You'll need to begin by following the installation instructions to set up your computing environment for this course. We'll be using Python 3 inside of Jupyter notebooks, along with a variety of standard libraries for working with data.
Once your environment is ready to go,
make sure the folder Tech Tools Tutorial
is in your course folder, under Part 00 - Setup and Review/00 - Setup
If you're on OS X or Linux, open up a terminal and type in
source activate neur299
and hit enter, then type
jupyter notebook
and hit enter.
If you're on Windows, open up a command prompt window and type in
activate neur299
and hit enter, then type
jupyter notebook
and hit enter.
A browser window should open up, and you should see a list of files.
Even though this is inside your internet browser,
it's actually a list of files on your own computer.
Navigate to the folder Tech Tools Tutorial
and open up the file
Using Jupyter Notebooks.ipynb
The homeworks and tutorials for this course will all be in this format, and this notebook contains a tutorial on how to use Jupyter notebooks.
The remainder of the notebooks in the folder describe how to use the other tools we'll be using in the course:
- the Python programming language
- the pandas data management library
- the seaborn plotting package
- the LaTeX typesetting language
listed in order of importance.
Reading through the first three tutorials (i.e., those on Jupyter, Python, and pandas) will help you prepare for the first section.