Scrollbear is a tool that maintains the container scroll position when images loaded. Scrollbear is suitable in blog platforms where exist many photos and images. When images loaded, the scroll position will jump and cause a unfriendly experience. Scrollbear will trace the container height and maintain the scroll position when the images loaded and container height change.
** Since Google Chrome launch scolling anchor feature, there's no difference with or without Scrollbear in Chrome browser.
npm install scrollbear
<div id='scroll' style='overflow: scroll;'>
<div id='container'>
<p>long content</p>
<p>long content</p>
<script src='scrollbear.js'></script>
is the DOM where scroll bar exists (Normally is the container of contents), normally the direct child node of this target will be a DOM with really long content (such as the content of blog articles).
is optional. It is useful when images is lazy loading into your page. In such case, you can specify the placeholder of images. When images is lazy-loaded, the height of placeholder will change, and trigger the Scrollbear to justify the scroll position.
function will be called when Scrollbear detects container height changes and adjust the scroll position. The first param of callback
will be the target which height changed.
Install development dependency
npm install
npm test
Issues or PR are all Welcome!