartRecycler.
  • Open SmartRecycler.ino in the Arduino IDE and upload it to your Arduino board. Keep the USB cable connected as it is required to run the Python script.

12. Run the Project 😍

  • Run Python Script :
    • In VS Code, open the project and navigate to Project Files.
    • Run the file to start the project.